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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I don’t care if they make 100,000 euros outside , I am paying to see their whatever lives inside .. if they are happy outside , they can pack and go live in the real world .. only to return a couple months later because few can really survive ..
  2. I don’t think RLC Barcelona officials care what’s going on at the moment or who their employers really are .. as long as they have Nelly and Bogdan under a roof , their mission is accomplished .. it looks like this is their main goal , to have Nelly and Bogdan owing the best room in a recently online villa , fully decorated with their own things and the rest , well , who cares .. if they want , they will provide , let them do as they are pleased occasionally ( being away off cameras obviously is what pleases them as it seems 😂🤣)
  3. I recently said and commented why this is happening in Barcelona .. it had started already around this period last year and it simply gets worse … no matter what , I won’t change my thoughts that the girls aren’t stupid and they know what’s going on .. why expose themselves to “ real life “ incidents , get paid the same or even less from the ones who simply use as per their benefit and make some easy money ? Unfortunately the administrators / supervisors have let it grow enormously and look what’s happening ..
  4. Let’s see if Lavika is recruiting ( despite no free beds but actually really many since no people sleep anymore in their own places )
  5. H&T answering their own way of how they feel for one another 😂😂😉😉😏
  6. Nobody from supervisor department cares anymore for the Barcelona apartments .. they have left it misguided and just to have girls fill the beds .. Ailey , Kassandra , Leia , Trinity , The Sisters who seem to have been promised permanent indefinite residency , Lilith , nobody cares … The worth apartments are B5 because of real life things and fun/ parties , Carla and Yanai and if and whenever nowadays Marlene or Lavika feel like they want to do something on cameras … even Marlene maybe has realized that there’s no point to be exposed so much when 80% of the other girls are getting paid the same and they only sleep / wake up / eat / repeat… The disease is expanding , tenants disappear for days , nobody knows how long will be missed or when they are back .. Barcelona feels abandoned .
  7. Another great session between Don Juan and the fantastic girl .. find a way to put them in the villa so they can have guests , parties , invite friends … AND .. Learn the Russians ( Ukrainians ) Spanish 😉😉😌
  8. Hate them or love them , mistakes or not , they always try when the time is right to talk and find solutions .. it is called real life in my archives ..
  9. Let’s review a bit .. I don’t think anyone can deny that Tereza and Timur isn’t like when we first then saw as a COV .. We can still say that Timur is still much and always into Tereza but Tereza isn’t the same .. yes , she will get her pleasure and fun and for sure likes him but the presence of Thor , her really good ( unexpectedly for me ) relationship with Holly plus , in my humble opinion , entering RLC this time with less “ loving feelings “ towards Timur ( perhaps the time together of course is an issue , not the same initial passion .. ) , it all shows that Tereza wants and she could actually do really much more .. Strangely ( or maybe not since she many times acts like a diva ) , she many times would isolate herself and do things her own way . I have said since a very long time that she adores Thor ( most girls do , his behaviour later is another issue that can be discussed another time 😃) but she’s a “ couple “ with Timur and certain rules apply . Before the changes in B2 , i think B5 has been / still is the most interesting apartment to watch . I am looking forward to much more..😃
  10. If anyone in this forum has a private life that cares just for his bf/ gf and a pet and their lives has no one else around to go out for a walk , have a drink , discuss relationship things , anything to simply break a daily routine monotony ( despite being nice or not , for sure it appears that it is all nice between them at the moment ) , then I rest my case . If anyone here has a life without any other person to talk face to face issues regarding his bf/gf , if any person in this forum has a life that NOBODY ELSE can visit them FOR WHATEVER REASON in their apartment , property , own place , I rest my case. People watch two people who are happy with their pet .. according to this forum , these two people had for a significant time of their lives , when the one decided to leave Russia , a boyfriend and a girlfriend respectively .. for known or unknown reasons , the relationships seem not to have worked for both of them and then these two people reunited . IF ANYONE here has a life sharing it only with one person , a pet and a daily life routine , I rest my case of how life in 2022 should be .
  11. Autumn , winter , spring , summer , people come , people go , newcomers , repeaters , friends , relatives , fuck buddies , relationships , ex , current , this apartment is THE ONLY ONE that gives / presents us with just pure real life incidents , yes , also shows at times .. we have seen orgies , lesbian things , swinger meetings and sex , we have seen it all … people will speak for “ THE QUEEN “ but the real deal , the heart and soul , the person who no matter what , keeps RLC alive and interesting and spontaneous / unexpected things happening , it is the one and only Masha .. and she does it easily once again today with this guy taking the bath together .. Masha above everyone since a VERY VERY long time .
