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Everything posted by Stormshaedow

  1. It's very common everywhere. It's a trope all on its own... people are just trying to find anything they can criticize RLC for... even when it's the tenants making their own decisions... ๐Ÿ™„
  2. Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think you know the meaning of the word debunked... you presented opinion and wild conjecture... then when presented with actual facts and data, you moved the goal posts and gave even more opinions and conjecture and tried to pass them off as facts... when you have presented no backing data, except for your "gut feeling"... Until you can back up your theories with... something objective... I don't think you're going to get a lot of traction...
  3. She also initiates the getting naked and feeling up at least half the time, but I don't want to bring too much reality into the conversation... people get upset when their bubbles are burst...
  4. You're assuming a lot about what you think I was watching for, especially when I told you that I like seeing them have fun together... they joke around, talk about what's going on in their lives, have pillow fights, sometimes stupid silly, non-sex related fun... and yes, sometimes even "shows"... Damira and Fiby do a lot together besides "put on a show", that fact that you only see shows says more about your viewing habits than their relationship... which is why I also said, ymmv (your mileage may vary...)
  5. Not seeing how anything you just said refutes what I said... My point was they enjoy each other's company, regardless of whether people on this forum do or not, has no bearing on the fact that they do... and I like seeing that... if you don't... you do you...
  6. Damira and Fiby balance each other out. I like that about them... I like seeing them together... And they seem to have a genuine friendship... I don't want to only see "shows" I like seeing the other side of the tenants as well... especially when the seem to actually enjoy each other's company... not just doing it for the hustle... ymmv
  7. Just putting this out there... I want a new Roommate apt with Damira and Fiby... that is all...
  8. Maybe because, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but just hear me out... Maybe, just maybe they've developed an actual friendship and enjoy each others company? I know, right?! ๐Ÿคฏ
  9. How old are some of you people? Serious question. Because while not young, I have personally met on more than just a "few" occasions, couple who swing... and were not shy about it either... also people with "open" marriages as well... it's more common than you all seem to think. And Barcelona, where the GoV apartments are, is a party city, like Ibiza, Cancun, Daytona Beach, Lake Havasu, etc... I mean Spring Break is a trope in America for a reason... I wonder sometimes what color the sky is in your worlds... ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ
  10. You guys must work for IMAX, because the amount of projecting on this board...
  11. For some reason as I was reading this board, I kept thinking of this song... I'm not sure why... ๐Ÿค”
  12. Do you mean Amy? I am not aware of Megan ever being disliked... she was one of the originals that kicked off the Barcelona apts... ๐Ÿค”
  13. I'm not claiming they are the most entertaining, they are far from my favorites... just saying that claiming nothing will ever happen is some revisionist history... the main reason the B's got popular is because of the parties and other things that happened right after B2 opened... Personally, I'm good with watching the parties to see that one time someone goes too far/further than planned... I find THAT entertaining...
  14. If having penetration sex is your litmus test, then you have some unrealistic standards... And a lot of people on here will scream "Omigod! RLC has become VHTV!!" Those same people are also the same ones who will scream "Omigod! They are so boring! They never do anything!" That last was a general statement, not directed at yours, even though I replied to you...
  15. Please explain what happened between Amalia, Chris and Daniela... or Jenn, Frank, Amira and Karina... or Karol and her BF... etc... No worries, I'll wait... ๐Ÿคจ
  16. And... thanks for proving my point... People on this board: Everything they do is fake, we don't pay for them to fake stuff!! Also people on this board: They're not putting on the show I want, I don't pay them to not put on a show!! But I've said my piece, so...
  17. The only idiots I see aren't in Barcelona... you people must have led some boring lives if you've never been around parties like this... ๐Ÿคจ
  18. Or they were asking if she was going to watch the soap opera they've all been watching, the same time every night, together (as they always do...)... but what do I know... ๐Ÿ˜
  19. Went as predicted? Really?! Well if you predicted the events of this week, I hope you play the lottery as well... ๐Ÿ˜
  20. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but... now hear me out... Maybe, just maybe we give the girls at least a week before we (and by we I mean you people...) run them down, let alone less than 24hrs... I mean maybe they turn out the same, maybe worse... or just maybe they might be better than sliced bread... just sayin...
  21. I pray to God every day to let me see one less pussy before they start all looking the same... I think I'm safe for a while... ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  22. A pattern doesn't automatically point to fault. There could be many reasons, but all I have seen from this board is blame for Mila anytime she does something... She hangs out with Sera and it's her fault for associating with her, she doesn't hang out with Sera and it's "See! she did something to make them not friends again!", She avoids Bea and it's her fault again... Of course you're not the one saying all of this, which is why I didn't reply to you directly, but since Mila has come here this time, people on this board have held her to some impossible standard of how she should behave... rather than just watching and enjoying what they like and NOT watching what they don't... it's off putting...
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