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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I agree totally , the recruitment after middle of June has been not only terrible , but highly speculating , it seems that RLC faces problems on people who are part of the employees off cameras … They have an apartment in Barcelona that was raid by the police , most probably still belongs to them and they can’t find people to get it back online ( except if this isn’t anymore an option ) . They have one more place in Czech Republic and they can’t find tenants to bring inside and have it back online . In my opinion , they did a really great job back in April , they brought some really great character everywhere , then suddenly after middle June it started collapsing . Aziza , Gloria , Ashley , Wendy , Azura , Ulyana , the amazing girl in B2 , one by one decrease of quality and expectations . It can’t just like this from the extreme fun and laughs and good villas aura to reach the current level of hiring locals just to fill in beds and not with a previous “ scouting” of sorts to prove to be worthy to join the cameras world . Nobody will take the idea from my mind that something has happened , my “ extreme speculation “ is the money of course , the tenants simply stop being happy with what they get and abandon the will and mood to do things on cameras.
  2. First off , many congratulations from my side , taking the time to observe and recap and of course , to prove with the power of images what seemed to be obvious at that time , but the replay definitely helps the confirmation , bus respect to you for your post 😊 I consider Lacrim one of the worst male castings we have seen for the villas , perhaps even the worst because whatever they were the two guys who left quite fast , the ( possible gay/ bisexual ) and the “ quite extra kilos “ guy ( not much time to look good friend’s Noldus list of tenants ) , they had at least good relationships with the majority of the tenants .. He is a mess in his mind on how to do things , immature in my opinion ( yes , he is a “ child “ ) but whoever we have seen joining , definitely they are young but have an idea of certain life things that need to be done . It is funny to read the “ rage “ of anti Dylan comments when as I said he has nothing to prove , if the girls become problematic and have personal issues ( see Gloria and Aziza ) , he easily socializes with new ones , the ongoing “ opening “ to B1 with Megan , Sambuka and Shantal proves all I believe . Lacrim is wondering around , trying to flirt and imitate Dylan in succeeding having in his bed any tenant , but he is failing one after the other , except Sambuka who has been playing with him and - in my humble opinion - , she was just trying to see what her good friend Harley saw on him .. yes , he has/had Harley , but again , I think she just uses him for camera reasons and to fill in the absence of sex when she’s hungry . Other than that , the visitor who clearly seems to like him , he is all “ roses and hearts “ in front of her when she’s there , as soon as she leaves , we see how he is .. anyway , he has his fans and is respected but he is a “ child “ and this is how he is seen by me .
  3. You are the only one who still enjoys Oks . All are predictable and nothing comes because she’s sexually horny or lack of sex .. I could make a poll and the results would be that she’s “ A DO NOTHING GIRL “ by a high majority but for you , even knowing the number of masturbations that a complete unsocial and unsuitable for the villas person has made , it shows the size of your addiction . We all watch for our own reasons , but I think yours being to count the masturbations , it is unique .. and they are only added when they satisfy your “ personal tastes “ , otherwise they are fake and stupid .. Oks is Leora style , always at the same place facing the cameras without any passion , just to justify the opportunity and call she for from RLC to come to the villas again and bring a friend . As we mentioned when she returned , a big RLC failure .
  4. Yet here you are answering to me , why do you monitor here since you don’t like the content you are watching ? There’s always Leora’s topic for all heartbroken souls to admire her beauty and 10 years anniversary with RLC , maybe you can try to share he same opinions you do whenever you appear and ( rightfully ) RLC sucks .. I haven’t seen you judging the nice things that ( rightfully ) very rare happen currently .
  5. I hope “ the child “ goes and try to seduce Ashley and leave the 3 of them around to “ spice “ things up and enjoy a nice evening .. without promises , big talks , games and stupidities .. I hope three nice adult looking people offer another one great moment after a very long time , the villas DESPERATELY need an incident , we have now tenants from other apartments joining so as to make them viewable and watchable once again … and of course , the big weapon Sambuka even more often when she’s a friend of Harley who despises the place ..
