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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I'll believe the translations when I see them. But I won't see them because they don't exist.
  2. You mean the translations of conversations that do not exist? In my opinion, if you won't show the translations then they don't exist. Just your imagination.
  3. When some CC member makes totally unsubstantiated claims about the girls sex lives outside the apartment why do you not admonish that person for those comments?
  4. Okay. Maybe if the girls spent more time in the apartment I would have something to say about the fucking apartment.
  5. I have said nothing about her location. Everyone already knows that she is a model, so what have I revealed that is a secret or confidential?
  6. I remember when Kami was in Barcelona in 2015 that she made a social media comment saying she was lucky that she had a career as a model that allowed her to travel and work at the same time.
  7. Think I may have figured out how girls pay for their trips. Noticed that a number of photographers who are in the same location where Kami and Kaley are on vacation have contacted Kami on her IG.
  8. If you ask RLC may be they would allow you to be the director for her sex scenes.
  9. More facts in my speculation than in the assertions about the sex lives of Kami and Kristy outside the apartment that have been made by others in this thread.
  10. They might be glad to do that until the Russian winter is over. Sort of like birds flying south for the winter.
  11. I've seen Kristy in love before, but it never seems to last very long.
  12. I really believe that RLC received many complaints about the lack of "activity" in the apartment similar to ones heard on this forum; and sometime prior to Kami and Kaleys' trip to Berlin RLC issued an ultimatum to KKK to "improve their behavior" in the apartment or their contracts would not be renewed. It was after their return from Berlin that Kami wore the "Fuck Off" mask and Kami and Kaley began spending very little time in the apartment. Also, I wonder if the hard crying session Kami had in the living room while talking to Katya had anything to do with what RLC told them? I think Kami and Kaley are not willing to "get with the sex program" and Kristy is. So I believe that Kami and Kaley know their careers as RLC tenants are over, so they no longer feel a need to spend time in the apartment.
  13. Doesn't make a lot of sense to wear a condom for sex and then swallow cum. Don't have to worry about pregnancy but can still acquire diseases.
  14. Looks like Kristy got tired of playing with the sons of rich Russian oligarchs and decided to go after the rich oligarch himself.
  15. I'm back to thinking trip is to Thailand. If so, I hope Kami remembered to take condoms this time. The last time she and Kristy went there the new found love of her life gave her an STD and she thought she was pregnant.
  16. From the clothes they packed I think this is at least a two week vacation. Wonder if Anna is traveling with them again?
  17. Did anyone see Kami pack bikinis? If not, they might be going to a warmer climate than Moscow, but not warm enough for the beach.
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