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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It is more likely to see Marlene joining the company than Alana revisiting ..
  2. Never losing faith on Esmi and what she can provide because WE all saw it ..time for her will come whenever she feels ..
  3. As I have said , I won’t ever complain for a woman who has decided to do things for herself and not because she has to do as an obligation . I have this weird feeling that this girl is only at the beginning of what she will allow us to watch , but I think she simply wants to do it her own way and not like “being directed “ of what to do . I think she knows her value and she also knows that the praising from the negative sarcasm comments are just a thin line away .. It is for me like watching Masha or Marlene who don’t give a shit of what’s being told about their personal ( sexual mostly ) life , I think Esmi also doesn’t pay attention much of what’s “ asked “ from her , she will do things for sure for the audience as she knows she has a big one for sure , but she decides what , when and where which for me is great because it isn’t a prime time divas exposure .. Esmi represents for me a more pure and authentic to reality girl rather than the “ fixed “ , “ being told “ , “ guided “ for views girls .. I prefer she’s the way she is rather than pushing in stress to increase her bank accounts with things that simply need to be done as a kind of an obligation .We have seen so many fake things in the course of times during Covid , I prefer the real Esmi and whatever she wishes ...there are other girls who can offer a more “ spicy “ adult content , it is up to anyone to give them the views that perhaps they are seeking ( who of course i will also watch but I won’t mind if I don’t catch live ) .
  4. Kristy and Monica to the place they miss as it seems , at least Monica ..and welcoming Danaya as veterans 😉 to a veteran…
  5. And about Esmi …. I think people here want to have more Alanas , Trinitys , Kassandras and Aileys.. Esmi lives or better say , trying to live a normal life on cameras …Without pretending , hiding , making shows , “ inviting “ herself to the cameras from 21:00 to 01:00 , looking at her phone with open legs ..She has hobbies , yoga , painting , she will go out and meet people occasionally , she will participate in gatherings , she won’t provide the adult entertainment because she’s obliged , she will do if and when she feels , like she would do being away from cameras . She respects her job and audience being nude and with her outstanding natural beauty she “ INVITES US TO WATCH HER NATURALLY “ and she’s “ NOT PUSHING FOR VIEWS OPENING HER LEGS , TOUCHING HER PUSSY DIRECTLY ON CAMERAS “. There are other girls doing this and they do it amazingly and people can tune in there to watch them , in case viewers want something closer to reality , a tenant who is an ADULT and not a child , a tenant with friends , social life , smiles , tears , ups , downs , a viewer who wants to watch reality over viewership with tricks like turned on lights , doors open for curtains moving and cameras sensor being active , change the channel and tune in at that places . Esmi will represent the natural beauty of a 34 years old woman with her passions , advantages , disadvantages , being a human and not a robot , living WITH the cameras as part of her daily life and not FOR the cameras to increase her bank accounts ...She’s not a Marlene , a Lavika , an Anya but she’s also not someone cheating like Alana , Trinity , Kassandra , Ailey …
  6. Mathilda gone blond …mixed feelings , still and always looking great .
  7. Welcome back to Danaya … a very interesting addition to the newcomers … lots of curiosity how this work out as RLC continues balancing having always an “ experienced “ together with rookies .. A nice addition and Karol proves that she is now a really big asset for RLC , considering that she has played a role that Danaya is back , she got her “ own “ apartment , she has managed to stay in Barcelona despite the difficulties and I think she’s here for a very long run ( despite I disagree and I believe both her and her mister could make it in Barcelona by themselves )
  8. This is his third one since C&Y were brought back by RLC . All 3 of them have been great , he is really good with women , I believe we will see even more from him and partners .. or even also other friends of them . The apartment since going live is on fire 😊
  9. Kristy’s “ Alana free “‘times continue , another morning personal pleasure after the one last night .. Which starts also showing that she might not have tasted “ the real deal “ for a long long time .. But with being “ free “ , it can all be possible what she can show us once again …
  10. This is an answer after many many months to whatever people were saying for Bruno and Gina sex activities ..
  11. Nelly … there are still and there will always be Nelly fans … but I think you can now count them in details when 5 years ago for example , the people who would watch her ( and Bogdan ) were uncountable .. and this is for sure a legendary couple but all things have an end , however , who would say no to free rent and extra income ? Therefore , in this rhythm , they will become as it seems , together with Masha , Martina and Alberto and Linda and Tibor the longest ever participants .