  6. B7 topic forum is OPEN for all of the jealous people watching and giving top cameras privilege to the guy that they hate 😂🤣😂 … Please join , it’s free to read what stupidity he has done now … 😂🤣 And “ the sister “ just joined .. yes , the women are around him , he is an asshole 😂🤣😂 because he manages in the end to fuck them all and the people watching play their dicks in front of mobiles , tablets , PC monitors or television devices … WHATEVER ..
  7. The more I observe this girl ( I will become stupid repeating guy now 😂 ) , I could easily buy that she’s Sambuka’s sister .. But again , how many sisters in this site ? 😂🤣
  8. Hmm , are we watching severe tension between “ the child “ and “ the master “ ? It looked like but no sound currently to listen , just facial reactions and expressions .
  9. Pff … Elli captivating , attracting and easily “ managing “ the RLC cameras , one of the biggest mysteries how she has chosen Vencel as her guy .. nothing against him , on the contrary kudos to the guy who has next to him one of the top 3 pretty girls currently at RLC , in my personal opinion , RLC’s next top mega star , the future of RLC if she gets the right time , place and “ benefits “ , the girl will offer incredible moments .. This definitely of course shows that any of us men , we can have anyone we want , it is just how much confidence and “ strength “ the brain has so as to be able and “ persuade “ such women that next to men that are not as same beauty ( outside appearance ) as women that we watch to follow us and enjoy the times we men can offer .. the problem is that nobody here seems to understand even these few moments that perhaps he offers to Elli , which they actually are . RLC , just take the experiment and send one week free holidays in one of the villas Elli and Vencel , then maybe we can see the dynamics in Barcelona for this couple.
  10. Milena seems to try and do everything so as this apartment gets viewership , on this way she can justify her Greece travel expenses , however , for sure she had her “ holidays “ very well financially arranged 😏 … Two girls on cameras for her then to do - ONCE AGAIN - the job that she CAN’T anymore do , that is attract viewership by herself . In the end , WE HAVE A MOTHER who is abandoning more and more her child day by day … REALLY , who enjoys this ?
  11. In order for a girl to have a “ taste of men “ , she needs to have met other men and spent time with them in whatever way ( friends , lovers , sex partners , boyfriends , etc .. ) … 10 years in the making and Leora knows ( officially ) just one man , another one is an “ asshole “ ( previous and Czech Republic secret lover according to people here .. ) , another one is an occasional friend that in 4 years has visited her 4-5 times in her current place and the other is her father .. now , according to certain members here , Leora grew up in a very “ restricted “ environment , common sense says that before Paul , well , how many guys she has met ?? 2 ? 3 ?? More ? I don’t think so … then , for what kind of “ taste of men “ should we talk about when she has no idea ? ( except watching occasional porn - especially when Malia was there - )
  12. I think when Leora says “ Hey babe , time to make us some money “ 😂🤣😂 , Paul obeys and goes to do his things . I think you can see the “ real love “ of this couple incredibly rare , for me it is judged and I definitely applause when things happen when both don’t expect ( a morning fuck - when was it the last time ? - , a blowjob before sleeping away of prime time viewership , such things . ) . In the end , the viewers reward - AS IT IS SEEN AGAIN AND AGAIN WITH THE REPLAYS - the times that Leora pleasures herself and the attention to both of them while they fuck isn’t attracting viewership the same way . Just speaking with what we see on replays that - as the majority agrees- it is the thing that shows the popularity .
  13. Hmm … Are we going to continue getting this joke without knowing what’s happening with Gloria or the “ free fall “ of the villa will continue with the apathy from RLC administrators concerning Barcelona ? It in insane how they managed in just 3 months to ruin this big effort they started back in April to make Barcelona apartments ( and they succeeded for 2 months ) fun , entertaining and great to watch .
