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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think it is this time to repeat IT ONCE AGAIN ….. ONLY AT MASHA’S . The only place which was , is and will always be the one that anything can happen 😁 Enjoy
  2. I don’t personally care if Kimberly “ unlocks” to her full potential as we saw that she can do if she’s feeling “ warm “ and “ welcomed “ by the others , her interaction with Tim was the maximum we got , but we saw what she can do … Despite her words that “ i can’t have sex for hours , I also like to talk and laugh and enjoy the moments - despite I love sex “ ( her words some weeks ago in B4 when she was socializing ) , she will for sure provide us fantastic moments under the right circumstances .. BUT .. The stares , the loooooooooong looks at the cameras , for me this is an amazing thing she does , this is the most communicative I can remember since the tome that LEGENDARY Ulyana would look the cameras while masturbating ( especially when she was back in Russia ) , therefore , looking forward to more and more of Kimberly , she’s just in the wrong apartment , but let’s see ..
  3. Ulyana was the next big thing for RLC and they made her disappointed .. I still believe she loves the cameras and exposure ( money of course ) , so let’s see .. she’s always around Barcelona ..😉
  4. As we have mentioned repeatedly , this couple doesn’t fuck often , but when they do , their sex is one of a kind …Katie is a woman who is ( together with Tani and Masha ) the best in sucking / licking / deepthroating , absolutely incredible . Adam can have sex for endless amount of time and he knows how to satisfy his lady .This couple seems that they are many years together and this is why they aren’t so frequent engaging in sexual interactions , still , they are one of the most normal couples and I will always believe that Katie is willing to do and share more on cameras but I think she’s respecting ( because she loves him very much ) her man ..But she’s always a volcano that needs to erupt and I believe we will see many many things from her ..
  5. Finally … Amen … Imagine then a woman that allows this to happen to her … and obviously it will happen again .. Other tenants were “ terminated “ with similar attitude , Kitty and Smith / Gina and Bruno recent ones ..
  6. The question is ( i have asked hundred times ) …. WHY DID SHE LEAVE RUSSIA WITHOUT HIM ? WHY SHE TRIED TO CHANGE HER LIFE BY HAVING ANOTHER BOYFRIEND FOR 1,5 YEARS ? I have said that she started approaching Paul again ( She moved Heaven and Earth as you say ) when she found out that she was completely lonely in Prague with people who can’t trust and that her relationship didn’t work or she couldn’t see any future with him .. After nearly 3 years she brought him there … 3 years without her guy … Really ? The famous Plan A and Plan B as for months and months and months myself and some other guys here at the forum we were saying ..
  7. No … A girl that could “ wake up “ Leora , take her out , LEARN the world and how it is going out and interact with people , having a drink and a nice chat in a cafe , bar or pub , go hiking , go to other people places and spend an evening there to play board games , watch a movie , have a coffee and make fun women talks about guys , share opinions and laugh naughty describing sex experiences with her current boyfriend , what she would wish , how it is in general … A type of girl who will make her “ wake up “ and start interacting with people publicly , a girl who will tell her “ come on , let’s see what papers we need so we can go on holidays in Indonesia , in Thailand , in USA , in Jamaica , in Cuba “ . A girl that WAKES HER up of the day in and day out same Ole , same Ola as people here like to say… Of course , I AM SURE as she has proved on cameras the last 10 years , that all previous suggestions for Leora are boring , have no purpose , they don’t give fun or help understand and find out about people and things / experiences in life , I AM SURE that her current life having her boyfriend and dog by her side everyday and doing nothing to advance as a human being ( actually her money account is advancing .. ) is what she enjoys , loves and wants more . Because it is a life which completes her as a person , it is a life that gives her all . LEORA’S LIFE IS THE LIFE THAT ALL PEOPLE WHO ADMIRE HER WANT TO HAVE and not the previous suggestions made … And i always thought that peoples lives are always fun , smiley and as better as possible when we have our family and friends around , we try and manage traveling and each and everyday we become wiser and learn about the world we are living …What do I know …. Good morning with the big question … Will it be Mr.Pink / Brown/Black today or she will drink milk from Paul ? Stay tuned to find out , this is the most important thing in our whole day’s life …
  8. Elmira can’t shine because she doesn’t even try … Britney at least wants to socialize but she “ fell in Serafima’s era “ and whenever she appears on cameras , she destroys also others … but a pair of nice tits and an amazing body and endless nudity pays the bills for B1..
