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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Lacrim keeps on whispering more and more .. he becomes more and more hatred ..
  2. Even Tani invited Dylan to take a taste on Aziza .. it seems that his skills have been made their way on the villas gossip environment .. Tani got a first hand taste together with Aya .. they had him where HE wanted .. amateurs 😂😁
  3. Lacrim doesn’t know what to do to get some attention 😂🤣
  4. Dylan make EVERYONE more jealous showing how he makes his skills …
  5. Lacrim plays Tani , he must have lost his mind really 😂🤣
  6. They could make who is the “ bigger dick “ contest 😏😏😏🤪
  7. It seemed that Bogdan and Nelly received a message around 03:37 and Nelly first woke up and then Bogdan followed .. i didn’t see him in B4 , maybe it was to lock the garage ?Maybe the extend use had RLC get angry and asked him ( Bogdan ) to take care of the issue ?
  8. I saw Dylan and Aziza burying the hatchet , satisfied personally 😆
  9. Tani plays it the experiences and senior one , Lacrim plays it Loraine whispering 😂🤣 karma is a bitch and the winners are Dylan and Aziza 👏👏👏
  10. She’s your favorite because there’s no one else at the moment .
  11. The mood has changed completely since 5 minutes .. no more screams , smiles , fun … who knows , maybe RLC and after the stupidities recently across RLC apartments , they monitor better bad behaviors that could escalate ..
  12. Tani is trying the whole night to justify her presence as a tenant .. too bad that the majority here don’t seem to agree with her tactics .
  13. It gets more intrigued , Lacrim tried to say to Dylan as well .. it is for sure something RLC related at Aya’s phone .
  14. Hmm … Aya thoughtful sharing her mobile to Lacrim and Tani , seems related to what’s happening according to facial and body reactions ..
  15. Aya might be showing Lacrim the CC comments against him … hopefully .
  16. Lacrim has a mythical slippery dive while trying to embarrass Dylan who was fucking Aziza on a chair at the pool of B4 … epic failure , I am sure the replay will be shared in the next hours 😁
  17. And now Lacrim he caress Tani .. his situation is worse , he will end up this time in the LR asleep like a couple of weeks ago in Harley’s room drunk while Dylan was tasting Ulyana 😆
  18. Let’s see if he ends fucking both Aya and Aziza and Lacrim ends up masturbating 😆
  19. The Master rested , got sober and now he will take his revenge …
  20. He is local and they can’t find others at the moment .. as a guest that was fucking Harley , he seemed ok , but as a tenant here and since he joined the cameras officially , he will soon hold the price of the worst male tenant ever .. he has surpassed Anthony , there’s only one guy who I can remember being worse , his name is Maksim ex or still boyfriend of beautiful Leia .
  21. Lacrim in B7 trying to open a glass of wine with hopes to manage Aya tonight 😂🤣
  22. I think this must be the first ever male tenant that the majority hates since the B7 was introduced and we got males as tenants .. the hatred he gathers more and more each day , says it all .. for someone who has - as he said and was posted here - someone dying at any moment , I don’t see him very sad or sad at all . Except if he hides it in such events and moments .
  23. I enjoy the content presented to me and I am not with the diary next to me ready to archive one more “ groundhog moment “ whenever this happens …
  24. And for the ones that want to write to RLC and complain , it should be the insane amount of time off cameras inside the place they live ( garage ) , this should be either forbidden with a key to lock the door that only one carry ( Bogdan ? ) or reduce the amount there , ridiculous .
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