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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Sorry …. There’s only one president … 😝
  2. It seems that Masha’s arrival in Barcelona has initiated a change of attitude 😂🤣😂🤣 second night in a row and if earlier in the morning it was actions for whatever reasons , tonight’s show is Villa from the past and RLC from early days .. Or the bonuses are back 😏
  3. I always need to express my 👏🙏 as I can’t agree less than this post … again , Polya , who even when they were trying a couple of teasing attitudes in B5 , she didn’t will at all to participate and she was avoiding all and everyone .. and then her first ever night back after nearly 5-5,5 years with this “ massive statement “ … let’s enjoy the ladies as they enjoy themselves .
  4. I think it is safe to say that the many reactions have been triggered ( also ) from the fact that for many many months nothing of really extraordinary has happened across the Barcelona apartments ( except the lovely guests of Tim and Samson , still it was just sex ) and most of all , I believe it was the feeling of unexpected which is always the thing that we are looking the most forward .. and nobody really was expecting what we witnessed .
  5. Officially , we can categorize this as one of 2022 biggest and unexpected surprises / events we ever saw in Barcelona .. it is like all the recent and reasonable complains of the “ really boring “ Barcelona apartments got eliminated with the appearance of a repeater who ABSOLUTELY NOONE could expect bringing this on screen .. Polya 👏👏 and the rest for anything providing .
  6. I am wondering if news “ will travel “ at Masha’s B5 staying … 😉😁
  7. This is the most unexpected thing happening in an apartment since a very long time in Barcelona upon the entrance of a repeater .. it is even funnier as it was a day of mostly “ complaining “ that we get repeaters again and - let’s be honest - the posts concerning Polya ( Polina 😂 - even RLC made an epic mistake - ) were the least to say negative and disappointing ( which - let’s be honest again - it was right that most of the members thought assuming Polyas really very long time past presences ) … the truth is that instantly B2 got a major major refresh , Lavika and Anya have been fantastic so far and I think the majority thought that Polya would bring a kind of “ slow down “ and not so much showing but instead , well , WOW WOW WOW … always great when somehow we get a major surprise .. the ultimate funny thing , not even RLC officials I think saw that coming ..
  8. Very very very impressive and surprising start from Polya … who would have thought ? … It is funny as she was behaving in a “ Virgin Mary “ style when she was just visiting B5 and at times other apartments and when she begins her work , she gives very promising “ directions “ … let’s see what we will see 😁😁😆
  9. Both couples seem rather cold towards Masha .. and for her it seems like she’s staying there because she doesn’t know any of the other girls at the other places ( except Nelly and Bogdan but this is a forbidden territory ) … it looks like Masha’s visit has to do with outside reasons or seeing people who are not on cameras ..
  10. It would be an epic miracle seeing Masha at the place where Nelly lives … except if Samson visits B5 ..
  11. I don’t know if she goes to the gym , outside activities 😂🤣 …Supermarket for obvious reasons .. but look , Marlene has interacted in other places , in the villas , she has tried with the other tenants at various times and occasionally .. Mathilda as I said in B5 a couple of times , I can’t remember any other major social thing by her .. about people at home , really ? 😝 Fuck buddies or whatever , she hasn’t hid her private life .. anyway , I only would like that you get my point and what I mean as a general participation for RLC and not go into more details .. at least , both girls provide to the viewers and respect the money they are getting paid , there are others who are really a disappointment and for unknown reasons still occupy beds ..
  12. I hardly ever nowadays see Mathilda away from the apartment and as you know , one of my biggest problems as a viewer is having the girls hiding their private life .. and again , CAREFUL , I don’t speak that they should bring people for naked showers , only sex and so on … but to invite them in THEIR OWN APARTMENT for a tea or a coffee or a glass of wine , I find it ridiculous ( expect of course the ones who don’t want to be on cameras .. ) I have said it many times and there it is again .. that’s why I enjoy watching Carla and Yanai and other similar preferences couples apartments that we watch , simply the participants of several couple apartment try to have an as normal life as possible with friends , relatives and people they happen to know in general visiting ..This os personally what I enjoy watching , interactions , socializing and people trying to be humans and not hiding because they maybe feel “ guilty “ doing a job they have signed to do and which gives them an easy and comfortable life in the present difficult times , especially in Europe .
