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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. But Tesla and Marlene look like besties .. imagine RLC bringing them both back … let the subscriptions erupt 😈😈😈😈😈😋😋😋🥰 I can’t personally imagine what these two could do if they are assigned to one of the villas … the time of fun and incredible times would be epically guaranteed ..
  2. As always .. you are fast with your conclusions .. at the moment , you are right .. but things with RLC can instantly change .. We said that Serafima , Zhanna and Lara don’t seem to appreciate their opportunity of having a free to live life and getting paid as well .. but tonight at least Lara came out of her shell .. I know that for you it is only “ masturbations “ but today it is a nice Lara , smiley , responding , interacting .. and this is for me part of RLC that I like to see so she’s not a do nothing girl tonight ..
  3. This lady , Wednesday , is for sure one of the best “ discoveries “ for RLC after the one and only Venera .. her whole style , cameras presence , sexuality , the whole package is in this woman. .. And when she wears the sexy teacher’s / professor’s glasses .. pff , this guy , Mr.Wayne has hit jackpot with a woman who simply is mad for him .. and we are lucky to have her in our screens .. and we should enjoy her for as long as she remains ..
  4. The two of the best of the current Barcelona roster managed to have Lara do something… Most surprising incident in a while concerning a “ be there for the participation “ tenant … how can Lavika and Karina not deserving the appreciation received .. 😊🤗🤗
  5. It’s been quite some time that the one and only Lavika was as we got to know her … it is more than FANTASTIC seeing her BACK and as we know her … she even managed to have Lara awaken 😂
  6. In ALL of RLC apartments there are occasional visitors … IN ALL , there’s no place without having seen outsiders or fellow RLC participants .. this “ insanity “ in this apartment is beyond explanation .. I am trying to digest and understand how 2 modern people of the 21st century in the year 2023 ( when their life isn’t also the most complexity ) are managing to live without the need to have a person to talk , to socialize , to do things differently .. Bring yourself into Covid era where the loneliness and the isolation had people increasing their videocalls , their phonecalls , their watching the best streaming services so as not to feel alone and isolated .. and these two have a life with ZERO socializing with anyone.. what in the hell’s world will happen if they break up like it happened to them in the past ? Who is there for them ? to who they will be talking ? Who they will be advising ? When these two are 60-70 years old , how they will be fighting their loneliness as a couple ? Oh well , it will be the true endless love guiding them …
  7. I don’t remember him but thanks for the clarification 😇
  8. New male in the apartment , I would like that it is Karina’s as I don’t like her guy personally as I think in a way takes advantage of her liking him very very much ..
  9. I am only watching this apartment because it appears on the list .. I am not interested in the sex of these tow because for my standards , it is terrible .. Leora’s masturbations I have seen more than I can say letter by letter spelling “ r-e-p-e-a-t-e-d-l-y “ … my wish was , is and will always be to see NORMAL LIFE of two people in Europe , in Prague .. I would like to see guests , spontaneous moments from the couple , Paul waking up in the morning with a hard on ( like we all men have ) and Leora rewarding him .. I would like to see them choose a movie and binge watching , I would like to see them hugging and kissing .. guests at home so we can see how the couple will host , other people in general so we get away with boredom and groundhog times .. if this is too much , then EVERYONE’S life on this forum should be a copy of Leora and Paul because then this is what people should do .. and that’s why they reward them watching ..
  10. As I have said in the past , there’s no point for me to watch IN EUROPE the life they had IN RUSSIA … this is Europe , life works in whatever field .. people go out , theaters , cinema , they have friends , they gather for Saturday evenings , dinners , board games .. individually watching movies or tv series , sex teasing in the couch , endless possibilities for so many concepts .. on the contrary , what we see ? A guy being the vampire the whole night in front of a monitor , a girl watching her laptop till late hours before sleeping only to wake after 12:00 pm and spend 2-3 hours per day out of the apartment only to be inside again for another groundhog routine day … But this routine people LOVE to watch… and whoever of us is criticizing what we see , we are the bad people … If this is RLC , then , something is completely wrong with the people running the site and even more , people who appreciate and enjoy watching two young people doing the ABSOLUTE ZERO apart from eat , wake up , front of the monitor , constant masturbation and jerking / REPEAT ..
  11. Reactor Nr1 appeared 😂🤣 who else could be …
  12. The apartment now works for the likes of people who constantly give the negative emojis to people who state their voice in this forum .. Leora is making these people happy and they defend her in any way when it is gradually and daily more and more obvious that this is the most “ groundhog “ apartment in all of RLC .. I mean , this couple doesn’t even engage in frequent sex , I honestly believe that this is the most downgraded period for Leora’s RLC presence since she joined this job … READY FOR THE HAMMERING from the “known / unknown “ by simply expressing what most people want to say but they don’t 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪
  13. I know it looks “ utopia “ but if Anthony manages Kimberly , we would have seen it all 😂😂 however , her rejection to him during the incident in B7 with Alsu in the bathroom , doesn’t give many “ hopes “ .. but the presence of her “ new friend “ Yana , might work in crazy directions .. And .. she’s having a “ couple “ of drinks tonight .. I challenge anyone telling me that they don’t want to watch Kimberly in any sexual act ..
