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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am not good with such details , maybe another member can help more with this 😁
  2. I could care less if a woman thinks that Tim can be a “ trustworthy “ partner 😂 .. I would always wish for her the best and that she’s happy but simply looking a guy who has a child and being away from the child and choosing a lifestyle that doesn’t represent a guy with obligations , what more should i add on what a girl believes and expects .. it’s a dead end whatever she expects , the real Tani is a free to think and do girl , we saw her when she wasn’t allowing to be controlled .. but girls with low self confidence ( like she is in my opinion when she could have all if she wanted ) can easily be manipulated and controlled .. Tani was the fun girl around Taylor , Lilith , all the rest she feels like limitations person .. her life , her choices but this isn’t by far any really nice things like Holly and Thor for example .. I will never ever believe that Tani and Tim are an item , discussions can always be nice between two people who appreciate one another 😊☺️😌 … Of course this might be a situation that I simply don’t like seeing Tani wasting so much potential around such a guy 😂🤣😂🤣😜 and I simply express my annoyance .. but that’s just me and others might think different .
  3. It hasn’t been defined if she’s “ his ex “ or there’s kind of an agreement ..
  4. W&W must see interactions , always something new .. fantastic RLC discovery which shows that if they want , they can recruit wonderful tenants .. Wednesday is simply unique ..
  5. @thinga69 The last time I checked , Tim was in Thailand and around his ex ( ? ) and his child if I checked correctly .. if there’s something i will always admit for Tim , it is his incredible ability to “ charm “ the women with his talks , I can’t think of anyone having done this better than him .. that’s why he could EASILY have any woman he wanted and he easily got Kimberly while having “ whatever “ with Tani ..But if Tani believes anything with Tim , then she’s really naive .. which makes me conclude that she has either been “suffering “ around many partners in the past as she seems to be a “ pleaser “ or she has a long run with someone and she tries to get it away from her skin .. personally ,she’s an incredible asset for RLC , she can make it work weilt by herself , she goes walking and enjoying Barcelona and i consider her a very romantic person .. in my humble opinion ,with her current state , living in B1 or B2 she would make wonders as i believe she wants to enjoy herself in Barcelona but with her own rules .. a right approach by a guy , then this is it for her .. Tim is just a secure “ guy “ to elevate her with his bla bla ..
  6. From all girls who are currently in B4 she’s the only one that can guarantee entertainment ( Alsu as well ) and you are suggesting that she goes when summer is coming and anything can be possible with her .. I wonder if she goes , who would you like watching as all of the girls don’t seem that they can bring something exciting on the table apart from nudity and the usual boring masturbations .. it’s only 4 girls that are currently generous with the viewers and you can expect that something “ MORE “ can happen ( Alsu , Karina , Lavika , Tani ) and you are suggesting that this one goes .. ok 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I don’t include Kimberly because no matter how much I adore her , I kind of slowly realizing that she seems to be the cleverest of them all and she has got the meaning of how to make lots of money fast by simply exposing with her incredible femininity when and where is needed ..
  7. It’s great to see that the “ educational “ porn watching clips / videos can improve the skills and the experience of individuals .. a look at how much Tereza has improved her blowjob skills is the best period for that .. a slight comparison to her previous stay with the current one and how she would blowjob Timur and how she now does her “ duty “ and “ services “ is beyond any comparison .. Personally , concerning the adult entertainment side of RLC , B5 is by far the best apartment to watch with two top amazing female tenants , the amazing Tereza and the stunning Wednesday .. Tereza is by far the “ Queen of Riding “ , I have seen many girls through the years with RLC but the way she does sex on top is beyond any imagination for a guy , unbelievable talent and will to satisfy .. as for Wednesday , her natural looks , her loyalty to her guy , the will to surrender to all of his requests , it simply makes you think that as a man, having such a woman , you wouldn’t want sexually anything else … Conclusion .. It is absolutely out of imagination thinking that of all of the apartments in Barcelona , the best one , the one that can provide wonderful adult entertainment , parties , life drama and extreme situations , present to us unforgettable moments and tenants , this is B5 .. Tereza / Wednesday / Holly / Alexandra / Bonnie / Piper / Taylor , even Hanna who simply was unstoppable for sex , this place , B5 keeps the interest of a really downgrading in terms of quality RLC currently .. how anyone can explain that one of the apartments is empty one week ( Sasha & Dasha ) and there’s absolutely no information.. the current customer service of RLC is at its worse ..
  8. It’s much much much much better having smiley , unpredictable , teasers , call it as you like than girls who are hiding ALL OF THEIR PERSONAL LIVES .. If you compare Kimberly to Serafima , Zhanna , Lara , Leora and Malia in the past ( reference to these two because they had a normal private life out of cameras ) , I really don’t know what to say as what we should want and expect to see from this company .
