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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. They finally didn’t go all the way but we learned that the couple is open to “ challenges “… Except if it is only a friend involved … Perhaps Martina can get involved , how about that ? But then it is Nelly around …A hot summer in front in Barcelona…
  2. They were awaken for around 18 hours , lots of alcohol , sex and substances ..it is recovering time ..
  3. Tonight it is all about Eva ..Her rhythm , her rules , her commands , it all happens with her wishes , whatever she wants from both , whenever she wishes ..
  4. The night is long and it doesn’t end till the sun rises ..it is the procedure ..
  5. Eva getting wilder .. Fantastic endless night ..
  6. Looking forward to Harley going back to her sharing private moments ..it’s been quite some time and she starts getting hungry … Let’s see if she comes back alone or with company and with company , if it is a new one or repeated …
  7. You need to decide .. when tenants are hiding and do nothing , you complain ..now we have a slow progressed threesome and you complain…what is it that you want to see ? How can’t a threesome be a clickbait ? Check the replays , this is what the viewers want , s o simple as that , exactly as clickbait when Leora gets the top replays when she masturbates .. I don’t think we should complain today , it is action , nice and sensual , an erotic game and nothing forced or pushed by anyone …
  8. It’s just a stupid apartment with not only the lights but also the cameras ..This is the food offered today , we either eat it or not ..I prefer eating than not and left hungry .. You either choose to watch or be frustrated and unfortunately skip it ..
  9. It’s been a long time for a major threesome for Masha , it goes back to Sasha and Dasha times and there was a small attempt last year with Heni and Tanja .. And back to glory days for Eva ..Matvei is proving to be the same open like Eva and her ex Sam , let’s hope this will prove great if Eva and Matvei wish to seduce anyone of the current or future to be Barcelona cast in interactions ..The wish of finally having a full sharing open COV seems to be granted despite not having seen sex so far for safer conclusions .
  10. Sit back , relax and enjoy an epic moment created by the one and only and partners 😋😋😋😈😈 There’s no live play by play as we have seen similar things in the past , it will go till sunrise , the music background is fantastic , ENJOY the sensual journey ..
  11. Like most things 😂🤣😂🤣 Erotes - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG And the word erotical comes from it ..
  12. The only problem is that Matvei hasn’t got Masha’s required qualifications …😏😏😝
  13. Seeing Masha during this visit rather quiet , I have started believing that Elvis might have started becoming an important guy for her .. curious what this sensual game brings and how it proceeds , it is all possible as the time passes by .. And things are too erotical ..
  14. It all depends on the couple’s decision what happens and of course not Masha tonight .
  15. He appeared fully in knowledge what this project/job is all about ..In Masha’s apartments made the testing , incredibly successful , perhaps we go to a new level today ..we are talking of two of the “ totems “ of incredible things we have seen in the past , Masha and Eva , this tonight can be a hall of fame moment in the history ..
  16. An interesting development , if anything happens , it will open the “ gates “ for incredible possible things to be seen when Masha returns in Rome as the couple might be very open in anything. So far , Masha sleeping on the couch , the sex between the two and the general behavior indicate zero motivations that this couple is open …But seeing Masha and sensual Eva on the same bed , let the wild imaginations conquer RLC site once again , courtesy of course for ONE MORE TIME than Masha being in the picture 😎😎🥳🤩😋😋
  17. Nothing strange , the villa is a “ hostile “ place , no friends , isolation , it is a sad environment since that day with the confrontation with Loraine and the rest , I think she just wants new friends let’s say ..what it is weird , it is the more and more exposure of Cecilia in the daily picture that it is more than clear that she’s the next GOV when the time comes .
  18. Radislava’s many months of residency and actually not showing more than what we have been seeing except of simple having different partners has made the viewers tired I believe ..On the other hand , there are other tenants who contribute the absolute zero than what she at least tries , but I agree , Radislava’s time is up , I don’t know if we can see more from her …
  19. Cleopatra finally interacting with the others after a “ cold “ period and Radislava trying to find allies as the villa is becoming a very unpleasant place for her , especially when the support of Cecilia is missing ..
