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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. That’s the benefits of not having Bogdan living in the villa , the guy was/is amazing but this is what we were saying , the girls were both respecting him and also were not so comfortable running around naked .. And also Nelly ..jealous Nelly 😁😆
  2. Kristy can be wild , the team up with Alana has ruined a lot … luckily , the best current GOV with one of the wild ones in the past…bring it on , I agree 🙂
  3. I think she just let Cecilia masturbate , she has taught her well to be honest .. The funniest thing is why they don’t announce Cecilia as an official tenant ..
  4. I don’t think this guy we saw with Zabava is anything serious …
  5. Why ? Can you please be so kind and tell me if the events of my post haven’t been exactly as I wrote them ? Wasn’t it posted here multiple times that it was like that ? Were is it then the bullshit about the post ?
  6. I don’t doubt about the feelings , it is funny to speak about them now when some days ago it was written here that Paul soon after Prague found another girl . I guess the feelings of him living with Leora for so many years , the time of not seeing her while she moved in Prague and visiting her after 5 months , wasn’t so “ strong feelings “ at that time to prevent him from finding another girlfriend . And of course , Leora finding and sharing her life with Leora’s Boyfriend for 1,5 years , I guess he was of such a little importance for her feelings to get sad , happy , cry , disappear and be away from the apartment dozens of times , even for 2 straight nights in a row for a long period of time . But yes , it was always Paul and Leora , Leora and Paul …. I think the power of money makes miracles for many people to let go , forget and rethink what it is better 😏 After all , some months ago Paul was an “ asshole “ because he seemed to ask more money from Leora to ship the dog in Prague … things change so fast between these two .. ahh yes , till recently , Leora wanted no man in her life as well , oh boy 😏🤔
  7. It is Thursday , most probably Holly and tweety will go out , Marlene masturbates so she has her hormones under control when she goes hunting at night 😁.. or her last night’s attempt didn’t bring the expected results and she relaxes ..
  8. I think whatever more happens , the x factor is Matvei , we simply don’t know the guy . If he has no problems for threesomes , i don’t see why we can’t expect more . But only if he is fine with that , that’s why it is all in the end the way that Eva and Matvei see their relationship . For example , Kylie and Rus , Kylie wants Rus not to have his dick touched by other girls , there’s never gonna be a sex penetration threesome . It was the same with Loraine and Anthony , Loraine would allow touches but never for Anthony to have sex with someone else . From recent tenants , Alexandra was the mystery as I never figured out if she had no problem seeing Lucian penetrating another girl , but then , the results speak for itself , it was only BJs , so .. I think Eva won’t hesitate to see anyone around her being happy , I don’t know if she always wants that things escalate but I also think , if anything more happens , she will allow the moment to flow rather than stopping it and lose the feeling / experience . What matters the most , it is that both Kylie and Rus and Eva and Matvei in Barcelona are great COV and they aren’t the typical boring relationships that RLC brought from another country , they gave them the apartment and they would only fuck , eat , shower , repeat . Both couples interact , they are open to offer kind of different things on cameras and personally I am never bored watching them which is always the biggest problem for the couples after some weeks .
  9. I understand and as you say , for you , when you don’t like a girl or a situation you ignore her/it. Others , like me for example and other people posting in B1 will express their frustration and disappointment . I think it is fair , everyone watches RLC for his/ her own reasons , as long as you aren’t pleased with the offered content , the negativity and frustration is fine to be expressed , what is totally stupid and unfair is to attack personally the girl by insults or characterize another member because he simply expresses his/her negativity , I think you can easily understand my point as well 😇
  10. You are absolutely right .. but I have promised myself not to “throw “ any negativity on these two girls because I got the ( unfortunate ) chance to be informed of their really bad family drama in Ukraine and since then , I see these two as not the typical RLC employees but as two tragic figures of a war that try to stand on their feet and i believe they are doing great with RLC’s help . I have donated some euros to organizations even though my thoughts about the war isn’t the ones of the typical propaganda by both sides and I have my own opinion about what’s happening, which isn’t the most popular one , in any case , i think Esmi is RLC’s “invisible” financial contribution being a site that has grown its fame due to many Ukrainian girls and I believe they might have even Ukrainian staff as administrators at various positions in the company .
