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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Why can’t it simply be two friends who the one decided to visit the other ?why should it be behind anything happening in front of our eyes trying to speculate ?🙁🤷‍♂️
  2. Let’s hope he “ strikes “ on our lovely cleaning lady , who wouldn’t want to see this ? 😋😋😋😋
  3. Nothing wrong every now and then ..addiction is the problem 😩
  4. Gina is the Queen ..compare her to the future to be Loraine …
  5. You are right for this general rule and I agree ..I still think though that Holly and Thor spending nearly a whole day together , it helped both of them to make their aims crystal clear .. I think there must have been some deep serious talks mostly about their job environment , currently for Thor and all those years by Holly and I think they both understand the project amazing well in comparison to many others ..Add the unpredictable element that sometimes , out of nowhere and where we least expect , someone appears because we don’t search anymore and we just have left it to luck , here you have it between Holly and Thor .. I don’t want to exaggerate , but the way these two were one towards the other was absolutely fantastic and genuine , they really cared and for me , as I always say , when I get the feeling from a tenant that “ I DON’T GIVE A FUCKING DAMN FOR THE CAMERAS “ , this is where they win me as a subscriber and viewer ..I saw two people that didn’t give a fuck for the cameras and they were real as in real life flirts , this was great to watch .
  6. At the moment , I am satisfied with RLC’s direction , they have made it interesting again by changing drastically the concept .. i think if they succeed replacing Tweety and Holly with tenants who want to be active and nit acting a bit weird on tier first days like Dana /Zara /Oks/Karen , we are off to nice summer viewing …I don’t think RLC can have non active adult content girls like Esmi , Alana , even Kristy and Zabava , it needs a couple more wild girls , Gina returning would be fantastic ..
  7. If she stays back because she felt nice with someone after a long time , another epic mistake , part of her young age of course when things in mind aren’t so clear yet .. I do hope that she will pursue the real life and that she manage to escape the cameras world , she gave anything she could but tenants should know when to leave on all of their glory rather than allowing the time to destroy the legacy built ..of course , the money these people get isn’t so easy to be found elsewhere , so , partially I understand the difficulty of the decision ..
  8. Since you are here , apologies on calling you out early and before anything happens last night , but it was more than obvious that Thor was about to score ..we keep it for next time 😎😏
  9. Martina keeps on being a friend to Nelly despite whatever happens in tragic Nelly’s life ..you can tell this as a great commitment ..
  10. Let’s hope for this scenario
  11. It is so many things that can be said about your post ... But i will say only one ..Who guarantees that Leora and Paul and Eva will be what was from 2013-2019 … they both have moved on with their lives and for reasons that I prefer to keep for myself as I don’t want to create chaos of fire comments here , they just like this decide to live together again .. Let’s see it first and when this happens and the way it will be happening , we can say if this was the right choice or not ..For what I can tell , this is Europe,other culture , other way of living , Leora has in a way adapted and still she’s not fully there with the European style ..who guarantees Paul’s approval of Leora’s lifestyle ? Who guarantees that Paul will accept all of her friendships and the way she has made it ? How will Leora react to his adaptation ? I have rarely seen second chances work , except if people here believe that Leora and Paul never got “ separated “ and were always a couple .. I will like them to succeed but in pure cold personal opinion , Leora and Paul for me is a finished story ( for the people who want to see them together but mostly for these two and whatever they think , I hope I am COMPLETELY WPONG ). Again , money rules Leora’s life , if it was always the love of her life , the man who couldn’t leave behind , she would have stayed in Russia ..But whatever , bullshit 😂🤣😂😂
  12. Most probably she’s still with Bruno ..and Gina is Gina , she does whatever she feels but she fell for Bruno so .. this for thor would be like going into a mine with Gina the local … can’t see it being a reality but a single Gina , well….😏
  13. Cecilia was unofficially living in Radislava’s room but she suddenly disappeared ..I think they will keep them both in B1 😐😬😒
  14. She was a good tenant , she showed things , adult entertainment , real life things ..But I don’t think she had ( has ) many fans , good friend noldus for example I am sure he can bring up many reasons of not being the best roomate and girl …But this doesn’t change that she respected the viewers and was generous to the fans and did things never seen before ..time for Daniel to pursue another one 😂
