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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And some few more comments as i have no replay to confirm and was waiting for it ( had to check if the package was a freshly acquired dildo which was immediately used 😂🤣😉 ) .. so , I think she is one of the few Barcelona tenants that anything that is happening watching her and the way she progresses , it is like confirming my theory that someone in Barcelona ( Serafima ? ) contacted her and told her “ look , there’s a job for you , you just need to live in an apartment with cameras and you will get paid for it “ and she simply accepted without knowing anything more . I can’t also think another tenant then entering a Russian apartment without a dildo , after some weeks she has just realized what needs to be done for even more viewers attractions , which makes me reach my final conclusion with this post , the woman simply loves to be watched , if I remember the English word , she is an exhibitionist 🤨 , I think she simply gets crazy with the idea that they are watching her , I think she has seen the differences each and every time she did something more in front of the cameras and today , just some minutes ago , she went to the next level .. and she didn’t think of “prime times “ bating with the camera towards her and not backwards , having her legs spread open and making it a show . I will call it a “ learning process “ dildo masturbation first with herself before she proceeds doing it facing the camera and all the similar staff . Excellent and well done and only bravo from me for a great sensual moment 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( the smile at the end , the locking of the door because she was afraid that someone will enter , small details which made it exceptional to watch ☺️ )
  2. History is made in B1 then 😎😎😋 An incredible transformation from Radislava , we need to thank her for the contribution , these baby steps each time have the greatest fantasy for the voyeur .. even this dildo trying use is incredible sensual ( like she has never tried before 🤔 ) .. well done 🥳🥳🥳🥳🤗🤗🤗🤗
  3. Let’s say I agree with many of your points . One question that no one is answered is the following ... You have the man you like and love ( as people say here ) , a dog that is so precious to you and we all know how close we can be with our pets and treat them sometimes better than our children , you have developed business out of the sight in case RLC is over one day , in general , you have a quiet , peaceful and happy life .... why so easily and within a month’s ( perhaps less ) period you decide to destroy all ? You leave behind a “ supposedly “ perfect life for what ? To be naked in front of cameras , masturbate and tease the men’s world ? Seriously ? You abandon a life that keeps you and has you happy because your employer asked you to ? And you don’t take time to think about it and within one month you pack and move to another culture and civilization ? I could understand perhaps if she was moving to Moscow and figure out a way to transmit from there with RLC .. but Prague ? Under which background ? Why then not Barcelona where she could have also the “ help “‘of other fellow Russians and also Barcelona being more glamorous ? Anyway , my point is that you expect from a person that grows up to think wiser and better .. apart from the money that she has gained , all the rest of her world is demolished in my opinion . Check her body , her sleeping schedule , her eating schedule , has it worth it ?
  4. So many people feel so sure of what they say here , they swear at times , they say “ trust me “ and “ believe me “ at times , so , I will not reveal my sources 😂🤣😆🤪 I can say though that if you zoom when you watch the live feed from a tablet when she writes and check the mirror , lots of info can be revealed 🥳🥳😏
  5. I have also inside info now of what Radislava is writing at het diary , don’t ask me how 😂🤣😝😝
  6. Thanks also for good words my dear friend 😇
  7. Dear diary 📔 “ It’s been a month I was offered a job that my only obligation was to pack a suitcase and enter an apartment that I would meet 2 other roommates ( colleagues ) , make myself comfortable and try to “ work “ with cameras following nearly all of my moves for all the time I am inside this apartment .” ” In the beginning , I was too skeptical and wasn’t actually thrilled with that , but during a period that humanity faces a stupid pandemic and so many people have lost their jobs , I thought it would be a great opportunity having one and obviously an income . In the process , I realized that the more I was getting comfortable with being followed by cameras and knowing that some thousand men ( and women 😉 ) eyes have been tuning when I was taking my fitness sessions , I decided that it wasn’t necessary anymore to wear clothes and practice naked . Since then , I saw a very big increase in my income and realized that I am very much “ desirable “ to men watching “ ”Dear diary , my next entry will be in the next couple of weeks when I am ready to describe more of my adventures in which I can write about some things I have discovered happening to me and my body when I take showers and put the shower head between my legs ... 😁 “
  8. I hope admins are ready for the expected traffic with our favorite mysterious and controversial FG 😉🙃 and the #10 is already fixed
  9. Very nice and tensed bate from Amalia , lack of sex is getting more obvious for any of these girls as the days go by 😳