  9. No matter what you say , what you contribute ( that you don’t anymore because even you know that this is the most boring Queen of yours you have ever witnessed ) , the fact is that the majority of the forum and this topic here appreciates , admires , respects , praises any moment that jimbo4 appears here to either make a comment ( positive or negative , even arguing with another member but he makes it in a respective and reasonable with arguments way ) , you on the other hand , you will see the appreciation by the types of people like masterchef and honestly , were I you , I would feel ashamed that my views are reflected to such a person 😂🤣 .. Jimbo4 has the appreciation of the majority here , he is a true fan and a true fan will have no issues to judge negative while you and the other 2 of the stooges see it all like perfection in paradise when it is rather poor and indifferent what we watch ( that we don’t but whoever still does ) … Jimbo4 appears here and his presence has always a gravity while yours , nobody actually understands what your opinions represent , nevertheless , they are heard like anyone’s else which you disgrace when someone else here speaks negative for your beloved Queen .. I don’t agree with Jimbo4 in a number of subjects and at times we have also heavily argued but this doesn’t take away the fact that we can still communicate and express our differences civilized and in constructive dialogues .. you , you like the other two , you will pop up with your favorite emojis to express your negativity , but this is how it ends when your biggest fan is masterchef ( personally I would feel ashamed … ) .
  10. With so much crap here - as you say - one can close the monitor , watch Netflix . Amazon , Disney + or HBO , play console or pc games and if you have a person in your life , dedicate your time to this person rather than having put the record in a constant repeat of negativity towards something you disguise but you are watching strangely ..
  11. I can see that you are complaining all the time and characterizing the tenants … what is it that you personally want to watch ? And why are you watching and you are repeatedly complaining when you can simply do other things , don’t watch RLC for example or tune in at another apartment ? Just reasonable questions I guess ..
  12. I really want to see local Spanish guys flirting the girls and ultimately the girls surrendering .. I have obviously nothing against the central / Northern European people but being also a Mediterranean Sea / southern European person , the fame we have as being more explosive and spontaneous in our actions , isn’t random or has been assigned to us through the years .. I believe that if the girls wanted , they would engage with locals but it looks ( without having any clue or simply crazy speculating ) that RLC isn’t motivating for such things anymore .. maybe the incident with Bruno has made things more strict , we see now more Russian speaking guys around the girls , the last one who had many locals but this because she only wanted sex and not anything serious , it was Marlene .. Zabava had an English speaker but it was towards the end .. as i said , pure speculation. I can’t believe that all of these girls when they go out they aren’t flirted by locals , a walk by the beach or at the beach , i mean , they are there next to you , craving for a guy ( or girl 😏 ) to go and talk to them .. and a local will easily go .. so , i can’t think that Tani would like anything with Anthony when she can easily have absolutely anyone she wishes .. Serafima for example is dealing with foreigners , i can’t forget when she was FaceTiming some weeks ago and she was talking in English showing her tits to a guy and telling him “ come on , you have seen them so many times “ indicating about her boobs .. Let’s see how this isolated boredom period will be going in the next weeks ,the only ones who really wish to show off and be crazy are currently Alsu , Tani and Kimberly .. the rest are very “ SLOW “ let’s say .. and it is simply too much personally watching masturbation after masturbation.. I have become a big fan of Karina because she simply lives a completely normal life on cameras and I adore her approach , attitude and behavior .. why can’t we have more tenants like her ? ( And she’s local by the way .. ) .
  13. I think that Tereza likes Timur but Timur has more feelings than she has for him .. Their sex isn’t that bad , there are and have been terrible performances across RLC but let’s not go there 😆 .. We can agree that if Tereza got a chance to leave Timur , it could be a possibility , but I think she truly likes the guy as a friend , company and at times he satisfies her .. she’s also not an easy person , the woman is model type , so imagine when she moves and walks around the eye seeing that she gathers .. still , the relationship comes out as healthy in general terms .. Judging by the example of Holly and Thor and the money they made so they can support a life in the USA and even more in extreme expensive California , both the future of these two is well build with or without one another 🙂 Leia and Maksim I don’t even refer as this could be named as one of the worst “things “ we ever saw in this site .
  14. I disagree .. think Gina , Milena , we now have ex tenants who are residing in Barcelona and RLC is keeping them away when I believe they would easily join if they were getting the invitation . The funny thing is that RLC can easily bring girls from Ukraine nowadays and judging by the way they do things , maybe this isn’t happening due to still having a large amount of Russians in key positions ( see Bogdan and Nelly ) and maybe any possible recruitments are hesitating to go and work under Russian nationality people .. but that’s just a theory ..
  15. I could never imagine that there would be an even worse tenant than Serafima.. I say this because at least Serafima during this stay she visited the villa , B5 a couple of times .. still , she hasn’t done anything sexual ( which was expected of course 😂 , we all know she would be virgin Serafima on cameras ) but even the few escapes of her daily madness boring clickbait routine could at least show us that she did something different than the totally ignorant and indifferent Zhanna .. it makes you wonder where RLC is finding all these “ disastrous “ for the site tenants .
