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Everything posted by FN

  1. the connection was really bad.. that might have been your issue!!
  2. the screen i stading in the living room.. don't give them good ideas on where to place it!
  3. i think i saved some of the stream, but i hope someone got the whole thing an will beat me to the uploading part.. :)
  4. i think your right!! now i do not hope that to many of your left the site :)
  5. I realize that i'm reaching for every possible reason that will lead to them getting back. My hope is that they put up the cover because someone paid a visit. Then realized one camera was not enough and had the whole thing turned off... And really cant figure out why they would cover that damn camera just before the whole thing i switched of.. it makes no sense unless they will be back later.. I Wish RLC would send out info when these things happen!
  6. I really hope that your right... But if "the Watcher" is right, i think they are gone... But your theory of the apartment going auto offline is very likely.. but the yellow blanket in the living room is still very strange... why would they do that?
  7. living room camera is covered.. nora is sitting in the bedroom... looking really pissed !!! is there anyone able to translate what they are saying?
  8. I was thinking about deleting it, but i'm handing the over to admin. remember that this forum hold the old scripts that use to give free access.. But i really think its a heavy spam to put it everywhere.. one post in the random category if enough IMO. Please let this end the topic in this string and use "random" for any further comments. thank you
  9. Better late than never.. Only one problem... sound is missing in third clip.. maybe somewhere in second 2 :( (The video links associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  10. i'v set up rtmp dump... hope it's working.. have been unstable lately... Any luck this time? yeah... but have to convert and since i'm at work for the next hour or so you guys will have to wait :) also. i havent been able to sound check... why do need to convert that? can't you just upload flv file that you got? its 280 mb and mediafire only alows 200 mb :( unless someone donates a better account..
  11. i'v set up rtmp dump... hope it's working.. have been unstable lately... Any luck this time? yeah... but have to convert and since i'm at work for the next hour or so you guys will have to wait :) also. i havent been able to sound check...
  12. I'm sure that all of your help is very appreciated here.. And since there are no actual rools here, we can only give comments if we think you could have done things different. So don't feel bad or not-welcome :) If you do not want to use the chat another option is to create a new thread. IMO if you start a thread, you own it and set the rules.. translation is always welcome :) keep it up :)
  13. i'v set up rtmp dump... hope it's working.. have been unstable lately...
  14. Nora just took a shower.. I was able to start the stream catch remote, but i won't be home to uploade in the next couple of hours.
  15. I'm a moderator, but i'm not going to ban anyone.. I'll leave that to admin. That said, i totaly agree with you.. In the last 20 pages maybe someone posted a couple of nice pictures.. well i'm never gonna now, i'm not reading through the hole thing!
  16. You think the girls are going out? i hope not... :(
  17. think she just neede to use the toilet :( Kinda glad i er can't se that :)
  18. JOJO. you still having trouble with bathroom cam? seems to be working here.. Though a havent seen any movement and it has no watch to indicate that it is working..
  19. Does anybody know what just happened? looked like there was an argument and the Elena left...
  20. Heres the hidden action.. :) (The video link associated with this comment is no longer available and has been removed).
  21. If you are reading camcaps.. put on hats :P
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