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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am sorry to say this because I am a big fan of Kimberly , but it already feels that the2 “ divas “ found already their victim due to her kind and soft character ..meaning , they get to do whatever they want outside , arrange all business that need attention and they found “ victim Kimberly “ to be in the apartment so as it can easily excused that it isn’t empty and a tenant “ takes care” of participation… I honestly can’t thing of a more “ dishonest “ participation of tenants in Barcelona in recent times with these 2 divas apart the last ones being Leora and Malia and all of their private life outside but at least they were providing the adult entertainment content… Poor Kimberly …😔
  2. I am start getting worried that they might ask / she will ask ( Kimberly ) to move in B1 .. like this , they maybe can bring again 2 girls in B7 ( which doesn’t make sense ) and maybe also Kimberly feels a bit more like having friends in the faces of Zhanna / Serafima.. it all looks unpredictable at the moment and feels like RLC has no clue , they might didn’t get expect that their current cast would be so unwilling for private life sharing … Kimberly in B1 , pff , it remains to be seen how much it will take till the Ice Queen and the Diva will “ melt “ her .. but it becomes so clear there’s nothing at the moment keeping her at the villas … Only if she likes to swim and with spring being upon us , she is in the mood to get tanned and enjoy the sun , the pool(s ) or the Barcelona beach places .. let’s see .
  3. A girl who was brought in by Elettra and had clearly explained her the concept .. an explains beginning following Elettra and willing to do / share all on cameras like her explosive friend was doing till that incident with the guys when she was jerking him off to make the guy hard and have sex , then the cameras presence that the guys got noticed and all at once , just like the fingers snap of Thanos 😂🤣 , Raniya got the “ bleep “ , she simply was there but not there . Hardly even nudity or even anything adult tease , speaking for the adult entertainment part of her stay . But also as a tenant , she didn’t develop any special relationships with someone , the others seemed to like her as she was way going but for all of us viewers and for what it is expected from single girls joining the villa ( and especially if behind is the ready for all Elettra ) , Raniya has been one of the biggest disappointments we saw as a participant that stayed within the 90 days good old limits timeframe set by RLC and I am pretty sure that she’s not going to be missed the the majority of the users that we are willing to at least see something and not the absolutely nothing that she provided .. all the best to her , but this job isn’t for her and I hope she stays away from it in the future .
  4. I hadn’t been able to watch , so , i don’t know if it happened or not , but did anyone see Lavika and Anthony talking to one another ? I have the impression that Lavika played Anthony so much fool that I personally - if it has happened - , it would make me have a sadistic face of pleasure 😂🤣😈😈 I am usually as male supporting the guys , many times the women know how to play us because we stupid men are addicted and can’t say no to pussy when we should in order to be benefited in the future . But I do really hope that Lavika had her fun with Antony and she made him believe that something more might happen till she felt that she would be bored due to his character or just without any reason she “ threw “ him away .. Now , Anthony looks a good guy and seeming to care but maybe anyone should wonder why and how from visiting Loraine back at Christmas of 2021 and spending the time with her in the villa , we suddenly saw Loraine after his visit going into a really big depression that lasted for many months and affected her psychology , her character , she lost too many kilos and it was maybe 6 months before she got herself back and with the presence of Samson finally managing to let go all behind , enjoy some fantastic sex with him before turning to an adult model career .. So , Karma is a bitch for Anthony , still , he will get chances easily with others as he is a matured guy and know how to approach women ( but not like Master Tim 😂 ) .
  5. You are too polite with the word “ awful “ , when the girls “ play “ with the people who pay for their employment , I don’t know if it is anything worse than this and therefore “ more severe “ words come in my mind out of this attitude…
  6. Tereza has been a “Serafima “ style girl when she was first introduced and not much likeable by the others … But she has been phenomenal since she appeared with Timur , a model style woman…
  7. Soon to watch if Lilith off cameras will create another epic incident that will be discussed for days or even have “ complications “ ….
