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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It’s different opinions , nothing wrong with that 😇
  2. I still saw - for my preferences of course - the real Tweety when she had argued and wasn’t in good terms with Holly for a week and more .That Tweety was fantastic for me ..
  3. As we have said ( without any proof though ) , it is believed that Esmi has been brought there as kind of RLC gesture hosting a girl who flew out of Ukraine when the war started , like this they helped also the psychology of her sister Zabava who - in my opinion - it was the same type and approach girl like Marlene ( just more shy I think ) when she joined . Esmi brings the balance needed , she’s the big sister , she has no problem with Marlene’s adventures in the apartment , I think if she ever does anything on cameras , the whole posting about her will change and she will start be praised but the doubters .
  4. I agree totally ..And although I would like for Karol to quit and live finally with her guy and the dog , i get “ terrified “ with the idea who would inhabit Karol’s room ..I think only Tweety could be a perfect candidate to have a room by her own in this apartment , all Ukrainians then 😇
  5. Kristy ..lights on ..Surprise 😇😇😈😈😈
  6. They both still seem to fail .. except once having overnighted both of them , all of the other times going out , have been seeing them returning in any apartment alone .Of course maybe they aren’t sharing ( totally ok ) but if there were things happening , i believe they would be overnighting many times . I think that Tweety “ belongs “ more currently to the GOV idea and I think she would appreciate enjoying a party like the one that happened during the weekend in her “ own villa “ ( even shared with others ) where she could swim , dance , drink rather than being Holly’s loyal friend companion. On the other hand , I think Tweety has a “thing “ about luxury and “ full pockets “ so maybe the outside activities are “ classy “ and not bars or clubs , let’s say like the ones that Marlene seems to hang out if I can differentiate the girls in that way and with this example .
  7. For example , this is when we disagree .At least Esmi and her sister are real and genuine , do you honestly compare the mood they bring and the voyeur’s expect the unexpected than the repeated let’s say and count now .. Loraine , Kristy , Alana , Radislava ..Esmi might never show anything but B1 works great with her as a tenant for what we see at least from Karol and Marlene ..Imagine having Mila or Loraine or Radislava in B1 with Marlene being there for example or Karol ..
  8. Something is / seems wrong since Masha has returned from Barcelona .It might have been repeated sex with Elvis but it feels something “ not in order “ with Masha ..I hope I am wrong .
  9. Esmi with her hair like this looks gorgeous 🤩🤩
  10. Thanks for the correction , you are absolutely right , it was Piper and Taylor inhabiting the master bedroom of B2 , I always remember this show with Masha and the girls and it always “ stays “ in my mind that Olivia and Ulyana were the participants , totally my bad information here and sincere apologies to the members . I know you are very good with details , wanted even to applaud your post about the complete details and your thoughts concerning Eva and Sam recently posted , so , I can do it here indirectly 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  11. I wish all chats were like the ones I have with guys like you , we disagree and we think different in many things but often we share common opinions as well , therefore , please continue , at least with me , it is absolutely great to talk with guys who respect and accept an opinion and not offending because it isn’t the ones that have already formed in their minds .All it is fine , no bad feelings at all , just to clarify this also .
  12. I didn’t mean anything bad with my post towards you and about my opinion that I believe you had with the guys who we saw / see on screen , your post helps understand a bit more . I think it is situations that you don’t like seeing rather than people , for example you don’t have a problem with Bruno / Holly but you have a problem with Bruno / Gina . I don’t know what wrong did Rama and Lucian did , they were just the guys at the COV with two amazing women next to them and incredible Alexandra simply didn’t have a problem to see her husband getting blowjobs by other women . Fiora is an exhibitionist and exaggerating but I think she hides nothing of her private life and she “ participates “ , she’s active , she does things and she justifies her presence in the villa . Daniel is who he is , we criticize him , but I just see a young guy who B5 , B4 girls apart from Holly and B6 seem to have no problem with him being around , so , he can’t be this complete jerk , a young guy with his advantages and disadvantages as a young person , whose perfect in the world ? I think the approval of the tenants towards his face gives the answer of what we think about him . About the guys who appeared , I don’t honestly understand what was wrong with them .They were invited at a villa and a party , what did they do wrong ? That they were drinking ? Dancing ? Or is it that we “ THINK “ that they were doing drugs or didn’t like their faces and tattoos ? What would have been different if Karol’s boyfriend , Zabava’s guy , Marlene’s guys , Nana’s guy or Anthony would have offered more being there ? It would for sure - I believe - be criticism of why these guys are there and what they do ..
