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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Why would he admit he lost when the election was stolen by Democrat poll workers in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee? I suggest Trump leave office on Jan.20 without attending Biden's inauguration and without ever conceding the election.
  2. More facts about the Biden crime family corruption scandal are emerging daily.
  3. I have already accepted the fact that Joe Biden will be sworn in as president. But I also know that the election was stolen and that I will forever consider Joe Biden to be an illegitimate president.
  4. Why are Democrats so afraid of Trump's lawyers filing lawsuits? Are they afraid that one of the judges will actually allow evidence to be presented and witnesses to testify which will result in the Democrats' election cheating finally being revealed for the American public to see?
  5. Who cares what you say about me? Why would I ever be concerned about the opinion of an insignificant simple minded individual like you?
  6. You are the one rotting from the inside. Your irrational hatred of Donald Trump and a belief in liberal progressive lies is destroying you.
  7. Karl Rove, the Bush lapdog establishment swamp dweller. He's probably already working with Jeb Bush looking forward tot 2024.
  8. And where is this deprogrammimg to take place? In reeducation camps set up by the Democrats?
  9. And Canada will still be as fucked up as ever. At least Trump wasn't stupid enough to to train Chinese Communist soldiers like Trudeau and the government of Canada has.
  10. Might need that when Democrats try to put Trump supporters into reeducation camps.
  11. Hey Trump haters, on Jan. 20 Donald Trump will leave office and "Sleepy Joe" will take over as president until Barack Obama and Kamala Harris with the aid of the news media get rid of him. So what are you so upset about? The stolen election accomplished what you wanted, so why are you still so unhappy? Enjoy your stolen victory.
  12. You are the programmed robot. Programmed by the dishonest lying news media and Democrat hack politicians. From the incoherent way you write I assume you are not a U.S. citizen, and as such you have no idea of what is really going on in the U.S.
  13. But if that happened who would be left to pay taxes for all of your country's socialist programs, since all the hard working taxpayers would leave. All you would have left would be a bunch of takers with no givers to support them.
  14. Only because he shares your delusions. The blind leading the blind.
  15. You are one of the last people in the world that I need help from. Who the hell do you think you are anyway?
  16. The same old liberal mantra based upon the same old bs lies I've heard for over 65 years. You are the fool who has no idea of reality.
  17. You've got that a little backwards. It is the Democrats who want to obstruct people's rights. I do admit that the thought of a country without you and bugeater does appeal to me.
  18. Another attempt by you and the left to spread more lies about Trump supporters, you little lying ANTIFA scumbag. Was probably someone from ANTIFA or BLM who posted the comments to discredit Trump supporters.
  19. You see what you want to see, liar. You told two lies in that comment. You don't see those flags flown by Trump supporters and you don't live in rural America.
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