  9. ddhm is happy to reappear and give a bit of “ LIFE “ at the forum with a controversy post and comments … well done to me 😂🤣😂🤣😂😝😜🤪
  10. Criticize the girl , express the opinion which isn’t popular and here they appear again .😁😆 People are not only funny here , they are obsessed and dangerous … enjoy Leora’s pussy , it is unique 😂🤣 And as Mas….ef says , “ who is Venera “ ? 🤣😅🤣😂 Maybe she can teach her what for a Russian to live in Prague is 🥳🥳🥳
  11. Leora is having an empty life in Prague , she was about to change , she initiated friendships , she had a boyfriend , she managed to go on holidays in Germany . Since Paul’s arrival ( and it isn’t his fault because Leora is a free person and can always show her dynamic ) , she has become even more boring and without any life at all . A life without friends , I wonder , if things go stupid , who will she have to rely on ? She is nearly 4 years there , in the past you could even see hiding speaking away of cameras ( the famous private phonecalls ) , people here were protecting her for these out of of cameras phonecalls because it was privacy . Then she would disappear weekly 1-2 , but not to sleep with someone but because of staying to her ( female ) friends.. Suddenly these friends don’t exist anymore .. An empty of the other interests and social events apartment , two lonely people , with the only daily posting coming from Pulo and the interest being when they fucked , when she swallows and when she masturbated . Obviously she will always gather top cams because lonely people want to share her lonely company . No surprise that when she fucks with Paul she would struggle for top cams while when she masturbates , she still captivates the audience . And about the sexuality that I read , I agree that she will always have it and this is a fact . But again , this she does it only for her audience , apart from them , she can’t consider anyone else a friend . The RLC audience is her friendship circle . And sexuality , she isn’t wearing mini skirts , she doesn’t wear or have high heels to go out , she hasn’t got dresses to “ show “ her incredible breasts in “ cleavage “ mode . Her boyfriend hasn’t even given her a present since being there , no hugs or romance either before or after sex , just two machines , pants slightly down , legs slightly open and off we go .. and a guy who most of the times needs to masturbate next to her so as he comes and also a girl who needs to masturbate next to him in order to have her pleasure because he can’t give her pleasure … And the question is , can it be that for reasons which are against what the masses believe and will create always a controversy , can it be that MAYBE , MAYBE , MAYBE Leora isn’t making him feel horny in order to fuck her like a champion ? Even Leora isn’t anything special while having sex ( whoever believes different can easily observe other apartments ) , the same repertoire and repeated things …. Still , top cams … WHILE MASTURBATING ..
  12. It is simply not much commenting about them because they simply have the MOST normal life of any other couple . Both are highly appreciated , Lion is a great guy , Venera is one of the best participants having appeared the last years , their sex life is incredible , Venera is BY FAAAAAAR one of the best swallowers we have in RLC history ( she needs her daily vitamins daily 😂🤣 ) , the couple has a normal social life with friends joining for a drink , for a coffee , to play games . The two will go out , Lion isn’t exaggerating in anything , Venera will do her daily hobby routines , she will be an exhibitionist enough times to provoke the viewers , I really don’t know what we could actually ask from a couple . I think if the majority of whoever participates with RLC was close to 80-90% of how these 2 are , then it would be a really nice close to reality RLC site , but then drama would be missed , unpredictability , the chance of speculation and so on , which is actually what feeds the forum . I am more excited watching this couple , if anyone wants to simply relax and enjoy content , these two are more than amazing . Big kudos and respect to Venera and Lion , proving that such a life , a life shared in front of cameras without hesitations and boundaries can be possible . And VENERA , simply speechless watching this beauty each and everyday .
  13. It is rather strange that it hasn’t been commented that the last days , there’s for sure much much nudity exposure and a kind if a different approach being sexy and “ provoking “ the cameras .. I still consider them a weird couple but personally very satisfied of their presence so far ..