  12. It took some time but finally off blankets and especially with natural lights ..well done Tim and girlfriend 😇
  13. The guest / visitor of Don Juan is one of the best we have seen in 2022 , amazing girl and the even more , SHE LOVES the cameras and has no problems … Strangely enough , we haven’t christened her as she seems to be kind of a girlfriend or let’s say FWB ..I honestly have no idea how we could meme her , therefore any suggestions would be great 😇☺️
  14. Tereza complaining earlier as she maybe can’t have at times the same “ out of nowhere “ fun… 😁
  15. One of the best moments of Thor and Holly the current sex in Lavika’s bathroom in B2 .. the definition of trying to fuck everywhere and simply enjoying .. whoever has done such things , think how much of real life there is in this couples life ..Holly and Thor , respect and well done 😎👏🏻👏🏻
  16. Shades of past villa glorious times , when anyone could expect the unexpected , when shows would happen frequently , outsiders and locals were at the first line of interest ..Let’s hope that this guy brings some of the past times , I know that many won’t like but HEY , finally something happening in this glorious and memorable villa … And since Alana left , finally and slowly Kristy is “showing “ herself to the crowd..Obviously though and once again, the surprise is Zabava and I think most eyes are on her ..let’s see.
  17. 84 / 400, 316 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 10 months and 15 days Tik Tok
  18. Since the departure of the 4 musketeers as I call them , we saw / see girls like Ailey , Kassandra , Trinity , Kaley , girls who had / have zero interest in this job and they are there just for the money and not respecting in my opinion the people who pay for their living …careful , I don’t mean doing shows , fucking around or masturbation at the maximum level ..but think of these 4 girls , in b1 already brought friends in the apartment during the month that they stayed , Olivia would organize parties , they would make karaokes .. all girls were trying to have a private life on and off cameras but ALWAYS sharing .. I think the majority of the viewers want to watch these kind of participants , yes , they wanted also to make money and as some good friends have said in the past , Olivia and Ulyana have been very clever on making money …BUT..all these 4 girls respected the money they got from us viewers by sharing their lives …the list of things to remember is endless , Harley and her lovers , Ulyana’s shows , Olivia’s almost threesome with Eva and Matvei to name some of the major things we saw … Yes , many have been shows but also so many real life things with people visiting , the girls trying to create a life in Spain , it is really crazy to think the quality of girls inhabiting RLC villas for example now and what we saw from all the 4 girls for all the time RLC allowed them to stay .. I really and honestly can’t understand being an RLC supervisor / manager and wanting my business model to be dependent on girls who simply don’t care and sending away girls who really respected what matters the most , us , the viewers …oh well , it is RLC .. at the end of the day , it is good to know seeing Olivia around that she’s always “ nearby “ and also that “ Ulyana’s couch “ in B1 will always be waiting for her big return one day 😋😋😋😋😋😈😈😈😈😈
  19. The fun and excitement of voyeurism at its best , trying to catch even this little moment or seconds that you can see something , especially from guests or in general people who aren’t part of RLC ..again , well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  20. The “ magic “ of seeing “ guests “ in an apartment and how the dynamics and interest can change when couples try to live a normal life .. Well done for Elli and Vencel and Co , slowly everyone having no issues with the cameras despite the obvious shyness , absolutely normal 😇
  21. 83 / 400, 317 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 10 months and 18 days Tik Tok
  22. The only thing known is that they have touring Europe a lot this past summer .. recently they were both in Malta , let’s see if RLC gives these girls the chance to shine once again , yes , their stupidity or whatever losing the B1 place and then treated not the best ( especially Harley ) even by getting a place in the villa , but how of a trying from the recent RLC expansion that we see the girls in Rome , an experiment that might be worth be taken by RLC …
  23. And one more reason why she’s always the best ? She WILL ALWAYS inform about her absence / holidays , she will always be back on time l she’s not cheating or not respecting the viewers ..You can call her all what you want , judge her , criticize her , anything , but as a couple , single or roomate , Masha in the depth of time and of whatever we have seen , she is by far THE BEST TENANT in the history of this site . Searching for top 10 moments , I don’t think she’s not there for 2-4 and of course the TOP EVER , the famous swinger times with Jane , Dick and and her then boyfriend Sasha ..
  24. Nothing more to add 😇👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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