  11. Esmi simply manages to have so much talk involving her because , I believe , the majority , sees a girl with an endless potential . The girl is creative , she seems experienced with life , the girls like her , she even brought a whole apartment to follow her lead back in B5 showing her dancing moves . She’s not a boring girl like we have seen dozens of them , she will exercise , study , be social with the rest , to make it simple and clear , the girl has all the package being an amazing tenant but doing zero to none concerning being in an adult site that nudity is the least asked and then there’s the ultimate sex on cameras challenge , this is what causes the heat on her .. especially when there have been times teasing for more , that night when she seemed trying to please herself under the covers has been the most memorable so far 😇
  12. Lots of comments and posts but I think everyone seems to forget one basic thing we already said when Esmi joined RLC , that is , she’s not the typical GOV and most probably she was brought in as a result of war issues , kind of gesture from RLC . Of course , anyone can say that this isn’t a subscriber’s problem as people want to see things and politics should stay out , after all , there are hundreds of beautiful women out there who would most probably like a “ place “ in the roster .. Still , I think Esmi it is just an RLC help of a kind , despite her name of course being as an active tenant but I think the criticism and comments should apply to Zabava and not Esmi . Seeing Zabava trying to get lots of her before the war life back , this is where we could perhaps concentrate our comments rather than Esmi . Let’s see what happens .
  13. For anyone who watched the majority of it , you could easily tell that it was Olivia who was “ orchestrating “ let’s say , the one deciding how much more or not . Now , for me , Masha was a different story than Olivia despite getting the same result .The whole thing was a very tensed , gradually building erotically game , with Masha was 100 times more serious as they were all naked , but I think with Masha , first , Masha didn’t want to go for more most probably as she didn’t feel it was the right thing to do and also her visits to the bathroom “helped” her 😂 that day to “chill “ her desires , we all know , if Masha wants something and someone sexual , she always have no matter what ( except if she’s stopped ) , the only one who escaped was Gina and Bruno that one and only time in the LR ( most probably Gina didn’t go further ) . With Olivia it was more “ softcore “ .There were never panties out , but Olivia would always decide what more to do or not , she clearly ( Olivia ) wasn’t pushing for full nudity and for whoever saw in details , she never ever touched Matvei’s cock . The way I see it , Olivia simply wanted to have a show in the making , she just doesn’t know Eva sexually and that as soon as she gets horny , she won’t hesitate and Matvei is at this point the reason I believe that both Masha and Olivia would hesitate , Masha respects Eva incredibly much and also her experience with Dasha and then boyfriend Sasha is also something that put a “ STOP “ in her mind and Olivia , it is just that she’s not at all willing to get in the middle of any drama created beteeen Eva and Matvei .They need to sit down a couple of times more and speak about relationships and how they see life and all this and only then , maybe something more happens . At the moment , it is simply respect and a kind of not wanting to interfere for more from Olivia , it is all till a certain point .But the right approach , can always bring something .In my opinion , only with a non tenant maybe something more could be seen on cameras , an unknown visitor or a girl that maybe they met at a bar or something like that , we will see .
  14. 38/400, 362 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 3 months and 18 days Tik Tok
  15. It is all results of how things are currently with RLC , the people who take the decisions have fucked up everything …Even Holly and Tweety some weeks ago , the two sisters now , where to start and where to finish ..it is the same with the overcrowd in B4 , the same in B1 with Esmi for example needing to abandon her room for her sister ..This is a joke what RLC does for its employees .
  16. Kylie and Rus , once again , the people that no mater who the tenant is , they all want to hang out with them .So , no matter the complains , the actions of the tenants speak for themselves .