  20. First of all , you are writing in German and despite my knowledge of the language , I still need to use the translator so as to clarify some details of your comments , in the end , maybe it isn’t the most accurate but anyway .. My idea about a woman ..Women are as equal as men , a man can have and be proud if he fucks everyday another woman , it is the same for a woman . You seem to have a problem that Masha has an active sexual life and has been seen in her on cameras life enjoying a variety of partners , some possible boyfriend situations that didn’t work out , some sex partners just to have more experiences and of course some sexual fantasies that she wanted to have , I honestly don’t understand your negative criticism on it .If you are a man of the era of the 50s-60s that men or women should marry when they were 18-19 years old the first person they were losing the virginity , it is fine , it is a respected opinion .I am all in for an active sexual life when you are single and I support and encourage Masha’s life and I disagree with Leora’s zero sexual life experience which as you see she tries to balance with an endless masturbations experimenting process .For others , like you , you obviously prefer Leora’s way which makes you happier , I prefer the reality of Masha , both sides equally respected to like anything . You are now basing your posts on the open cameras as you say which indicates that you have been feeding only to what these women were showing so as to attract more viewers and you NEVER actually got the chance to observe them carefully and in details .If you consider that with the open cameras you could have an opinion as for the personality and the character of these girls , I am sorry , you have no idea by taking a glimpse of 2-3 hours per day on free cameras and not the whole apartment .Plus , you have formatted easily an idea of Leora who has mostly chosen to live without real life friends even in Russia and the chance to understand her was without difficulties as the only thing you could focus was seeing her masturbating , being fucked or playing with her dog ( free cameras ) . On the contrary , not being able to watch in detail Masha’s apartment , you could never format easily an opinion of her friends , her incredible social life and interactions with dozens of people over the years . I have always my favorites that don’t change and according to the “ new arrivals “ , i get to like some girls more than others , I don’t know then what do you mean that I am changing . Being a fan is being able to know when to criticize with reasonable arguments , if you don’t agree with my comments , you can either ignore them or don’t read them or bypass them , it is very simple .You keep on ignoring that all of my posts have an explanation , right or wrong it is an opinion and it’s not my problem that you disagree . Masha doesn’t remember how many dicks she had in her life and Leora doesn’t remember how many times she has masturbated in her life .I find it pitiful that a woman like Leora has masturbated more in her life than she has fucked having a life partner for so many years , imagine you having a girlfriend and instead of enjoying sex with her , you masturbate more than having sex with her , if you think this is normal , I rest my case , especially when these people aren’t old so as we could perhaps say that their age is preventing them from having daily sex or whatever .We are talking about women in their early - mid 20s that we got to know them and for one of them she had a long time boyfriend with a very satisfied sex life and the other she had a disappointing sex life so as she discovered pleasuring herself to enjoy . For you , the many dicks are a worse level than the solo masturbations , maybe you should reconsider what is healthier for human behavior . Last but not least , we say that you don’t have a paying subscription so you have no idea what’s happening in detail but you say that you noticed that Masha wasn’t welcomed with joy in Barcelona , how you come to this conclusion when you can’t see ? So , please , let’s be honest here and say that you are prejudiced with Masha because you simply can’t accept that a woman can have an endless number of men , what’s the problem ? A man fucks 100 women and he is a Casanova and Brad Pitt and a woman that fucks 100 men is a slut , a whore and I don’t know what else ..please , this is 2022 , open your mind . How can you know that Leora provides awesome “ games “ as you say when you can’t see them and have your own opinion ? 😏Please …
  21. It’s nice to see every now and then girls who haven’t got the most or the best of experience boy/girl sex like with Beatrice , it makes it even more pleasant to watch as you can so very much see the pleasure of the girl wanting to fully experience and enjoy the maximum with a guy she likes , like it is obvious that she does for Daniel ..Daniel has the same problem as he has been seen repeatedly in such occasions but he enjoys a lot at most parts , however , I don’t think he likes so much thst he needs to be the guide almost all of the time ..ah , well , real mind sex , pleasant to watch .
  22. Mission accomplished for Daniel , very easy to think as a man what’s going to be .. As always , we men being the hunters , having managed to “ collect the trophy “ , instantly the desire is reduced 30-40 % on what we were wishing before scoring .. Either Daniel or even Beatrice or both will come to an agreement and discuss that is just fun and they fuck as benefited friends if circumstances allow or it was as I said in the morning an one night thing and Daniel will be targeting his next girl .. I don’t have the record , but I think it might be now that Daniel > Bruno 😁😆😁😆… The conclusion is that it was an unpredictable fuck and nobody was expecting Beatrice to let herself loosen , some good friends believe that it was for top cameras but I strongly disagree , Beatrice was begging for dick and actually she was very sensitive and enjoyed any moment of it , she might have never even checked her phone since last night . They should both move with their lives and if they feel like they want to fuck one another , they have the phone numbers and they can do it easily .Well done Daniel and Beatrice for a real private life moment shared on cameras ( however I think that Daniel hasn’t managed to cum which is something he very often has to deal with , explanations are many but let’s not go there …😏😏😝 )
  23. Rus must have taken a lot of that something ..
  24. Like all things in life , you should be able to know when something harms you or at least have people trying to keep you as much as possible away of it .. I have never done personally either smoking or joint or drugs , just a half pill ecstasy when I was 19 , I had to laugh for 2-3 hours 😂🤣.. that was my only “ illegal “ action , I still believe that having a joint 1-2 per month for whoever does this , I think isn’t as harmful like smoking a packet of cigarettes per day for example . People need to learn to say no on proved harmful things but do we stop drinking a beer , wine or a glass of whisky at times ? Pleasures in life need clear mind to be avoided , if not , do it with right consumption so as you say , when you get old , you don’t regret ..
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