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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. KKK apartment is now occupied by everyone except KKK. I'm beginning to believe all three girls are preparing to leave RLC, maybe at the end of the year or February which would be 3rd anniversary of the apartment..
  2. I wish Kami would allow us to see the videos she watches when she masturbates like Kaley does. I think those videos could give us some insights into Kami's sexual fantasies. But not only does Kami not allow us to see the videos, she wears earbuds so that we cannot even hear them. Then again, maybe she is just watching some guy masturbate under covers.
  3. Actually the girls do more than say and write in their social media accounts. They show photos and videos of what they are doing, and I have yet to see them having sex on their Instagram Accounts.
  4. Kami would have had sex with two more guys in the apartment had it not been for the actions of the guys. Kami tried to have sex with the ex-bf from her hometown but he did not want to have sex in front of the cameras and asked her to back to his place, but Kami refused to go. Then there was the basketball player Kami brought home, but Kami kicked him out of the apartment when he became physically abusive before they ever made it from the kitchen to the bedroom.
  5. Hypothetical night out the apartment for Kami: She goes to a Moscow club to dance and have fun. She meets some guy she is sexually attracted to and at the end of the night asks him back to her apartment. On the way back to the apartment she informs him that she has video cameras in her bedroom which allow thousands of people on the internet to watch her have sex. The guy looks at her as if she is nuts and walks away.
  6. Alladino, why do you keep insisting that you know what the KKK girls are doing in their "private lives" outside the apartment, when in fact you know nothing about their lives outside the apartment? If you want to say that you feel, you think, or you believe that Kami is hiding her sex life outside the apartment, I can accept that comment; but when you present that assertion as fact I have a problem with that.
  7. If no one is allowed to comment on anyone else's comment, what the fuck is the "quote" option for on the CC forum?
  8. This is my last statement on this. If you want to say anything further on this I'll talk to you in the "Rants and Flame Wars" thread.
  9. You keep insisting that you know what Kami is doing outside the apartment How do you know that she is having sex outside the apartment? If Kami is not having sex anywhere then she is not hiding it, is she?
  10. Also, do you know, has Kami masturbated in bed since she started wearing the "Fuck Off" mask?
  11. Wonder if Kami is in the process of leaving the the Moscow apartment in a reverse of the manner in which she entered the apartment? She moved out of a bf's apartment to move into the RLC apartment, could she be leaving the RLC apartment by moving in with a new or old bf?
  12. In addition to withdrawing from the apartment, Kami has also withdrawn from social media. She has posted only 3 photos since November 19.
  13. If you had a gf that you really cared about and wanted to hold on to and you were afraid she would drop you if she knew that you had internet video cameras in your bedroom, would you bring her back to your apartment to have sex?
  14. Kamila never was completely sure why Egor ended their relationship. I've often wondered if the cameras in the apartment didn't in some way affect his opinion of Kami. If she does have a bf outside the apartment maybe she thinks the same way and doesn't want it to happen again.
  15. More chance I would believe you with translations than with no translations. Difficult to make up that type conversation in a believable manner.
  16. Share the translations and I might believe you. And if it is true,it could be that the guy she is having sex with does not want to do it on camera or it is some guy she wants a lasting relationship with and is afraid the cameras will scare him away or make him feel she is weird.
  17. You are convinced that Kami is having sex outside the apartment and you have absolutely no way of knowing that. I'm not happy that they don't spend more time in the apartment; but I'm not sure, according to you, what exactly they are suppose to be doing inside the apartment when they are there that would make you happy.
  18. Another problem with the roommates apartment is if the girls are going to have sex in the apartment, not only do they need to find some guy they want to fuck; but they need to find some guy who is willing to have sex in front of cameras with thousands of people watching him.
  19. Let's be truthful, what the people are complaining about is the lack of sex in the apartment. They like couples apartments because there is frequent sex, but to be honest when they are not fucking the couples apartments are just as boring as the KKK apartment primarily because we cannot understand what they are saying.
  20. But those girls are not real life.They are temporary residents in Barcelona who are there for the purpose of putting on a show for RLC cameras. It's totally different from KKK apartment where the girls are permanent residents of Moscow. They live and work in Moscow, plus they have friends and family members who live in Moscow. As a result,they spend more time outside the apartment than do the people in the other apartments.
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