  17. Very possible , but also Zabava was under the covers like her first time and this time she wasn’t undressed ..maybe it was Zabava saying to the guy if he doesn’t feel comfortable , they could go and that’s what happened ..still , she was happy and that’s what matters for me seeing with this girl 😇
  18. It is just the truth for these two girls ..Last night was a step in front .
  19. Esmi totally ecstatic and impressed from the sunrise coming from the Mediterranean Sea 😊
  20. As always , everyone wants to see the glass either half empty or half full …let’s see the facts and then anyone can make the conclusions . - If people want to “ bitch “ for any tenant , they will do , no matter what , I do it for example , still I always try to present the reasons on doing . With our example , Zabava now is buried because she didn’t have sex on cameras …Really ? Are we burying the tenant because for UNKNOWN reasons she didn’t proceed with the guy ? But hey , isn’t this the girl who ; 1) Is useless and does nothing ( bringing a guy inside the apartment and warming up is nothing for many I guess ) 2)is a do nothing one because she doesn’t masturbate on open cameras 3) is a do nothing because she isn’t naked 24/7 like others . Now , what I saw is a NO PRIVACY bedroom trying to be arranged so as ( according to what we saw ) one of the two residents to bring a possible date , partner , one night stand ,whatever .A sister’s beloved and very genuine , close relationship getting the normal heat because one of the two people who sleep on the same bed asked to have the room for herself , leading the other one to sleep at another apartment. We speak about a stupid RLC arrangement that is preventing from anything , anytime the girls have a feeling to do something . The girls are at their prime of their age , who knows how many times have felt horny to do things but simply because of the presence of the other didn’t proceed . And before anyone says that there’s the couch , it’s better to think that not everyone is comfortable with open legs and sticking dildos in the pussy or fingers , but I guess for the people watching , this is what the girls are paid for , if they don’t do it , burn them on fire . I saw an argument between the two sisters which as many hinted and understood and proved by the result , it was happening because Zabava wanted to bring a guy in the apartment .Guess what ? After +60 days of a devastated event which has affected tremendously the life of these two particular girls , one of them decides finally to move on and instead on focusing that she slowly made some baby human steps to come back in a more normal way of living , we condemn the girl because she didn’t fuck on camera..😂🤣 REALLY ? From my point of view , this is a middle finger from Zabava to anyone here complaining and bitching that she does nothing .Like Marlene , this is a 2nd ( SECOND , YES ) guy she brought home , proving that she has no issues of hiding and she wants to try and have a “ private life 24/7 “ and as soon as circumstances allow even more , she won’t hesitate . Esmi’s slept elsewhere , it is clear that she was supposed to sleep with the guy in the apartment , for unknown ( either her or him ) reasons , it didn’t happen .Instead of praising the positive of the action seeing a traumatized girl trying to have her life back slowly , we bitch about her because after +60 days of nothingness as it was written , she decides to do something and when she does , the complain is that she didn’t go all the way on cameras .Well , the girl has no chance I guess , her mission is to fuck everyday or masturbate every second one to be approved here , like a machine and a robot so as to satisfy the pervert thoughts of certain individuals who for them the private life of other people 24/7 is to watch people like Leora and Radislava that their privacy is to be naked on cameras and masturbate as their own way to get the pay roll . Good morning all and learn to be and think first as human beings and then as porn addicted people .Zabava - AS WAS ALWAYS MENTIONED - she did things before the war and she is willing to show us her life , she did today , I feel happy for her knowing that she tries to leave this nightmare behind , I applaud her 👏🏻👏🏻 The rest can throw her on fire because she didn’t fuck on cameras . I am looking forward to the next negative post when she does fuck on camera that “ the girl doesn’t know how to fuck “ . Zabava is back , well done , B1 has the girls living as normal as they can , I wish we get now one of the biggest desires , that is Esmi on cameras 😋😋😋( highly unlikely but who knows what the B1 atmosphere can cause .. )
  21. We can tell for sure that there are many “ weird “ things across the apartments .. the coming of spring , the summer a step away , full horniness has struck the girls 🤣 and RLC keeps on being overcrowded , creating unnecessary heat , who doesn’t want his/her own space at times ? But what can be said when the RLC clock says 27th April and Karol’s holidays sign is still there ( almost +60 hours back in B1 ) and an apartment in Prague is UM for more than 24 hours .. disaster customer’s experience , it is like the personnel is still on Easter holidays or on strike ..what the hell .. 🤔🤔
  22. By the way , the endless sex activities from Beatrice last week and next to her Esmi who I highly doubt , knows her B5 actions 😂🤣
  23. Maybe Esmi is used sleeping next to others and she couldn’t be alone on the couch 😁 ..seriously , that’s now strange .
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