  13. Matilda’s period is over and she’s back in “ viewers entertaining mood “ .. I don’t personally like her “ loneliness “ and apartment isolation and her only social interactions being in the apartment with the girls and a couple of times in B5 but she’s there to make some money and she’s making it in. a way to satisfy the people who watch her and not “ fooling them “ like other current participants .
  14. RLC spends its sources just like that .. go figure out ..
  15. The weird choices continue … months and months and months Polya has been seen in Barcelona and then suddenly they give her an apartment taking her from her residing apartment in Barcelona.. and they name her “ Polina “ 🤷‍♂️
  16. It was about the intercom guy that I read that I thought it went UM…
  17. I only want to say that having Anya masturbate next to a “ tidying up the empty room” Svetlana , that was really cool .. pity it didn’t get the appropriate attention as - didn’t see any of this - B2 went UM ..
  18. You are right and I have been told about the “ tip “ again and again but I always forget to use the feature .. sorry and thanks 😄
  19. thinga69 Posted 45 minutes ago I think that your complain is only valid for Kass and Ailey. Don't know why are you doing here. Zaba, Esmi, Kristy, Marlene and Samson are getting constant nights out but is only one night once in a while per week. Esmi is now half days of the week away from her apartment .. What I said it was an example , good friend Noldus mentioned about the “ Wednesday night club night “ but I think it was Thursdays and we were used seeing Tweety and Holly doing it , so as to name recent situations .. Still my post had a deeper meaning which had to do with the interest of the current tenants to their job . So , we have Leia who os clearly using RLC for her personal purposes and she’s forced in my opinion living in B4 , 5 times per week she’s at Karol’s .. Trinity .. what can I say about her ? Ailey and Kassandra you said it… Zabava , well , so many times in B1 , strangely after the incident with the guy she’s nowhere to be found in B1 again .. Ot is a complete mess and I think also the viewers are kind of confused of what’s going on … seeing tenants feeling happy let’s say elsewhere and a company ( ( RLC ) showing that has left them complete freedom to do whatever , I don’t know about this direction…. It’s hilarious not having the notice for Kassandra and Ailey , it is a joke seeing Masha in Barcelona and not still the airplane sign by the responsible RLC department of how many days she will be in Barcelona and away from Rome .. A mess ..
  20. As long as subscribers don’t get info or have no idea , for me the girls are “ without a reason “ away from their work .. i don’t care if they vanish once per week or twice or 3 times , it simply annoys me that they show ZERO interest or that they are slightly interested in being in an environment that provides them a really fun and comfortable way of living .. it has always been the indifference that made me angry as a viewer .
  21. So … let’s update … yesterday and before Kirsty returning in B1 , we had … Esmi , Marlene , Kristy , Zabava , Ailey , Kassandra and Samson away from their “ home “ for the whole night … It’s insane that 7 ( SEVEN ) participants were all at the same time overnighting , showing that their outside activities and private life is way more important than themselves socializing with people from the outside private life inside their own apartments … and I don’t think that all of them have people outside who simply don’t want to appear on cameras .. As a conclusion, the disappointing thing is getting the feeling that a tenant isn’t feeling comfortable or happy or simply enjoying their job they have assigned for and they try to find alternatives so as to feel as they want to feel … And to make it clear , the mentioned comment isn’t applied for Marlene and Samson and less for Kristy .
  22. Let’s see if any of the girls we are watching in other apartments the last period will be replacing her .. Danaya was fun for this mysterious short time that she reappeared .. it is like she had a debt and through RLC she will manage to pay it ..
  23. Whatever we say for this couple is little .. their actions and way of living speak of itself , definitely couple of the year 2022 for RLC and in my humble opinion RLC’s luckiest discovery ( since it is a domino of actions beginning with the break up of Mirukawa and Dantez , then Kitty and smith incident to Dantez being back with his new girl Gyana and ultimately trying to convince this couple if they would like this world ) … Guess what , Venera proves a bib big LOVER for the cameras and an incredible exhibitionist , she’s not provoking and she’s letting in anyone’s fantasy the way she’s in front of cameras and of course her fantastic ways during her sexual encounters with Lion ..
  24. I hope you are doing much better now and that no worse problems than what you faced . I am sure that once again you will be coming out even stronger from the recent adventures .
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