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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The second one reaching the milestone , first serious threat for Gina to be dethroned , around 3 months or 2,5 more I believe ..Gina dethroned by Loraine … 😱
  2. If people quote my monologues , then I don’t pass indifferent here . The audience is everyone who is an RLC member and not the CamCaps members who are only a small number of the site’s subscriptions . The audience is obviously the ones who give the empty apartment of Leora the middle top cameras of her living room , the audience are the people who pay to watch and don’t comment here based on the things they read in the forum .I pay and I have my opinion as I have 1 million per cent right to do so because I support the product . Like any product , I am entitled to criticize it negative or praise it according to what offers to me personally as a subscriber , anyone can do the same , but few do so . The only way for a service to become better , it is only if the people who pay do things about it . I care on where I am investing my monthly money and I have the power of my voice and writing to do as so . You don’t agree , perfectly fine , maybe nobody agrees , perfectly fine , but the freedom of speech and saying whatever i want , whenever I want for whoever I want of the people who are employed by RLC in an open specialized forum as CamCaps interfering with the daily happenings of the RLC site , this , neither you , nor anyone here will indicate me what to say , what to write and how I express it - as long as I respect everyone and everything of course - . The problem of the people here is their narrow thinking and that they think that when a CamCaps member has an opinion , it means it is a must do thing for a girl or pushing for her exit , begging for her stay and all of those similar things . Each and every single post is simply an opinion expressed by a certain individual , I am trying to understand the endless drama that is being created so as reaching the point of being hammered because opinions and thoughts vary .
  3. Radislava’s story is a long one concerning her moving in B4 from B1 , maybe some guys will shed some light . But this now ongoing situation for over a month with her and since that incident with Loraine and the rest of the girls must have really ruined her world and hurt her deeply . She can’t stand it anymore being there but again we go to the simplest thing explanation , why isn’t requesting from RLC a change ( of course she might have done it as you indicate with your post but I think for many months she was happy and had found peace in B4 and I am impressed reading that she had asked to be moved to another apartment ) .On the other hand , the only place that for me could be ideal for her is only the guest room in B5 , she has no nudity issues , Kylie is her friend , there’s no direct contact with any other girls , so , that’s i think the most reasonable choice .But then , 3rd change of apartment in 1,5 years of residency ?
  4. Marlene ..Best current GOV tenant , end of discussion 🥳🥳🥳😋😋😋😉😉😉 HAPPY EASTER to the little one , the one who makes people smile , the one who is great company and friend , the one who socializes , the one who people like to be around her , the one who knows how to cook , put effort and time for it , the one who enjoys intensity masturbations , the one who knows how to fuck and be fucked . Angel Marlene on fire ..😈😈🔥🔥🔥
  5. Everyone is famous here with his/her own way , thanks for being sincere 😂😇😇😊😉
  6. Holly became a top 5 ever favorite because she was what she joined to be , a GOV .She would enjoy her life , party , be the girl that people would tune in to watch taking a shower , be naked , get fucked , masturbate , whatever , you simply didn’t know what to expect .Holly was a Girl On Vacation and I enjoyed her as a tenant and as a girl of course . Nowadays Holly isn’t a GOV for me , she’s a businesswoman , she’s using RLC for free rent , she shares her bed with a very good friend of hers and she’s staying with RLC so as not to have the expenses she would have if she had a normal life and an apartment in Barcelona . She’s not a GOV anymore , at least the way I PERSONALLY have it in my mind, what can i do ? Should I stay silent to satisfy the Holly supporters because she doesn’t PERSONALLY satisfies me as a tenant ? The girl Holly , I WILL ALWAYS ENJOY WATCHING .But I watch RLC to see people , characters , personalities , incidents , I don’t miss watching nice girls , this I watch everyday in my daily life as part of my job .So , my complain is Holly the tenant and not Holly the girl . Esmi and Zabava I have repeatedly said that they have been facing an incredible family drama and I don’t “ touch “ them with comments because I simply don’t see them as RLC employees , at least Esmi .They are both victims of the most stupid thing the human race can do and for me , I give my applause to RLC who provides for them . If Esmi was a GOV with the meaning of the word i have in mind , she would have been under the same posts from me , indeed a bad tenant .But i don’t see her like this . In any case , I don’t know why we aren’t allowed to criticize and comment in any way we think here and need to be hammered because an opinion isn’t at the same page as the majority , we are speaking about a free to speak world but when the comments aren’t pleased for someone , the poster is being hammered .Careful here , of course a poster will be hammered and can this please be at the maximum level , but this needs to happen when people just say anything negative without justifying their opinion ..I ALWAYS justify my thoughts and have arguments when I speak about a tenant , if my posts aren’t in favor , I am sorry , but it is what I believe and whoever thinks differently it is fine by me and I respect his / her opinion and not attacking against it because I disagree . All opinions are appreciated and respected as long as they are presented with justified and reasonable arguments .