  8. If Tereza and Timur are counting clockwise for their departure , I hope Tereza is keeping one of her major fantasies as a “ gift “ to all of her devoted fans who have insanely increased during the last two stays , the woman is amazingly pleasant to watch..
  9. Lilith is “ participating” more now that she’s off cameras and out of cameras work than when she was a tenant … The mind and soul of a woman , the most complex thing to decode …😂🤣😂🤣🤪 ( apologies to all our lovely female forum members but you know that it is true …😬🙄 )
  10. We are all voyeurs but it hasn’t to be all the time all about sex .. sometimes a small moment of seducing or flirting , a moment of laugh and embarrassment on cameras , it can also be a voyer’s moment .. we disagree in the approach of being only sex , that’s all .
  11. We have now one more who has been added to the list of “ eternal devoted lovers “ 😂🤣😂😂 But when there were comments suggesting certain attitudes , we were accused of “ seeing ghosts and trying to make enemies “ .. as was said looooooong time ago “ scripta manent “ 😉😉 ( our archemoji contributor can use google search to find out what that means , just a tip 😂🤣)
  12. I think all males that respect themselves , they loved Harley , explosive and unpredictable .
  13. So you mean that normal people can’t have normal parties ? If it is a clickbait , you should feel responsible that you contributed on it .. obviously you were expecting that finishes in a 10 way orgy or what ? And who prevents in the end Wednesday’s and Wayne’s friend to involve in anything sexual when the time will be for them later ? Honestly , it goes to the limits of “ devastation “ for you whenever nothing sexual occurs .. the only way that maybe something happens would be if some of these people interact and get to know one another gradually more and more .. and it is good that such events occur .
  14. Raniya departs , this opens the possibility of two tenants joining … let’s hope we see back Harley and lovely Ulyana … these two will bring the villa back in order … Despite having to share , at least two of the girls that ALWAYS respected their presence on cameras .. and Harley , what a newcomer she was and she was treated like garbage ..
  15. I offended the eternal devoter as it seems … The funny thing is that all these people once were hammering Paul , now whenever a comment against him is “ touching “ in a way their “ Queen “ , they throw the emojis to the poster so as the boyfriend gets away from the critics so the girlfriend won’t feel offended and stop spreading her legs for their jerk off pleasure as a result of punishment of speaking bad towards the love of her life … The funny thing is that the comments of all those people before the movement of Leora in Prague are so easily accessible and what they were writing against Paul is really a pity to read for the hate it was towards him .
  16. Masterchef loves all your post as I can see .. too pity he can’t even write one comment to develop his thoughts and what he believes is different that he watches … he is the really last one hardcore .. but he doesn’t say it or name or speaking out loud .. maybe Leora promised him that he will be visiting him one day and he does all not to fail her … this is called “ true love “ and undisputed devotion ..if all tenants had such supporters , pff , they would stay till the next century .. respect to masterchef and his passion to emoji but not talk / write .
  17. This apartment it is the epitome of monotony .. except for the ones who want to watch the 2,569th masturbation of Leora , Paul cleaning his dick after jerking off to cum and Leora putting the leg on the sink to clean the pussy , this is it … if it offers anything else and I can’t see it , the forum is welcome to name the things that are happening and me and others aren’t able to see …
  18. Aziza surrounding Lilith … of course she’s welcomed to do so … And what a surprise , it’s greeted with exclamations of admiration … imagine if it was miron in the toilet with her and kissing , the forum would be volcano Aetna ready to explode … And Lilith , what a lovely girl being around , she really looks hurt and devastated of what has occurred to herself weeks ago ..
  19. Karina is fine and Lavika , at the moment she prepares as it seems for her “ exit “ … But I think as soon as she “ feels hungry “ , she won’t have any issues ..