  14. All those people who characterize him , they are simply people with endless and incredible complexes .. They can’t see themselves at the mirror because their beer bellies / food bellies / fat cheeks are double than how this really cool guy is . People who feel proud to laugh and degrade others because next to them they don’t have a chance to even being able to say a normal sentence to any of these girls or in general have an opinion about anything and anyone . Of course , THIS IS A MISTAKE OF CAMCAPS which at one of the rules indicates to be polite towards the forum members but also and EQUALLY IMPORTANT , commenting with respect about the participants . In general the guys are treated like “ shit “ here from the comments of the members , we have said multiple times that JEALOUSY can’t be hidden 😂😂😂🤣 Look how Paul ( Leora’s ) is treated , Timur , Alberto to name a few . Miron is a totally cool guy , girls feel nice around him and his personality is the example .. we have seen great looking guys who couldn’t even say ABCDEFG 😂🤣😂
  15. It was without a doubt a fact but after the Saturday night that B2 is having , we can official say that it is the UNDISPUTED CHAMPION apartment of RLC in Barcelona . An amazing variety and chemistry of the girls , girls who simply live or better say , try to live ( and they do it great ) a normal life in front of cameras . With friends visiting , gatherings , sharing private moments either with their sex partners or by themselves , girls who are social when they wish and enjoy their privacy when they want . Girls who the majority of viewers enjoy , girls who respect each and every cent they make having chosen to be in front of the cameras . All my big respect to the one and only Lavika , the impressive and surprising returnee Karina and of course the seductress Anya 😇 An apartment for everyone I believe , people that love watching nudity , sex , masturbations concerning the pure adult RLC content but also girls with their lives , ups and downs , tears , smiles , getting drank , crying , this is the place to watch without being bored 😇👏👏👏
  16. I don’t know how Kimberly will evolve and be as the time passes by , but it is clear that she wants to interact , do things , enjoy . It is really unfair that she’s isolated in B7 when now she seems to have found Britney and do things together , I even believe she would do great with also the rest of the girls who like to share things on camera and not hide . I think that these two girls , given the circumstances and the right moment , could give us great moments … BUT .. no matter what , while Britney is fantastic , Kimberly has earned my fully voyeur’s pervert madness 😂🤣😂🤣 simply due to one thing … I am a total sucker when I see any of the girls giving glances and staring the cameras , Kimberly does it so many times , it is like talking to us , the imagination can go wild with any of her looks on cameras … and this for me it is absolutely fantastic . Hopefully the addition of new girls can be in the direction like these two , however and as we see , they seem already to have made some new “ friends “ outside 😂😂 I mean who wouldn’t approach , flirt and try to get to know these two with what they went out tonight , both girls left all in imagination … well done and i believe the best is yet to come …
  17. What more then can I add ? You just say it all .. if people are hiding their life , they can go and do things that they don’t feel ashamed of .
  18. The reality and conclusion is that FINALLY B1 became a bit more vocal and interested in watching today because of the visit from both Raniya and Kimberley to stunning Britney .. and of course , and it is sad to say , Elmira wasn’t anywhere to be seen . Britney for sure brought another atmosphere , let’s hope that Serafima’s “ superiority “ won’t destroy anything or cause issues .
  19. We should never underestimate or forget that Serafima has always been a girl who wants to go out , meet guys or people in general , many times for “ other “ reasons … this is why many problems has been caused especially during her first stay .. let’s see if this is just a night that Serafima introduces them out to night Barcelona…
  20. I didn’t have time to watch and that’s why I don’t remember it … Of course it counts .. Come on though , such things should be the routine and normality and not that in 2 months time we see no interaction with fellow colleagues and same language speaking people .. Always bring yourself in a similar situation .. you go to another country to work , are you going to be locked inside your apartment the whole time ( especially if your work isn’t anything exhausted or tiring ) or you would seek to meet new people , have fun , go out when you can , make new friends and connections ? I have you for a social person too and not isolated like Elmira , Leora , Esenia and Dima and Co …
  21. My wish for this night for these 3 nice girls … I hope they succeed in any flirting that might appear or make some nice new friendships or connections and I HOPE that they all end up in the villa with company .. or at least , this very first common night gathering out to be successful in general and the results to be seen gradually and slowly the next days 😉😉 I think all 3 miss the fun , crazy and unpredictable moments that their age can give .. let’s hope that they reward us 😊
  22. It’s funny but Kimberley and Raniya are there for Britney , the other two are like non existent … I need to say that Serafima this time tries to interact and she escaped a couple of times B1 , Elmira , I think except the very first days that she visited the villa , I can’t remember any other social interaction .. Serafima is an amazingly beautiful woman but the characterisation of her as Ice Queen hasn’t been given randomly. As far as Elmira is concerned , it is clear in my opinion that Serafima’s presence has affected even more her isolation of this current stay .
  23. Nelly changed a lot since she moved in Barcelona ..She looked fantastic in Russia , so many fans .. Barcelona transformed her .. failing boobs job , alcohol , drugs , cheating on her husband with another woman … In my opinion , it has been very difficult for her this change of culture ..To be fair , the last 2-3 months and after late September , early October , she seems better and more stable .. it was a terrible period , it might be that even Covid has played a major role in her downfall . I am sure other members will confirm that she’s the same age like Masha and Eva 😇
  24. I think it is Masha , Nelly and Eva the same class , if I remember correctly ..
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