  12. Marlene in English going angry to a guy on the phone as soon as she arrived in the apartment with Anya …🤔
  13. I hardly ever tune in B4 nowadays , even Monica she’s not enjoying it or providing .. It is really “ wrong and poor booking “ .. luckily there’s B2 and B1 at times..
  14. Kristy finally free from Alana , no wonder that she hasn’t even paid a visit to see her close friend even once since she “moved “ in B1 … Kristy will be fun but isn’t enough in this weird of chemistry and relationships coexistence of tenants .. I think B4 and B7 have an absolutely really low “ real friendship feeling “ amongst the tenants .. It all looks strictly professional , Monica yesterday - or when it was with Karol’s visiting - no participating says it all of how things are and what she thinks .. And then the two sleeping or staying in the bedroom girls of B7 and Zabava balancing her life between B4 and her sister’s place while the guys and especially Tim trying to figure out why they are single 😂🤣 ( no complains for Samson as it was a great period for him and the viewers ) ..And of course is Leia and Trinity …Pfff , nothing more to add ..
  15. I disagree ..and slow down what exactly ? Sex is the perfect distraction for many things , obviously and despite the improvements with her partner sometimes , since we don’t know what kind of sex she discovered during the months without her current partner , unfortunately for her , the only way she will have herself pleased is by her own self .The partner enjoys getting his wishes , she enjoys seeing him happy which is by default really great .. But the quality of any interactions between the two , well , I better say nothing .. the daily thumb replays speak by itself and what’s happening elsewhere ..Still , what matters as we say is the feeling and for this , it looks satisfactory ..Still , after the first couple of months of the return of her partner , the masturbation session/shows are gradually increasing ..Someone could wonder why …
  16. Sex with Paul isn’t drawing the necessary views I would guess , it might also be not the pleasure seeking which struggles her to direct herself to usual habits ..Too much of a show this last one but people like it and appreciate , it is all fine .
  17. Elvis is back ( highly predicted ) , it seems that Masha didn’t get the required satisfaction by a rather tired during the weekend Hedi ..Let’s see if it is just an “ once per month “ appearance ..
  18. 81 / 400, 319 more performances to go in the next 1 year , 10 months and 25 days Tik Tok
  19. It’s funny that the nearly daily massage sessions of Leora with Malia haven’t been at least resurfaced from Leora to Paul even for once , as it has been said , he has troubles with sleep , maybe she could practice some massage to him once or twice and him to her , that would be something new for sure and I think she could make some better viewerships than her sex sessions which are way more low in numbers than her masturbations ( according to replay top cameras results .. ) .. plus , with a massage , she will always be able to satisfy her exhibitionism side by posing for the cameras and the mirror behind her … let’s see how fast the idea will be reproduced 🤔🤔 or not 😆
  20. No matter what she does , changing rooms , bating , whatever , I don’t think Lilith is a girl that we can somehow remember her for any special things apart from the “ gentle gesture “ of Marlene who borrowed her guy Nr2 or Nr3 if I remember correctly so as her pussy doesn’t create spider webs 😬🙄.. Loraine had a reason being a tenant in this room and before we had Daniela , Holly , Diane , I mean please .. yes she got it as the senior tenant of her current stay but I don’t think many members can be excited of her presence .
  21. I have personally absolutely no problem if they keep only these two and have the guest room empty for any friend visiting them and overnight or other tenants who would like to overnight perhaps … these two are fantastic and instead of seeing another Alana , Ailey , Kassandra or Trinity affecting the way that the dynamics of this apartment changed as soon as they moved Kaley , Kristy and Alana , I do hope they remain with just the two of them .. maybe once again RLC can realize that quality is over quantity .. remember the quantity from January and onward but it was the most boring period i believe.. and who knows , if the new tenant isn’t as “ crazy “ as these two , it might destroy the chemistry and communication these two obtained within some days .
  22. I didn’t mention Lavika because she’s the B2 “boss “now there but soon Anya will make wonders .. This trio will be just great to watch .
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