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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. i was looking at her on the table sayin i hope she DOESN'T fall!
  2. he should invite her back to b7 with him and holly!
  3. some peoples obsession with leora on this forum is really unsettling tbh!! i get it,she's sexy...i personally like her,but some are just obsessed!🤫
  4. Probably the thinning hair!! That or the Vladimir Putin body!
  5. Is this the same Paul some of you guys were so eager to see??? The same guy that's asleep while his woman whom he haven't seen in two years is on fire in the bedroom alone?!
  6. didnt take him long to "setttle in" at all!!
  7. i'm just here for the strap-on action...hopefully 🤞
  8. Whether he was there or not, seems to me that she has already wore him out!!
  9. we can't deny the fact that the guy has provided great entertainment in the past,but he crossed a line he should've never cross,really hope he is banned!
  10. OT gina and Bruno enjoying some time at the beach,can't believe she's still with that parasite!!!! maybe he's hoping she gets rich from her NFT she just launched! fucking dickhead!!!!
  11. she stopped him whenhe tried to take her pants off,she stopped him again when he tried to take HIS pants off!! she turned her head away when he pulled his cock out as well,soooooo not really convinced that it was him that cocked things up this time!
  12. Looks like the albino gorilla got a little action tonight! He's relentless, I'll give that to him
  13. What the fuck are they on though?? Pretty sure they've been up over 30 hours now!
  14. "Leora,Paul and their dog are together again" perfect title for the perfect love story! 😄
  15. Not seeing them, did Olivia leave?
  16. well she hasn't left prague! hopefully we get to see her on cam again,without smith of course!!
  17. and a happy new year to the newbies especially!!!😑
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