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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Rules are fine,as long as they apply to everyone,but selective enforcement is not fair.
  2. But Kami said Ben is the "god of sex". And so was Egor and the German dude in Thailand.
  3. Ben and Kami must be traveling to a non-tropical destination.Haven't seen Kami pack any bikinis.
  4. Kami is behaving more like someone going to a funeral than a girl going to meet her lover.
  5. What happened?Kami looks sad and her visiting girlfriend gave her what looked like a long consoling hug?Did Ben cancel Kami's birthday trip?Her birthday is Saturday and she hasn't started packing the suitcase.
  6. He has his own small business in the UK selling and installing fireplaces.I don't believe he has that much money.On previous trips they met at the place where they were going to vacation.This time they are to fly somewhere together,based upon their phone conversation.
  7. If Kami and Ben are to fly somewhere together for Kami's birthday,will Kami travel to the UK to meet Ben or will Ben travel to Moscow to meet Kami?
  8. From what I've seen of Kami,I think she would want a relationship that is more than that.
  9. That could be a problem for her.When Dima wanted to marry her she said that she wanted to live with someone for at least a year before getting married.
  10. If Kami's relationship with Ben becomes really serious Kami has some big decisions to make.Ben has his own business in the UK,so I don't think he'll be moving to Moscow.They haven't spent much time together,so they can't know each other very well.Does Kami take a chance and give up her RLC apartment and modeling work in Moscow in order to live in the UK with Ben?And if she does move to the UK,how long can she live there without marrying Ben?
  11. Thanks.Replay doesn't work on my computer. Wonder how that will work with her visa if she doesn't know where she is going?
  12. Is Kami flying to meet Ben?Is Ben flying to meet Kami?Are they both flying to meet each other?Or are they flying somewhere together?
  13. Kami just had a phone conversation with Ben,but I missed most of it.Did anyone else hear the conversation?I think they made plans to meet somewhere.I heard Kami say something about meeting at the airport.Conversation ended around 18:52.
  14. I don't know anything new.I did notice that Kami is watching the American sitcom on her phone again.I think she uses the sitcom to help with her English.Her birthday is Nov. 11,so let's see if anything happens with Ben on her birthday.
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