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Everything posted by merz28

  1. I agree.........should be an all exclusive apartment with open bar........... we all know when we go to all exclusive vacation resorts we all drink more and party harder right. They would be less likely to leave if that was the case........ Hell we all know our memberships would pay for the booze.
  2. jeez the one twin has on mega platform shoes.................. I would be defiantly short if I went on a date with her.
  3. Yea I am concerned that we are going to have to see how the twin left with Irma and Jess progresses since she is the less outgoing one. Baby steps
  4. This fella is such a goober he is funny. He is not going on a date with the twin because he did not even know their names or how to tell them apart............in my humble opinion
  5. kinda defeats the purpose for one twin to put on cloths if not the other................Its like getting a preview without the other one getting to their underwear....lol
  6. I just wished RLC took Prepaid gift cards as payment.................that way there was not a paper trail to the significant other
  7. alternative motives the other night when she was at B1 party when it was heating up and she pulled the plug by the tree.
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