  14. One of her greatest talents .. I think during Covid , her skills in B4 while being a tenant were incredibly praised .
  15. Spamming of what ? You are following the guy and you characterize a person “ Pig “ , you ask that he is removed , you request this , the other , then another , you are obsessed with a guy that seems that hurts your feelings when he is around ALL OF THE GIRLS who have joined the project since April . He is communicating , social and likeable by the majority of the tenants except of the jealous people in this forum because he has a big dick , he knows how to please a woman and fucks threesome ways when the opportunity allows … please , don’t hide when he does it sooner or later with someone else .. I have no issues here with people criticizing behaviors BUT I HAVE A BIG PROBLEM when members go off forum rules and CHARACTERIZE tenants , completely disrespectful and nasty .. you have done in the past by calling some of them “monkeys “ , now this one a “ pig “ . I truly wonder what makes you better and superior .
  16. He has fucked almost 10 , he fucked the most beautiful of them all … I don’t think he needs to prove something .. we slowly get the same exact comments like it was with Hakeem .
  17. Jealousy because some here don’t even know how a pussy looks since they saw it for the last time , if they have ever seen it apart from images and videos .
  18. He has really bothered you this guy because he fucks a lot … you will “ suffer” him for a LOOOOONG time … PIG … really ? You are better I guess .
  19. And … this duo , well , Ashley was the Sambuka in the villas but suddenly , she has stop neighbors the woman we knew … These two , pff , they can always have fun whenever they wish , at any place they want .. And , this could open threesome possibilities with the neighbor(s) 😉
  20. The Master ready for his next conquer 😉
  21. EVERY ONE OF US IN REAL LIFE , have friends and people around to have at times another routine , trust , talk , share , confess … THESE 2 HAVE NOONE ELSE , they are doomed to do all together .. Life on cameras seems wonderful for them , one day , sooner or later , it will finish .. I can only wonder how the daily routine life of the girl Leora would be when she isn’t going to be obliged to perform and share for thousands .. how the time will pass and distributed ?? Ahh , well , few will know and good luck to them believing what she will be sharing to them , it will always be good news , positive news and smiles and NEVER EVER bad or sad moments ..
  22. Ahh well , her compensation since she will of till Friday I guess as soon as she departs B4 sometime on Tuesday .. She studied and surpassed “ The initiative “ who learned these tactics a couple of years ago .
  23. I can remember the same comments being posted by dozens when he was seducing Ulyana … The aftermath we all know 😏.. he didn’t have sex sex for a long time ( on cameras ) , he has no or he doesn’t want to have any connection with the villas anymore , B1 is a good shelter currently , let’s see if he will be around B2 and at Harley’s occasionally .. except if people want to watch Lacrim copy / pasting ( childish ) his tactics .
  24. She’s nearly 40 years old or more , she could make a good milfs duo with milena and both of them get under their wings the child Lubna 😆
  25. If Leora was happy with having good , quality sex , she wouldn’t masturbate often , she would do it just out of “ calming down “ at times .. being happy is another thing , being happy with her sexual life it is a completely different chapter .. whoever believes that Leora is happy with her sex life , having a guy who can’t satisfy her and using a variety of toys as a“ substitution helping tools “ , well , then two things are happening .. either she’s addicted to masturbation and Paul is indeed her amazing real sex pleasure guy that she has always dreamed of and she’s so lucky to have or Leora simply gives what they want to her ones and only real “ virtual lovers “ , the ones that will always love her , admire her , support her , make her current life possible , she gives them the imagination of being her girlfriend or wife or sex partner with her occasional shows .. If Leora is happy overall with her life , isolated , lonely , unsociable , with her real and only friends being her guy who is having other priorities than his girlfriend and her dog which gets older and I can’t even imagine what happens when nature calls for it’s time , well , yes , our opinions don’t mind but as always , we are free and we have the right to say what we think here 😊
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