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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. When is the last time the AP said anything truthful about Donald Trump? Putin and Xi Jinping want Biden because they know he is a senile incompetent joke. China also knows that a Biden Administration will give China everything it wants with no opposition. Back to the policies of Barack Hussein Obama with the purposeful destruction of the American middle class by shipping more U.S. jobs overseas. The Chinese love Joe Biden. They feared Donald Trump.
  2. So you're saying the AMA is telling doctors to break the law? Then take it up with the AMA. I just reported what the AMA said.
  3. I can't believe Democrats are so upset because Trump won't concede when Democrat Stacey Abrahams still hasn't conceded her loss in the 2018 governors election in Georgia.
  4. Why should I site you sources, you wouldn't believe them anyway?
  5. Yeah, he'll probably be forced fly to his Florida estate on his own Boeing 757.
  6. Why should he say anything? If I were him I would just leave on Jan. 20. without attending the inauguration and without meeting with Joe Biden. I would give no legitimacy to a stolen election.
  7. No, Dems are just more corrupt. And they get away with it because the news media covers for them.
  8. Hunter's laptop emails, the FBI investigation, and the Tony Bobulinski testimony are made up shit? Only to people who refuse to see the truth.
  9. No way in hell are Democrats neo-liberals. Present day Democrats believe in free trade, deregulation, austerity, reductions in government spending, economic liberalism, and free-market capitalism? Apparently you don't know much about the present day Democratic Party. Also, Obama never intended to help the working class. In fact, he actively worked to wipe out middle class America, especially White middle class America who he hated and despised.
  10. Per Luciane.com News Forum posted on Dec. 14, "The American Medical Association, in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychlotoquine in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, giving physicians the okay to return to utilizing the medication at their discretion." I wonder how many people the AMA killed by preventing doctors from treating COVID-19 patients with Hydroxychloroquine?
  11. And Joe Biden takes money from his family's corrupt business dealings in foreign countries.
  12. Do you know how to read? I told you before that I was not even talking about them when I made the comment about "Any Republican being better than a liberal progressive socialist Democrat." But since you asked, I would definitely include Kamala Harris as being a liberal progressive socialist.
  13. But they are not false claims. Future investigations will eventually reveal the truth of those claims.
  14. You still don't even know what I was talking about. If you took time to read the comment that I was giving an answer to you would see that I wasn't talking about Joe or Kamala. I was talking in general about Democrats and Republicans.
  15. Why should he concede an election that was stolen from him? He should leave office on Jan.20 without ever conceding, and then continue efforts to expose the fraud that took place in the 2020 election.
  16. Why don't you read previous comments so that you know what I was talking about? I wasn't even talking about Joe Biden.
  17. Any Republican is better than a liberal progressive socialist Democrat.
  18. After Joe Biden is sworn in the truth of his corrupt overseas business dealings will start being revealed by the news media when Barack Obama gives the okay to toss Joe under the bus to make way for Obama's puppet Kamala Harris. Notice how the vast majority of Biden's appointments to his administration are Obama administration retreads? That's because the decision about who will be in Biden's Admin. are not being made by Biden. The decisions are being made by Obama people in Biden's transition team. Joe is just a temporary placeholder for Kamala Harris.
  19. Or he could pardon all the members of the Biden family in advance of all the crimes they will be convicted of.
  20. The Democrats are in the process of stealing the two Senate seats in Georgia right now by greatly increasing new bogus voter registrations and the Republican Secretary of State and Governor down there are so fucking stupid that they are doing nothing to stop it. When the Republicans who abandoned Trump complain about those elections being stolen I will laugh my ass off.
  21. When Trump announced the Warp Speed Program everyone in the news media said he was crazy and that it was impossible to develop a vaccine for covid-19 in less than a year.
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