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Everything posted by merz28

  1. Moss might be overshooting his coverage with this one today. Might be a huge tease and blue balls. It will be good for him.
  2. lol garden workers walking by the window at B7 in the background 1:6 cam 15:44 could have had an eyeful.
  3. Is Nadia rolling on something again tonight? two nights in a row.
  4. Nadia is aware of it.......... she is just playing the sleepy card so she doesn't look like a cheap lady......... she eventually woke up and moaned a few times.
  5. OT Wolf forgot that tub was running and it flooded their restroom in B7
  6. The old stall tactic now in the restroom. Take forever in the restroom freshening up hoping the dudes fall asleep and lose testosterone
  7. Just continue with what makes you happy.... you're hilarious and love you being real.
  8. Yep great first meeting. I am sure they have never met before. Totally random.
  9. Blame it on Sara she is not feeling well. Kissed the non-Hygentic lady........... It will get ya sick everytime.
  10. Well here ya go. They both are home right now. See if the fireworks start. Sorry spoke too soon.......... Did not see Nadia leave.
  11. I see Wolf has very important work to attend to on his smartphone while on a bed in B4
  12. OT Wolf just finished jerking the stick. No bullets left in his chamber.
  13. Did Sara just tell Mosso that either she or Nadia had a UTI infection?
  14. Seda is very thirsty. Has gone down and guzzled 5 glasses of water each time 2 trips in the last 10 minutes........interesting.
  15. Wow Seda so much pent up drama and only been there a few days and no one has really talked to her.
  16. Have you noticed or something that annoys me............. When these women talk every 3rd work is laugh, laugh and laugh. seriously is every fucking thing spoken of so fucking funny. Just have a normal conversation and no need to raise your voices like everyone is a damn comedian.
  17. Zaba so excited to be back on RLC that she won’t even spend her first evening in her room. Get use to an empty room folks, gonna be a rerun of empty beds I have a hunch.
  18. The tick and weird dude need to hook up together or get out of the room they are annoying as hell.
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