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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. People could pay rent and put food on their tables if the Democrat governor dictators would allow them to go back to work.
  2. Because members of ANTIFA are so deceitful that don't want anyone to know that they exist. ANTIFA members will probably show up dressed as Proud Boys and Trump supporters to cause violence and then be able to blame it on the Proud Boys and Trump supporters and the compliant news media be compliant in the deceit.
  3. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, and Patrick Leahey are prime examples of the walking dead in the U.S. Congress. Even AOC agrees with that statement.
  4. Speaking of brains, apparently when God was giving out brains you thought he said trains and since you weren't going anywhere you said that you didn't need any.
  5. More lies and fear mongering from you, little Antifa snowflake.
  6. But I know the type person you are from your comments. And I have no desire to know your fucking name.
  7. It appears the news media is now promoting Mitt Romney as the new leader of the Republican Party. Sorry Mitt, but your political career is over. The 74 million who voted for President Trump will never support you. When Mitt voted to support the impeachment of Donald Trump his political career ended.
  8. When Trump peacefully on his own leaves office on Jan.20 what will the golfer and bug eater have to talk about anymore? It appears that hatred of Donald Trump is the primary motivating force of their lives. Or are they so infected with Trump derangement syndrome that they will never be satisfied until Trump is put in prison and then executed five or six times?
  9. Your brain is so far gone that you have no idea what the truth is. You lied about living in rural America and you lied about seeing Trump supporters flying Nazi and Confederate flags. I actually do live in rural America and I see Trump supporters flying American flags and Trump flags.
  10. "Report says he told aides." More bullshit propaganda from CNN. The only source for this story are the people at CNN who made up the story.
  11. I hear most economic and military experts saying that China in the next few years will replace the United States as the number one economic and military power in the world while at the same time China is treated as an underdeveloped nation by the Paris Climate Accords. That designation grants them exemptions from environmental policies that are imposed upon developed nations. How logical is that?
  12. The high point of Joe Biden's presidency will be his inauguration. It will be all downhill from there, ending when he is impeached for financial corruption or removed through the 25th amendment because of mental incompetence.
  13. He knew what you were talking about in the first place, but he'll deny it because that's how he is. He was hoping you wouldn't reply to his comment so that he would be able to discredit you and your posts.
  14. The attorney general of every state is a member of a political party. The attorney general of New York promised in her election campaign that she would prosecute President Trump once he left office if she was elected. How fair and impartial is that?
  15. That changes nothing about the reality of what I said.The reason that millions of doses of the vaccine were ready for distribution immediately upon approval by government agencies is because the vaccine was mass produced before receiving government approval. No CEO of a major pharmaceutical corporation would ever produce millions of doses of an untested, unproven vaccine unless he/she knew that they would receive payment for those products. The Warp Sped Program guaranteed payment for those millions of doses of the vaccine. If Pfizer has yet to receive a penny from the U.S. why are people in the U.S. right now being vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine? Also, your source for the story is the New York Times which hasn't told the truth about President Trump for the last four plus years.
  16. If China invades Taiwan I wonder whose side the Biden Administration will take?
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