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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Maybe it's because they have no original thoughts.
  2. Based upon advice from the Pentagon Biden will also most likely get the U.S. military involved in the Syrian civil war which will result in more refugees for Europe and Germany. Trump's troop withdrawals from Afghanistan will also be halted by Biden.
  3. Trump was in the process of withdrawing American troops from Germany against the wishes of the Pentagon generals. With Joe Biden as president they will never remove U.S. troops from German soil. I hope that makes you happy.
  4. I think the root of the problem on here is that the vast majority of people on CC hate Donald Trump and believe that he is an evil person and a terrible president; and therefore,it is acceptable to totally ridicule, degrade and humiliate the man with gross comments, cartoons and videos. I see Trump as a good man and a great president, so I take exception with those attacks. When people attack me and call me names for supporting the president I return those attacks in kind. Thus the back and forth. I have also been called names and attacked for just expressing political opinions.
  5. I just reviewed the European General Topic thread. The first post to the thread was April 17, 2018 and the last post was December 4,2020. There are only 29 pages in total to that thread. My very first post to the thread was Dec. 2, 2020. So how have my posts caused people to not post comments there?
  6. I have never ever posted any links or gifs.
  7. Come in and hog part of it then.
  8. I'll make you a deal. You start listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, and NewsMax and I'll start reading your stupid left wing blogs.
  9. Wrong. He has produced them to several courts, but the partisan and cowardly judges will not allow the people who signed those affidavits to testify in court. The Establishment protects itself. Apparently Canadian tv doesn't allow you to see those witnesses testifying before the legislatures of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia. At this point do you think any judge wants to be the one who overturns the results of the vote in his state and thus may deny Joe Biden the presidency? Can you imagine how much hell would come down upon that judge. Even if Trump's lawyers present undeniable proof of fraud that changed the election outcome no judge is going to overturn the election.The bottom line is that the Democrats have successfully stolen a presidential election.
  10. Republican politicians had better wise up and grow a spine. If they do not contest and expose the fraud that took place by Democrats in the 2020 election they will pay the price in future elections. If the voting process is not cleaned up and people are not prosecuted for voter fraud Republicans will lose every future U.S. Senate and Governors race in states where Democrats control the major cities, because if not made to pay a price for cheating Democrats will do the same thing in future elections that they did in the 2020 election.
  11. Just hundreds of poll worker and U.S. Postal Service employees who judges will not allow to testify because the judges don't want to risk being attacked by the establishment and having their careers destroyed. Glad to see you think stealing a lesson is funny.
  12. I just saw a news story by "The Hill" on MSN saying that Senator Loeffler sidestepped a question about President Trump's claims of a rigged election in Georgia. If that is true I hope the Democrats in Atlanta steal her election just like they stole the election from President Trump. We don't need another Rino in the U.S. Senate who will give the Democrats everything they want in the name of bipartisanship just to buy favor with the news media.
  13. Barack Obama with his smile always reminded me of the lyrics from John Lennon's song "Working Class Hero". In the song Lennon wrote, "But first you must learn how to smile as you kill if you want to be like the folks on the hill." Capitol Hill?
  14. Meaningless words from a woman who was just as deceitful as her husband. They just did their dirty work and bullying behind the scenes. Like Barack Obama always speaking of his concern for the American middle class while at the same time promoting policies that he knew would destroy the American middle class and thus make them more dependent upon government for their economic futures.
  15. Maybe good advice. But that statement by Michelle was ONE BIG LIE. The whole phony Russia/Trump collusion hoax contrived by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama which actually sent innocent people to prison was "going high"?
  16. Another swamp dwelling establishment Republican who has probably never been right about anything. Let's see how the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump treat Republicans who turned against Trump. Might not be too good for them in future Republican primary elections. Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowskis' political futures in the Republican Party are finished.
  17. Democrats' idea of bipartisan government is for Republican members of Congress to rubber stamp every piece of legislation proposed by Biden and the Democrats. They want Republicans to help them to transform America into a socialist country. Unfortunately, there are enough Rinos who are stupid enough to do so.
  18. If Joe Biden becomes president I'm giving him the new name of "Illegitimate Joe".
  19. I'll continue to try to stop idiots like you and the rest of the Democrats from destroying this country. You still don't understand, do you? Americans' opposition to the liberal progressive socialist Marxist agenda of the Democrats goes on with or without Donald Trump. I will oppose you people until the day I die because you have nothing positive to offer America.
  20. Golfer, the man or whatever it, with no original thoughts. His whole thinking process is based upon the thoughts of other people.
  21. It's laughable to hear the left talk about a coup attempt by Trump when Obama's people in the intelligence agencies in combination with Democrats in Congress attempted for four years to overthrow the Trump presidency.
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