  7. I agree about Cleopatra and about Alana , Linda and Tibor are a couple and this is now a marriage life that I think they should have continued away of the cameras . I enjoy Olivia as she’s a team player , the girls like her , Ulyana is a personal favorite and I am not fair with my judgement so I won’t say more about her . I agree with what we can watch to be entertained and and any differences we have is a matter of personal taste ,therefore , it is all good 😇
  8. Aren’t we all doing the same ? I am bitching about Leora because if it was any other person , RLC would have kicked her out as it has done with other tenants who had similar attitudes like her .Leora is a joke , that’s my opinion and I don’t change it till I see anything else from her apart from the lonely , isolated and imprisoned life she has in her new living city . I praised Leora in the past and almost for her first year in Prague ,she had a normal life , a boyfriend , a dog , she had a life .In Prague she has a life and she’s hiding it for her own reasons .You seem to like the way she presents her life to you as a viewer , I respect your preference , I have mine , end of story . Of course I post what I would like to see but this doesn’t mean that this is what I am asking the girls to do . Who am I to control the actions of the girls ? And that’s why I am not watching them and I watch the ones that satisfy my viewer’s preferences .This doesn’t prevent me to criticize negative what I don’t watch or praise enormously what I like watching , where is the problem with that ? Aren’t all of these opinions ? What are we doing here in this forum ? I criticize but I respect and don’t insult either a tenant or anyone , I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours , if my comments or posts make you angry , frustrated or don’t come in agreement , you can always ignore , not read them and laugh with them , it is very simple . I am not RLC to get rid of the girls but in order to give to the audience what they want , you need to bring yourself to a tenant’s position and think “ what am I doing here ? What am I participating for ? What have I signed for ? Is it a site to show my private life 24/7 as much as I can or hiding , getting the payroll and just walk in a free rent apartment to profit for the future ? “ In order to satisfy the customer , you need to become the customer ..and in my opinion RLC many times has no idea what being the customer who pays is . I watch when I am pleased and I never tune in to things I check at the thumbnails that don’t satisfy me .But that’s different on not saying anything if I don’t like ( AGAIN , FOR MY OWN PERSONAL PREFERENCES ) what’s being broadcasted .
  9. She’s proud of him , he is proud of bejng able to deliver anytime he is asked . I think they are a nice couple for this RLC job , however , it would have been fantastic if they had this minimum open thing that Alexandra and Lucian had for example that Alexandra was allowing the other girls to suck him …
  10. I am totally against it but he likes it when Kylie at times does it to him so , what can we say ? Penetrating a female ass is a really nice thing and experience to do though 😋😋🥳
  11. Esmi and Zabava is real life and I “ love “ watching Esmi .You also don’t get it , I don’t care if they bring cock or pussy , i simply want to see human reactions and behaviors ..Holly cares just to make money , her English lessons , she enjoys in general a stay that the only thing she does is taking showers , sewing lately and that’s it .Where are her friends ? Where are the interactions with the others ? The only real thing I saw after a long time was during last night that she came from outside activities horny and she bated for her female hormones next to a “ dead sleeping “ Tweety .. Harley , Fiora , Masha , Olivia , even Ulyana that she has a disappointing stay , these girls in the villa show something , they have a life .And Harley hasn’t brought any cock in the villa , the same goes for Ulyana since many months , Olivia is friendly with everyone , normal human behaviors ..Just roomates living under the same roof , rules applied ..But Holly has her own agenda , you like her but I miss the Holy I got to know and if she was showing that she enjoys this stay rather than giving me the feeling to me personally , ddhm , that she just fills one more bed , I wouldn’t criticize in this way ..I don’t know why we can’t have an opinion here that bothers the personal expectations of what RLC personally means for each individual .You like it , I respect it , do I judge why you like it or I am expressing my opinion regarding Holly ?
  12. Yes , Kylie does it with him quite often and he likes it 😁
  13. The girls going out but keeping on being unsuccessful ( of what we see by returning in b4 or sleeping elsewhere after every attempt going out ) .. And Holly is horny .
  14. Rus , in my opinion , would like to taste another one but he is perfectly fine of course with Kylie , it is just that I think his confidence is skyrocket that he can fuck really good and nice and I think he sees the looks at the girls surrounding him and come on , I think he is an attractive man , the girls like him and he feels it , these few moments that he gets , he tries to finger , touch , whatever he can .. But Kylie only allows touching( not at the dick 😂 ) , I think if it wasn’t Beatrice , maybe not even kisses .
