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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Only with a liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrat run economy could you have 8 million job openings and a rising unemployment rate at the same time. Guess that's what happens when the government pays people not to work.
  2. With as much of a sexist as you are, I wonder if your girlfriend understands that all she is to you is someone to fuck.
  3. Thanks for again demonstrating the depth of your intelligence.😏
  4. Last week in Congressional hearings Dr. Fauci insisted that it was necessary to wear a mask even after being vaccinated. Today, miraculously, Dr.Fauci and the CDC announced that there is no need to wear a mask if you have been vaccinated.
  5. She also joined with the Democrats to impeach Trump in an unconstitutional impeachment.
  6. Your brain is mush. You don't have the ability to think. All you do is repeat what your so called experts think. I don't believe you have had one original thought your entire life. 😏
  7. 70% of the country don't even know what the Biden agenda is, but eventually they will when it starts affecting their lives and they won't like it.
  8. Time will tell, won't it? Wouldn't be the first time a professional financial advisor was wrong. Too bad you need to rely on other people for all your thoughts.
  9. He can spin things all he wants. The truth is that all the government spending that Biden and the Democrats want will cause inflation. The market is almost always ahead of the game and reacts to the present and what it sees in the future.
  10. Not eating their own, just weeding out Washington D.C. establishment swamp dwelling rino career politicians who don't give a damn about the American people.
  11. You are so fucking left wing extreme yourself that you could never see how extreme they are, but the American people do.
  12. The way I see it, when consumption out paces production in an economy you get higher prices and shortages of products and services. That's what happens when an economic system provides money to able bodied people without requiring them to produce goods or services in return for the money. Looks like we are returning to the Jimmy Carter stagflation economy of the 1970s.
  13. It's beautiful to watch "woke" liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats fight among themselves.
  14. I'm surprised you and the Golfer are not trying to convince us that Barack Obama's mother was a Black woman, and that his father was from Chicago and not a citizen of Kenya.
  15. This thread became a joke as soon as you and the Russian agent comrade Golfer started posting your propaganda garbage. Since the two of you are jokes that's exactly how I intend to treat both of you.😏
  16. When speaking of extreme members of Congress this article conveniently left out the names of Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley and numerous others from the Democratic Party.
  17. Doesn't matter,Liz. You would have lost your position in 2022 anyway when Republican voters in Wyoming take you out in the primary election. 😏
  18. Good, because the volunteers would be Democrat Party hacks passing out campaign literature and telling people in line how to vote. Poll workers are allowed to bring water to people in line and voters are allowed to bring their own bottled water.
  19. Joe Manchin is one of the few halfway sane and honorable people in the Democratic Party.
  20. Looks like they're colluding with "Sleepy Joe" to stop the U.S. from using fossil fuels. Biden shutdown the Keystone Pipeline and the Russians shut down the Colonial Pipeline.
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