  15. Next day with Lucian , she ended up a wreck in bed once again .
  16. Martina has complained to him numerous times , Alberto is at times mysterious to decode , you can’t tell he is lazy , he cooks , he will make his bicycle hobby , but there’s a very big “ BUT “ ..He is totally different than Martina , he isn’t as social as her , he doesn’t like traveling , he doesn’t like going out in restaurants , bars , he is more of a house guy …Normally m, two people with so many serious differences can’t last for such a long time together ..but here they are still , even though this is at times an open relationship of sorts as Martina seems to have the “ free pass “ to do whatever she wants with whoever she wants and I think the same goes for him but let’s say due to his “ close to himself “ character , he isn’t pursuing it like Martina . In any case , many things that we see are great between them , there’s genuine respect , love and understanding but for me and sorry to say this , Martina is not even at the 50% of what she can do in her life in everything ..professionally , as a woman , as a friend , Martina is like an animal in a cage ready to explode and take life in her own hands and simply experience it in a completely different level .Alberto has no actual goals , he is satisfied of the few things he has , his dog , his lover / girlfriend , his games , his cooking routine , his job now once again .. These are two characters that maybe conflicts and boredom should be there and exist in daily basis , but compare them to Linda and Tibor for example , Katie and Adam and then you can tell that they have a magical recipe that they still have an incredible passion for one another sharing life together ..And the answer to this magical recipe I believe it is that no matter what , no matter who they meet and whatever they do , at the end of the day they want to end cuddling and hugging like best friends because there’s absolutely no one else giving them the feeling of safety and security , the feeling that no matter whatever they do , the one will be there for the other .?.And in my life this is something I have seen so very RARELY , this is their magical recipe . Martina and Alberto will always “ be together “ , even if they decide different partners or whatever , there’s absolutely no way that some lonely nights or cold winter moments , even if both have found in the future someone to be totally dependent , in love and whatever , they will both message one another , videocall , laugh and be silly and funny ..And this is their accomplishment ..And whatever happens , if anyone else comes in their lives for relationships or similar , they will have to accept this relationship , if ever anyone wants to be with Martina ( especially her )or with Alberto , they will need to accept them as part of their relationship despite being exs one day ( I don’t really know if I want to see them or not , I just feel that Martina’s potential is incredibly enormous and with Alberto it isn’t erupting ) .
  17. Knock knock RLC ….FINALLY MOVE ESMI OR HAVE THE SISTERS SEPARATED ..Now it is the chance ..
  18. It starts getting a bit questioning , perhaps the sisters are having a misunderstanding and want to stay a bit far from the other or esmi becomes Radislava in terms of visiting the apartments 😊 Thinking a bit more practically , RLC might order Esmi to move in the villa if no girls are planned to inhabit the residence .. Except if they move Beatrice and give Esmi B2’s empty room .. Angel Marlene ready for hunting sooner or later , tomorrow or during the weekend perhaps 😋😋
  19. I don’t understand the comments here , it was so obvious that they didn’t have sex because of time restrictions , Thor stepped back as I think he has respected Holly’s company and the good time sharing and he didn’t just want to have a 10-20 minutes fuck and that’s it .. During the cuddles , they both looked happy and enjoying the company of one another but they were also both checking their watches and that’s why I mentioned it at the live feed a bit before Holly saying goodnight ( again kissing at the main entrance ) that the journey was the reason of not having sex … as Samson , Holly was completely horny and she masturbated and then an hour or so later she departed . DDHM talks a lot 😝😜 but he observes and as good friend @JenniferMom, he has also been in many similar situations , sometimes it works sometimes not … yesterday it was all ready but knowing that she comes back , maybe they postpone it for the final departure .. the mood between them is amazing , you could tell easily how much they enjoyed the company , unlike what Thor did with Oks which was seducing and ultimately fucking . Thor is a great tenant so far and in general the first week of RLC 3.0 has been great , finally we see different things ( except of people here want to see one more masturbate , one more massage show and so on ) … for this , 21:00-00:00 daily Leora gives the chance 😂🤣
  20. This could actually be the “ bonus RLC room “ , whoever wants to take a break from RLC and then come back , here it is … Tweety , Holly , Radislava , the sisters … The mistake was done first place when they had Tweety out because she met someone on holidays and then they brought her back , this was a disasterous move , anyone can walk away from contracts and come back any time ? Let’s be serious… no matter be Holly , Leora , whoever , once you decide to step aside , that’s it .. RLC is the employer and sets the rules and not the other way around .
  21. Goodnight as the inevitable got extra time …😬
  22. Holly will be missing her flight as it seems if she falls asleep ..one more chance when she returns from Holland ..And a head full of thoughts 😁
  23. Holly will be heading to Bali thinking thsat when she found a guy that makes her feel nice and smile , she had to leave RLC … karma 😆
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