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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I only know that yesterday they fucked like it was their first time and the subscribers rewarded them with first top cam for hours , even managing to outcome Leora’s exhibitionism prime time daily routine ..
  2. I hope marlene will be fine till the weekend for some after period adventures 😎😎
  3. Kylie and Rus have really slowed down lots of things happening , yes , we had the party last week , but in general , I believe they have reduced their moving around in apartments and also , Di’s presence continued being an absolute same concept like Tata was .. it only remains to be seen if Di wishes to touch or check naked Rus 😂🤣
  4. Can it be that Masha and Sam is an issue for Eva knowing what’s going on ? ( I personally believe that despite being weird , life moves on , they are both divorced and single , so they can do anything , it is just that Eva’s best friend is fucking her ex and she fucks a new guy ..)
  5. Can Nelly be a reason of non visiting B7 ? Can the connection to Masha being related ?
  6. I agree with you 9 out of 10 times ..The epitome of a successful relationship it is 5 things , I will name 3 now , trust , communication and sex ..If you don’t trust your other half , there’s no point ..Matvei being out , we have no idea , maybe he had an evening by himself or maybe some new friends or some others who has met , the same can have on for Eva, they shouldn’t do and be always together 24/7, this is a healthy relationship .. Communication , if they can’t understand one another on the things they discuss which maybe affect their friendship / relationship , if one speaks about the moon and the other about the sun , if they don’t communicate enjoying talks about a variety of subjects , if they don’t sit down and speak to see what’s going on as two adults , yes , this could be scary ..And sex , show me a couple that has made it with a disappointing sex life and I will give my respect and say “oddly , they did , kudos “ ..But either personally or knowing so many people around and how ,inch of life works , i haven’t met successful couples when their sex life was a disaster .. Therefore , I consider this open relationship very healthy , i am actually waiting to see the outcome if Matvei finally fucks another girl ( especially being one of the GOV ) or even more because all sex lights are on Matvei , if Eva fucks another guy , how about if this guy being let’s say Thor ? I a, waiting to see how they will be then 😁
  7. If RLC continuously has Nelly and Bogdan participating and in fact Bogdan having also a side role for RLC apart being a tenant , well , this is for me “ great treatment “ ..It gives them rent free , extra salary to Bogdan ( who knows , maybe Nelly is also a supporting employee apart from being a tenant ) , the whatever money it gives for participating , this is all lots and lots and lots of money ..Plus , it isn’t B6 , it a luxury villa , with a pool , garden , they have the best room with en-suite bathroom , i understand that they have been loyal soldiers for them and maybe they were one of the first like Leora who answered the call when RLC collapsed in Russia , they abandoned all of their life to move in Barcelona If you see a bit deeper , RLC has rewarded Leora who left everything and ruined her personal life so as to move in Prague , continues rewarding Nelly and Bogdan , it rewarded Ulyana who also was one of the first that left Russia so as to move in Prague and live as COV with her boyfriend Marat at that time , she was brought two more times in Barcelona. ..But look at the life of all of them now , yes they all made lots and lots of money , Leora’s personal life is destroyed and has been living in complete loneliness an isolation for more than 2,5 years ,Ulyana is a digital nomad trying to find a permanent residence country since Spain as students didn’t work , Nelly is at her most tragic situation we have ever seen ..If this is the price to pay to make money , sorry , but this isn’t a life no matter for all of the luxury of the world , being lonely , alcoholic , without real life friends and people to trust ..The only one that seems to have a purpose and actually realizing the situation , this is Bogdan .. Ulyana is young (23 ) so there’s time , Leora , no comment…
  8. And Holly might be realizing that all these photos and videos , since almost 3 years , this has been her life , something that maybe never happens again and sharing the memories ..
  9. I think it is memories of videos taken during previous stays .. it is nice in a way , Loraine was showing some shows of B5 I believe too .. need to check the replay better when time allows 😆
  10. I think Loraine was showing a short clip of the famous 1st January 2021 , Daniel was there and Holly was like 🤦‍♀️
  11. Loraine then is more “ doomed “ if she can’t get away from Anthony and whatever she lived with him .. it’s nice she keeps the memories and not erasing but this going back , it is a torture 😐
  12. I think they are showing some older RLC videos they have made at previous stays ..
  13. The conclusion so far is that the girls like Thor , for Samson they keep more distant , maybe being older or his looks are more aggressive .. Thor gives a better aura ..