  15. Only a bit blowjob but almost at the end of K&R session , just fingering her and pussy licking , he just couldn’t get hard .. of course , many times , it isn’t so easy next to another guy , it is lots of psychological things at times , maybe seeing a bigger dick or your friend fucking this easily but you not being able to even think hot of the woman next to you , perhaps the dick size which Rus is more gifted😂..anyway , personally , I am trying to figure out Daniel’s next prey … I still can’t find a candidate , in extremis maybe Loraine .. Edit ; I didn’t watch before the strip cards game so if they fucked before this , then , many things of what I wrote is different concluding .
  16. Poor Rus trying to do things while Kylie isn’t watching , Beatrice wants to be fucked insanely , she watches K&R all the time and Daniel can’t provide apart from his fingers 😂🤣.. And Daniel hasn’t even touched Kylie once , zero interaction which shows the total control of actions that are allowed and who runs the place and the things happening , Kylie has become Loraine 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  17. So … I wasn’t so wrong 😂 Daniel can’t fuck Beatrice as he isn’t giving him any feeling for it , it was an one time deal , Daniel conquered the prey , mission accomplished ..Kylie orchestrates the events , it seems that Tata was brought with the hypothesis being part of similar things but something must have happened between her and Kylie which led her to exit RLC . Rus is perfectly cool , he can get erected anytime , Beatrice wanted to have all from him as Daniel couldn’t provide but Rus is limited as well.I think Kylie must be disappointed with Beatrice’s and Daniel’s presence during the show , however she enjoyed her session easily as always , good to prove in front of others the famous “ look how my guy can fuck me and how I can fuck him “ 😁 I won’t be surprised if Kylie searches for another one to become a show member but Tweety rejected , with Radislava might have been restriction discussions and perhaps there was a misunderstanding and that’s why she disappeared , Holly is out of the question and this doesn’t give many options opened apart from maybe Olivia , I can’t think someone else .. ( still , again , Rus’s biggest desire is Ulyana , nobody can’t take this away from my mind 😁😆😆 ) . There are even more to say but let’s wait how things will go , once again , say whatever but Kylie and Rus are the absolute mega power that there’s always anything to watch , either by having visitors or visiting other apartments , this duo is one of the most active members ever and personally I enjoy the “ expect the unexpected “ , even the dramas created at times .. As a good friend would say , “ Kylie and Rus are too clever and know how to make money 😉😏 “.
  18. I have come thinking that maybe they now have been waiting for the Orthodox Easter , but nothing indicates any changes , except Radislava and maybe Karol ..
  19. I totally agree that nobody hates her but it is just again this conclusion I reached and which has me being so negative when personally I feel it from a tenant , that is a tenant using the RLC job for his/her own personal accomplishments and not caring for the people who pay for this person to be on cameras . Now , many will say what Holly isn’t doing so as saying that she doesn’t care ? And the answer is exactly her two previous stays that she lived her life in front of cameras while now she’s is just staying in a luxury place so as not spending money , getting paid and at the same time not giving the chance to the person she helped join RLC to shine , beautiful Tweety .. Let’s see if miraculously things change during the summer ..
  20. Well , they listen to the weekly “ A State Of Trance “ radio show , it is all perfectly fine for my taste ..yuhooooo 🥳🥳🥳🥳
  21. Radislava feels betrayed from the behavior of the rest of the girls in B4 , it seems she can’t stand it anymore in B4 , the sudden Cleopatra befriending as I have said repeatedly , it is just to have someone and not being alone ..Still , it is really unclear what she tries to do by having Cecilia in B4 except the very right thoughts that many say , that is keeping her room occupied and not being empty .. Still , again , the villa is a mess 👿😡🤬
  22. There are many reasons I would like Holly to go but the “ everybody loves Holly “ quote still has many supporters so as reaching this point , therefore I will name my own thought what negative Holly gives during this stay , I certainly believe that she’s holding back Tweety and her fun , enjoyable , playful , wanting to enjoy character with the rest of the girls , parties , incidents in the villa . Since “ reuniting” with Holly in terms of being again at the same page , Tweety went back to be a girl that she does as Holly wishes , she accompanies her in Barcelona , she avoids visiting other places by herself , to me it seems like she can’t have her own personality shining under Holly’s influence .. I hope I am wrong but honestly , what have we seen more from Tweety since she made peace with Holly than the daily blame that the sisters Esmi and Zabava suffer ? Ahh , yes , Tweety is running around in the villa more naked ..please …
  23. Excellent movie choice for Fiora and Cecilia with “ Nobody “ and Bob Odenkirk 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  24. Well , I need to admit that it wasn’t an one time thing as it seems , Daniel found a woman that whenever he is feeling sexually hungry , he can easily have ..let’s see where this goes and when the drama arrives 😁
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