  20. It is already obvious that Zhanna has so many connections outside of the apartment , I would even say more than Serafima perhaps .. The problem is that Serafima is a camera veteran and knows how to “ keep busy “ the cameras while Zhanna seems that she’s brought is as an emergency solution to fill in a bed and to be honest , like Serafima , she doesn’t even need this “ job “ . The bigger problem arising is that Alsu ( who as was seen has no issues to do things on cameras ) is dragged with these two and slowly Kimberly , who , she LIKES socializing and being with people but the villa roomates seem to be a “ non go “ for her , therefore Serafima and Zhanna have been the alternative and there she is , “ involved “with them . Now , to be absolutely fair , we all know that what better than the girls going out , meeting people , socializing , slowly some of the people they meet being brought on cameras .. BUT .. The curse and doom currently it seems irreversible , ABSOLUTELY NOONE but Lavika and Karina share things .. And if this continues , no matter whatever jacuzzi , masturbations or private self tricks , it won’t do any good . The school that Leora invented while in Prague by herself is currently at full effect .. and when we were saying it that slowly everybody will start copy / pasting it , we were told that we were haters or whatsoever .. Once again , why being exposed when you can have good money , sleep and paying bills just to be naked in front of cameras and please the audience spreading legs … Let’s hope that things will improve because we are watching the “ life of other people “ and not the supposed life happening outside ..
  21. Elettra and Taylor made the villa must see for 2-2,5 months but people here were complaining due to the lifestyle of the girls that FINALLY tenants weren’t shy and were managing to bring outsiders ( both locals and Russian speaking ) in the villa … now it is like Covid era , all inside simply getting paid and NOBODY has the balls to manage and convince others ( or simply they don’t want or it might be an RLC direct order ) to come in these two luxury villas… Add also Kristy as you say that in her last part of her stay she was set free from her limits she had set to herself when she accepted to come in Barcelona and there you have it of this one of the worst B4 periods ( hopes now are only for Tani to keep living with her wild past ready to be exposed again ) and Alsu who wants to do things but I think the current cast isn’t good chemistry for her .. let’s see .
  22. C&Y were great during their past stay , this one is very complicated and very “ must be “ and fake things .. Obviously both seem to not have the same relationship with one another , they have both cheated and it looks now like an agreement to make money .. Carla has completely ruined her body , it is a matter of time that her body collapses on her early 30s .. No “ real “ relationship then and just camera shows and just 2-3 real friends when in the past we used to see many regulars .. Gina and Bruno were more unpredictable as a couple due to the connections of Gina with the Russian part of Barcelona and Bruno taking the opportunity of being in this world and with his Latin explosive personality , you didn’t know what to expect .. I think Gina and Bruno in the depth of time would offer way more than what we now see from Carla and Yanai , I think Yanai would be a perfect tenant for the villa ( B7 ) 😉
  23. I think Tereza likes her guy , I think he is crazy for her and therefore she controls the relationship but I believe in her mind many times is to have sex with others . I don’t say that she doesn’t “ love “ or respect her guy but I think she’s still not ready to commit in a monogamous lifestyle .. she needs experiences and when she fulfills them I believe , she will chill and stay with someone for good ( it might be Timur but who knows .. ) .. I just think she’s not ready yet for commitments ..
  24. They deserve to have double salaries , no boundaries and limits , they lead normal liv s , parties , friends on cameras , simply daily normal life people like any of us .. you can compare with other apartments easily that the tenants participate simply to get paid , without actually “ working “ for the company they are hired from .. But the company is so desperate on certain things currently that on the past would have notified them that if they won’t be improving , they should start thinking packing back home .. but it is another era now , in the past , the news when the girls would use the jacuzzi all together in the villa would be what happened and if they made a show , stereo bated and so on and now we get top cameras simply 3 girls taking a bath all together ( which is for sure a closer to reality scenario but way far of what the villa content was in the past .. )
  25. Lots of shopping for Lavika , it might be that the time has arrived for her to say goodbye 😔😔😟
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