  16. Guys guys guys … Let’s be open minded here and have kind of second thoughts .. let’s say we have a relationship with a girl , she’s the one , the official girlfriend , a normal , typical kind of relationship . We have talked and made things clear , how would any of you react if you knew that your girlfriend is interested into other women , searching for different pleasure as well ? Careful , all these after having discussed and making clear that it isn’t any experimenting at times relationship or open relationship .. how would you react if you would see your girl going after another one ? And doing it when you have discussed .. Of course , if there have been talks that it is all allowed , then it is fine .. but the impression I get ALWAYS is that T&T have limits which Tereza wants to break at times but Timur kind of respects the relationship they have .. they aren’t W&W that surprised us , they aren’t other couples we see that wish to share , kind of having open relationships or trying new things after let’s say 20 years together .. so , obviously for our voyeurs point of view , it is annoying we can’t see more from this incredible woman , on the other hand , become Timur in thoughts for some hours and wonder what you would do ..
  17. Tani’s incredible sex skills and the sessions we had the luck to watch , are highly missed .. she’s in the top 3 current RLC cast across the whole countries and apartments that she KNOWS what sex means to both please and be pleased . Her repertoire of fantastic sex is unlimited and it is a pity that we can’t see her interacting with a guy that could be the same level like her .. nevertheless , it is now quite some time that she’s herself again and she offers lots of private moments .. personally I thought that she wasn’t into masturbations but I am more than glad that I proved completely wrong and her woman needs are surfacing day by day more and more .. I hope she flirts and being flirted outside of the apartment and soon to see her with a partner .. definitely a woman fantastic to watch ..
  18. This a great couple in general .. only the hugs each time they finish their private moment says a lot of how they have thus relationship .. living a normal life in front of cameras and Venera occasionally pleasing the audience and her established fans , definitely one of the biggest RLC’s discoveries ..
  19. The repeater boredom of the apartment continues .. cameras posing to attract views , it is working perfectly .. of course , judging for the people who see it all “ perfect “ in this apartment , how it could be any different .. One thing is for sure .. If Leora and Paul is for the majority of the people in this topic “ real and passionate love of their lives “ , I can see how it reflects to their personal lives and what they are having to judge this relationship “ true love “ but more importantly , I get a personal incredible boost feeling proud being a single guy and keeping on enjoying life and having fun than ending in such type of relationships , barely speaking , sharing , making sex after not even 15 years of sharing life with someone .. imagine when it is going to be 30 years together .. I can at the moment say “ long live the nice single life moments “ that can always provide than this incredible boredom and non chemistry in so many things ..OR .. we are watching something totally different with anyone supporting and “ pushing “ for this kind of life that this couple has ..
  20. I think that she mostly wants to have more than 1 man making sex to her .. I believe Masha has “ transmitted “ her this fantasy ..But let’s be honest , doing this it means she would need to “ betray “ her boyfriend on cameras …Maybe when out of RLC , I believe she will go for it .. I think she’s so hungry for pleasure and sex that even if Timur satisfies her really well , she wants more .. I believe it is the mood of the women around 30 years of age .. As far as the girls around and what she could do , I simply believe she isn’t into girls , whatever kisses or hugs have been just experimenting fun .. BUT .. I can categorize her easily at the same status like Kristy .. who would have thought with Kristy .. and oh my what we saw .. If it was a woman like Taylor , it could be .. For example , a Masha brainwashing her senses for 1 week , it could happen .. but nothing for me is comparable than imaging her riding a dick ( NOBODY BETTER THAN HER ) and at the same time sucking .. my fantasy , hope her fantasy as well 😋😋😋😋🥳🥳🤩🤩😈😈😈😈
  21. And we get our lovely “ happy voyeur’s moment “ by having the boyfriend entering the bedroom and catching her masturbating .. priceless 😂😂 .. but as a man , it should make someone wonder why the girl goes for masturbation when she can have the “ real deal “ … oh well , the seduction and “ forgiveness “ can begin in the LR 😏😏😏
  22. An amazing Tereza completely hungry for her fantasies ..
  23. The rumor was that Marlene was introduced by Holly if i remember correctly .. Tesla is Armenian I think .. in any case , this has little value 😂🤣 , what counts would be to have these “ mega bombs “ and incredible to watch women on camera 😊… two girls who know to live life and respect the participation .. A girl that looks at the cameras and sends a kiss when she is about to depart always has my respect .. and Marlene will always be one of the best ..
  24. Elli .. such an underestimated tenant , hope she finds out her value with RLC , incredible potential and one of the few ones that could start slowly bringing RLC to new era as it is getting a bit repeated with loooooooong time term tenants who simply seems nowadays using the RLC contracts as a good income and no life alternatives .. Venera & Lion , Elli , Val & Jul , Dantez and Gyana , these are the current people in my humble opinion that RLC should invest around them .. it is time to move on and have new clientele slowly , it is a decade plus 2 years that the site is online and they need to move on and establish new long term favorites ..
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