  13. The villa is a mess as I have said again , there are 3 groups , zero chemistry and zero good feelings amongst the tenants and lots of backstabbing , the 4 girls together but since a long time Olivia and Ulyana not enjoying but feeling better when Harley and Fiora joined them .In my opinion , they are in control of the villa but kind of disorientated of how they want to make things run as they respect in a way the rest of the girls and I think mostly Holly who - in my opinion - “ invisibly “ she has a “strange “ power of the things happening in the villa , she might not even be there and looks like her aura is present , don’t know how else to explain , it is like everyone respecting Holly’s presence in the villa .Then , the other two groups , Holly and Tweety and Loraine going where the flow goes and leaving Radislava currently isolated and alone as the third group with off camera ready to join anytime Cecilia ( not a coincidence in my opinion another isolation like the one she had in B1 dying her first months and before Stella joining ) . The way I see it , B4 needs a general regrouping , it isn’t simply working , not only the overcrowding and lack of privacy is hurting the content offered but it has now tenants that I can’t see what they honestly do there . Loraine, Holly , Radislava ? What are they doing in the villa ? At least I can see Tweety who tries with the rest and manages to keep a good connection with the 4 girls and it so clear she wants to enjoy and do things but as I said , she’s under the protecting umbrella of Holly and I don’t think her personality is unfolding with this incredible dynamic that I think she has ..
  14. Radislava keeps on “ protesting “ by not wanting to go back in B4 , the feeling of betrayal and having lost any friendships has affected her really much , it is very interesting to see what’s going to happen from now on . This sudden and out of nowhere approach to Cleopatra , I believe it shows that Radislava has run out of people to “ trust “ and have anyone around her . It is a pity but it is the truth and to be completely honest , I can’t see how she can extend in this way her stay as a GOV .
  15. I think whatever we believe for one person , the thing that matters the most is what the person closest to him/her believes .And I think both Eva and Matvei have real and genuine passion towards one another , it is their honeymoon period and they enjoy it , making money sharing their life on cameras and being in a city that many dream of to even visit . I have noticed you are mostly negative to most of the guys who appear on cameras , I don’t really know what kind of people you personally expect to see and in a bigger image , we are talking about young people who simply live their lives with complete freedom of thoughts , not so much thinking or experience in life like the majority of the members here at CC who we are of an older age and lots of different stereotypes . I think we need to think how we were behaving when we were younger , how we were partying , what we were doing .What was it that we were better than all of these people ? I have been worse personally than many of these guys , the only thing I wasn’t doing was drugs and it was always easy to find but not so freedom to try like now , marijuana , joints are so easy now and allowed slowly legally in many parts of the world . I only want to say that these are all young people , having lost two years of their lives that could be out , flirt , do so many things and experience the life but they lost it and now they are back to it , enjoying with whatever opportunities appear . As a last comment , I am trying to figure out what kind of guys should we expect to see since the criticism that any guy who appears on cameras is insane .But as I have said repeatedly , most of the guys here are simply jealous because all these men can actually approach these girls , some can fuck them , some can make them do things that maybe they regret ..But excuse me, THIS IS REAL LIFE and things like this it is what happens out there in the real world , maybe more people should go out slowly from their homes , in bars , in clubs , at beach parties , at pool parties , at festivals , at home parties and see what’s going on . But the majority of the people here are of older age and these things aren’t their priority …
  16. Not much of a discussion , the guy noticed the cameras , first one , Marlene said to stop talking , then he noticed all 3 and she said “ what did I tell you ? , kind of having explained him with a message she wrote on her mobile about the cameras , it was after they woke up in the afternoon .Very great reaction from Marlene as far as I am concerned .
  17. RLC needs 3-4 “Marlenes” , the pure definition of GOV …Girls that arrive in Barcelona to do exactly this , be on holidays , staying in apartments with cameras and get paid for it . Girls that are smiley , full of energy , they go out , they dance , they sing , they don’t hide , they choose the moments to enjoy themselves . Marlene proved today how to handle without panic and with genuine reactions the reasonable “problems” of camera exposure , she easily explained to her guy that he shouldn’t talk about it and calmed him down and she promised she will explain him .You see her reaction and you can compare it with other “ divas “ who can’t even persuade people appear in their apartments due to the shame confessing this to others while they are camera obsessed with themselves . Marlene shows after a very long time what means to respect the viewers and at the same time living and enjoying your life . For anyone who knows how the holidays times work when you are single , what means fun and most of all what I think most of the RLC subscribers wish to watch , Marlene is the best example . It would only take one(1) “ Marlene” kind of girl either in B2 and B4 so as this could be the unpredictable and unexpected RLC that many times is great to watch . I hope the girl stays for a very very long time , her communication abilities , her social skills and of course her super horny performances , a girl that fully enjoys her time , even more , a girl that seems to avoid the Russian speaking community as we saw her with two different lovers who aren’t of the Russian / Ukrainian community , it opens the doors to more people to be introduced .Locals are desperately needed , what better than the guy we saw speak to his friends about “ volcano angel Marlene “ and we can see also others approaching the single RLC girls who wish also to have fun like her - and they are many at the moment - . Well done Marlene , the best current example of GOV and maybe the best newcomer apprising after Tesla and Eilan .
  18. She showed her skills already , the girl is a volcano .
  19. Angel Marlene did it again .. respect 😇😈🙌👏👏👏
  20. I understand .. we don’t do this here , we either stay home and drinks partying or straight out .
  21. All central / Northern Europeans have this habit , strangely you are southern and I am impressed .. we just go out and have all the fun there , it is against fun rules to go already “ ready “ in a bar here ..of course it happens , the new generation and the life being expensive rather prefers buying a bottle of vodka or whiskey or beers and warm up before going out , never did and don’t think will change now my habits in mid forties 😂🤣
  22. Hmm … texting on the making , company arrangements I guess .
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