  10. References of having a party , it is indeed a bit scary as no social gatherings are allowed anywhere in Europe , it would make it even worse if it is one of these famous “ wealthy secret parties and location “ that you get a whatsapp invitation to attend and so on .. anyway , let’s hope that it is something with all right precautions taken and nothing illegal at all ☺️
  11. It is also the same now with C&C and L&A , they are many times walking almost half naked .. I think the fact that P&T are lesbians , was also a reason for Lucian not being bothered or for the girls to walk bare tits .. in any case , I prefer to see normal reactions than having everyone walking naked and in a way breaking all common co-living and sharing sense rules ☺️ plus , we have seen the girls thousand times naked , asking or wondering why not doing it in front of Bogdan , I think it is because everyone wants to see how Bogdan’s reactions will be 😉
  12. There are people here at the forum that speak with her and know better than any of us more details , we are here to talk of what we watch , observe and at the end make our own conclusions . Except the people who speak with her here , no one knows what’s happening outside of the apartment , it is all speculations for everyone here that posts . So , I personally don’t know more than you and I just state since many months what should happen in this apartment in my opinion for a better and healthier life .. and then also fans are happy I believe because we will see the girl we like happy as well ☺️😇
  13. There are people here at the forum that speak with her and know better than any of us more details , we are here to talk of what we watch , observe and at the end make our own conclusions . Except the people who speak with her here , no one knows what’s happening outside of the apartment , it is all speculations for everyone here that posts . So , I personally don’t know more than you and I just state since many months what should happen in this apartment in my opinion for a better and healthier life .. and then also fans are happy I believe because we will see the girl we like happy as well ☺️😇
  14. We can post anything we want here and we are maybe right or wrong with anything , but deep inside , everyone here who either likes her or not , support her or not , simply knows out of common sense that this life choice she is currently dealing with , it is a mistake . Everybody here knows this , we can’t do anything if Leora either she can’t understand it or she doesn’t want to understand it or she believes that it is all fine and we are all stupid here ( that we are obviously since we care for her more than she does for herself 😂🤣 ) and nothing needs to be changed and she will just “ live and die “ with her decisions . The most disturbing thing though in my opinion is that her best friend and roommate isn’t “waking “ her up or trying to put some sense in her mind like “ hey , what the hell are you doing with your life “ and she is also carried away with her own bubble fake loving story and she doesn’t also understand that she is copy / paste a mistake life . It is beyond my guessing then how someone can put a “ bubble life “ over her health when repeatedly you know that something doesn’t feel right .. therefore , the color and the feeling of money with anything that offers ( especially if this money is acquired so easily and without any “ real “ sweat ) changes everyone as we know snd this is what has happened here in my humble opinion ☺️
  15. She’s so many months struggling to keep a life based on lies , it is unthinkable that she doesn’t know that this can’t last forever , everyday that goes on like this , it simply gets worse . That’s why her health has been affected , her body change has been affected , her daily habits have been affected ( sleeping with breaks - hardly ever waking up before pm - eating at stupid times and so many more little details ) , everyday she “ destroys “ herself because she is there ( Prague ) now for almost 1,5 years and she hasn’t figured what she wants with her life . For all of us that love her , it is a sad image 😒😔
  16. The week starts with good news then , this was not fun anymore since a very very long time , wise decision . Let’s hope that next casting is better and the place won’t keep on being cursed .
  17. As we said recently , all the records that are currently set due to the virus , will be staying for a long time , if they ever beaten , that I honestly doubt 🥳
  18. Very predictable what happens , the more the lies continue , the more it stays like this , where is the surprise ?? ... we are saying this since when ? September ? October ? And we are the people who don’t support her because we say the truth 😂🤣
  19. I think it is a way of respect of how they are inside the house , they could be all the time bare tits and so on as you say , but imagine if we are living with female roommates , we see them all the times topless at the beach , but inside the house they wear their t-shirts or bras like the unwritten “ savoir vivre “ rules ( if you have this expression ) 😬
  20. We have Luna for this ... 😏 As i said , RLC from adult entertainment is transforming to open university 😂🤣
  21. Which actually can benefit them , Martina could try read Russian to Nelly and Nelly Spanish to Martina .. we could then thank RLC for the endless education .. gym sessions from Radi for free , language Spanish and Russian lessons from N&M for free .. not bad 😂🤣
  22. I agree , they had also half naked pool sessions if I remember correctly when they entered the villa and they could still swim in September when the weather was still warm .
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