  14. Thor taking his chances , nothing to lose towards a “ lost “ , “ master orchestrator “ and “ shows fan “ Lorraine and an already traveling in Asia Holly ..Who knows ..😆 massage and blue balls but it is better a man trying rather than someone sleeping and doing nothing .. so far so good for Thor ..
  15. It’s all the happenInes off cameras there , but actually , who would say no to that view ? 😏🤩
  16. The train to Moscow has passed many times from Barcelona but I think their life will be for a long time in Barcelona .. RLC has taken good care for both of them 😁
  17. Most probably , roof full moon night …
  18. Again a great move by Kristy and Alana , abandoning anyone to run a common bath ..whatever ..
  19. No idea about Lavika but ..she has great legs and of course she is way more interesting and interested than Cleopatra 😇
  20. Thor proves to be the “ brains “ between the two muscle men ..Yes , he is in dangerous games flirting whatever is moved across Barcelona colleagues ( maybe there’s much more in what we see ) , in any case , I think he threw one pair of dices with Tweety , betting that perhaps on her last night she would want to enjoy , he didn’t succeed ..He was clever enough to realize that Kristy and Co.is all about games and that he can play the game better , so he left and I think he will target Holly … Of course it might have all been just a simple visit to get to know better B2 or he is now in B4 because both divas are great company 😂🤣😂🤣… But let’s judge the tactics according to what he managed to accomplish with Oks and if he proves that he is just a friend that the girls can trust for everything and not a major player trying to get as many as possible , here we will be to discuss again ..Well done to both guys having brought a different atmosphere at the concept and for sure not knowing what it maybe happens , the boring repeated nights seem to be a bad past experience .
  21. Esmi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 What a great surprise .. and together with Beatrice , that’s another surprise .. Kisses with everybody , can it be that Esmi is under a sad not working flame with someone and trying to distract herself ? Another separated night for the sisters perhaps ..
  22. It is time for another one to say goodbye ..Holly will always be Holly but she has other thoughts and pains for life and her passion for this job isn’t anymore ..She will have gratitude that RLC gave her the opportunity , to be perfectly fair , she respected the viewers and she was a great tenant her first two stays but this one was for her to accomplish gaining easy money , she still introduced to us her friend , but as always , when a tenant doesn’t “ feel “ this job anymore , it is better to set themselves free , abandon the cameras world and live the real life ..Holly’s time for this seems that has come ..And as mentioned in the past ,she’s a “soldier “ of RLC , if her “ services “ are needed again by RLC one day and in a state of “ ratings “ emergency , aka subscriptions , they will call her again to fill any bed any where ..It is time for Holly and Loraine to give the beds to “ girls that want to have fun in summer Barcelona “ , enjoy a luxury villa life and don’t have in mind obligations or future plans ..Just live the moment and the RLC opportunity ,exactly the way Holly did especially on her first stay ..
  23. So … The two males will prove the X-Factor of zrLC in this 3.0 version , they will be exhausted running all around wherever single cools furs and roommates reside so as to charm , tease and possible end evenings in “ Thor & Oks “ CWB ( Colleagues With Benefits ) interactions 😁😆😂 .. Personally , sign me in , I DEFINITELY would like to see some real dramas caused by such things he rather than watching “ misery “ , “ sadness “ , “ isolation and terribly moody atmosphere kind of Nelly and Radislava’s recent incidents …Well done guys … Bonus .. Last time guys that visited B2 , it ended a disaster .. at least they were outsiders .. let’s hope for a better outcome … 😎 Who will massage first ? The guys or the ladies ? 😏😏😏😏🥳
  24. I totally agree , two great couples additions , in a way the right “ passing the torch “ from Linda and Tibor and perhaps Martina and Alberto .. Normal people , normal lives ( at least and for sure for Venera and Lion ) , I have some thoughts at times concerning the sexual life of Katie and Adam but they have true and genuine love for one another and it is more than clear .. Gyana and Dantez to develop this fresh great relationship as well 😏
  25. Whoever is a celebrity let’s say , I don’t think that there aren’t times that they would “ sell “ all to have innocent , quiet ,private and single life moments like the rest of the “ common “ human beings on this planet .. But with success and the difficulty to hide your life from paparazzi and whoever , it becomes a torture at times .. Therefore ,I don’t know if trying to avoid the inevitable is wise as these people will always be hunted down from media but I think with their actions and words could maybe make the people create a really respecting image about them , something that in the process of time have them appreciated by the majority and ultimately living a normal life like the rest of us , as much as possible at least ..BUT ..Money is a drug and changes everyone ( ok , the majority .. )
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