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Everything posted by Stormshaedow

  1. I don't think Eva wants another guy to fuck her... She likes girls... and Sam...
  2. Hey Rock (not adding the last part, sorry... ). I honestly don't expect anything from the apartments... I really do watch for the interactions. I'm not opposed to any of the sexy stuff that happens, but I don't expect it either. My problem i s people stating as fact things they couldn't possibly know as fact... I also don't think the girls are angels, but don't think they are street hookers either... I welcome different opinions, but for me it stops being opinion when you say the same thing over and over and over again, even when shown that you're wrong... that just obsession and trolling in my book... ymmv
  3. I get tired of people spouting nonsense to start trouble... I couldn't care less what you think of the girls... And I still see that you are making up shit...
  4. I honestly have no idea of what you are talking about... as best I can understand, you are makiing up things that NOBODY said, the accusing them of being unrealistic... That's either delusion or willful trolling... either way, get help...
  5. Only pathetic thing here is the guys making shit up that they can't see, to make us try to believe that these girls are evil incarnate... I don't think anybody here thinks these girls are "innocent", but they way some of you carry on about how they're here to rape and pillage our wallets, and so on... just wow...
  6. I can. Did you see the angry way one twin fed the other, and then that twin angrily wiped a piece of food from the side of her sister's mouth? Things look to be going south fast... I mean really...
  7. I've had that guy blocked before I ever posted here... He's living proof that there is no fool like an old fool... He only posts to stir up trouble and bring everybody else down, because he's butt hurt about some perceived wrong that RLC did to him way back in the Pliocene Epoch... I've never seen a useful comment from him...
  8. They might have, they might have not, either way it is speculation and the butt hurt about being disappointed in the girls actions, would be funny if it weren't so sad...
  9. HOLY SHIT! You people are fucking ridiculous! Did you see money change hands?! Did you hear anyone talking about prices?! No? THEN YOU ARE SPECULATING! Just wow!
  10. Seeing the way Nita just ripped Vic's panties off, I think you guys are misjudging how "innocent" she is... lol
  11. I don't know... Twins... Double the flavour, double the fun... Wrigley's Doublemint Gu... whoops...
  12. No worries, I kinda figured that it was something like that in the first place... the main reason I commented on it in the first place, is because sentiments like those tend to feed a negative tone here, and it can spiral out of control... tl;dr - We're good! =)
  13. Everybody has their biases, including me... I just think people should take a step back and try to look at things more objectively sometimes... The way I see it, if you don't like some of the girls, that's your prerogative, but try to separate your dislike from blaming them for imagined slights... Anyway, that's my $1.02 worth... lol
  14. How are the twins stuck up? They don't know Sher. They seem to like her well enough, but they don't know her... I'm baffled by what you guys expect? Do you all expect the girls to be all BFFs instantly? It generally doesn't work that way in real life... any version of it...
  15. The twins have known Sher for all of a week, I don't think them not falling over themselves to comfort Sher, speaks to any lack of empathy on their part... And it seemed like they were trying to cheer her up...
  16. OK. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that Leona is not stuck up, but she doesn't really know how to relate to the other girls, and they are intimidated by her looks... Even from Nita I get that vibe... Am I off base?
  17. In a word? Nope. Longer explanation: While some of the bating and such might be nice to see sometimes, I like seeing the social dynamics (or lack thereof...), that's why I like RLC... anything else there are literally thousands of sites out there that cater to whatever else people want to see...
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