  14. Fantastic Karina as always … Not exaggerations , I dare to say a completely normal life in front of cameras .. a sex partner appearing at times , her masturbations when she feels and not because she “ has to do “ for the audience , personally , the type of tenant I wish to see in Barcelona .. once again , my big respect to Karina and of course “ breaking the curse “ of repeater failures , proving that many deserve a second chance .. I wonder if RLC officials aren’t watching this and allow all of the stupidity happening in the extremely disappointing B1 … Karina , simply 👏👏👏👏👏
  15. It’s insane that currently RLC is having this kind of product … it’s insane it allows people that WE PAY to use the facilities for free rent ( except if the deal is that they aren’t getting paid the same money being “ locals “ in comparison to girls who have been traveling to become tenants ) … It is insane that they allow Serafima , Zhanna , Lara ( Barcelona speaking ) using the rooms at the respective apartments and nothing is done for this .. it is insane because it won’t take long that the rest of the girls will understand that there’s no point to bring whatever life they can have inside the apartments … I can personally say that this is one of the worst current RLC periods , despite RLC being alive with so many apartments , the “ real life “ quality is tremendously bad ..
  16. Tani getting ready to get this great tan that we saw when she entered the villa , her and Karol with their great bodies , they know exactly what to wear so as to focus even more on their wonderful asses .. the benefits living in the villa for Tani start to appear and soon for Karol visiting the beach .
  17. Carla and Yanai’s sex is one of the best and wildest and this I agree , Yanai can be a “ stallion “ 😂 and Carla often gives me the impression she’s a nymphomaniac ( but she wishes only her guy .. ) … But .. Carla has interfered so much to her body that personally , it is too much . Her boobs were great and she has made them now look a disappointment ( and i have nothing against fake tits , on the contrary I support and love watch women with fake tits ) , it is really too much what she did , especially when she had a great real pair and it wasn’t needed . And then she made this to her waist which is funny as 8/10 times this is lost money ( assuming also that viewers helped for a quite good amount of money for this surgery .. ) because most people will go back even double on how they looked before the surgery . Carla was a great natural , with her curves and whatever extra she had , she tries now to be someone that shows no identity to me and this bothers me . Yanai , as I have said , I find him a super cool and great guy , he can seduce any woman if he wants , he just needs to go and dance and flirt and he can habe everyday another one . As I said , bring them for a weekend in any of the villas and introduce them as a colleagues Spanish speaking to the Russian speaking people , and … voila .. there will be wonders as I believe half of the crew would want to sleep with Yanai .. and Carla is also funny .. but this stay in this apartment simply feels for me too “ pushing “ and isn’t a natural on cameras stay , that’s the feeling I get .
  18. Judging from the reactions and posts , forum members aren’t excited of what’s happening in this apartment … it all looks only sex and again sex and whatever “ sex orientated “ the last 1,5 months or so and the worst is that it looks like pushing for it and nothing happens normal or unpredictable .. I would say that despite the curiosity viewership , a “ real “ RLC fun isn’t intrigued or interested at all watching this place .. since the slight disallowance of Don and the incredible Marie , the past stay which involved so many genuine and great gathering moments for parties and more , this stay is a disappointment.
  19. It’s been this past week that the dynamics have suddenly changed in the apartment ( to the positive ) .. the couples didn’t have any particular chemistry , they hardly ever socialized when there weren’t guests and all of a sudden , this past week they had a poker session if i remember correctly , it seems that they were all 4 spending outside times together for a short period and today we see the very first Moment that the girls are the most daring since incredible Wednesday and Wayne joined RLC . Watching Tereza and Wednesday it is the absolute imagination , both women are two of the top “ must see “ eye candies of RLC , let’s see where this goes but for sure it is nice to see the couples coming closer and sharing more time . As was mentioned repeatedly , T&T with Holly and Thor took and elevated this apartment to an amazing level .. And B5 continues being one of the nicest and coolest places to watch .
  20. Whatever anyone wants to wish for this woman ( and Paul ), there’s one unquestionable truth … and that it is that “ TIME ISN’T COMING BACK “ for anyone .. I hope and wish to be wrong , but I can’t see not coming the period that Leora would say “ what have I done and how I spent my most productive years … “ But it is funny here that many people have no doubt that ALL in Leora’s life will be paradise and the extremest best life of any individual’s ever .. And this is because - as it seems - they have the crustal ball and can see the future of this woman and whoever from the rest of us is questioning normal daily life routine things , we get the reactions like we aren’t living on this planet and observing so as to know what and how the people of this world are trying to live … Ohh well , Leora and Paul , Paul and Leora , these two were born for one another .. and that’s why no other people are around this couple’s life … so as the endless and honest true love not to be ruined .
  21. It’s funny that many here think that Leora is happy .. Of course this seems the obvious .. But whoever has this opinion , take a look in the mirror and ask yourself with the hand on the side of the heart and sincerely answer to yourself if being nearly 32 years old you would like to have a life that has no friends , no social events attending , not going out late hours and come home tipsy , not going on holidays , not enjoying good sex , not being able to have ONE MORE PERSON in life that you could share nice talks , wild chats and conversations , speak naughty for others , ANYTHING reminding you that you are part of this world 2023 and living in stunning Prague . If anyone wishes to have this life , I raise the hands up and surrender , there’s no cure 😶‍🌫️ .. Of course this life has money , but to do what with this money ? Spend it when 1,5 / 4 of this life is gone ? Ohh well , whatever .. We are watching speechless and stunned the endless passionate love of these two people ..
  22. If you had half of the life I am running , you wouldn’t be here commenting and complaining of something you can’t watch .. You watch zero but being a freeloader and you still want things in certain way .. At least I pay and I can complain , praise and whatever because I have a visual opinion .. Seeing the outside 😂🤣😂😂 … if only you knew but what can i say to someone creating multiple accounts because he’s missing to be heard ..
  23. I have FULL knowledge what , why and when I pay for RLC , I am not hooked or whatever . As good friend thinga said , we watch for our own whatever reasons .. But hooked ? 😂🤣😂🤣 ..
  24. Says the person who doesn’t pay a cent to watch but he claims he can have an opinion of what needs to be done … Ok … 😤
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