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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Whats the point with Cleopatra ? This is Beatrice here ..Cleopatra is local , she had her fun in B2 at the one and only men visit a couple of months ago at the balcony and the off cameras hidden spot ..
  2. If Harley starts hiding also ( which I don’t believe , I think she has done it also in B6 ) , then there’s no hope in this house .. 😔
  3. Hmmm..Even Harley is angry with “ us “ and she performs undercover 😔.. Except if she has her period ..
  4. Exactly and I totally agree …Did he have his fun taking advantage of the one night stands? Yes or no ? Isn’t it what matters for his sex egoism ? And he seems he can still have Olivia anytime he wishes .. A man who succeeds , his ways or the women weaknesses or whatever , sorry , it is irrelevant and indifferent to me …success at any cost , he manages …Had he been a guy that people and the tenants we see hate , he wouldn’t be around .. the proof of this forum hate him but the comments why the majority of men are hated in this forum have been analyzed repeatedly here …
  5. All set and done ..gradually …
  6. Say whatever but Daniel has - since a long time - discovered the “gold mine “ of RLC and what he can have .. He managed somehow , someway to stick around this project and yes , he has his way as it seems ..If Beatrice isn’t his next “ victim “ , that will be an epic surprise tonight 😁😁
  7. It is Beatrice’s turn I guess …😉😏😆
  8. Are you jealous that she has a very active sexual life and she lives her life the way she wants without caring whatever me , you or whoever comments about her when the “ Queen “ pays attention even at the “ tiniest “ of her things that she needs to do in front of cameras so as not to hurt her “ Saint Juliana de Krasnoyarsk “ image ? There are two things to know if you could watch RLC that you don’t do so you can’t know .The one is living in an apartment FOR the cameras and the other is living in an apartment WITH the cameras . Both girls contribute to their respected audience , the one is an exhibitionist who loves the attention and the positive feedback and she can’t accept the haters while the other has chosen to live her life her own way and don’t give shit , the choice for the viewer it is up to him / her who to watch which in the end it is nice as a subscriber to have a choice . You can choose the fake life of Leora like many do who is hiding and the real life of Masha who exposes herself in everything . Masha is under criticism because she does what most people in this world do , she has real friends , real lovers , real fuck buddies , real people who have backstabbed her , who betrayed her .Masha is real life under cameras , both on and off . Even if you don’t have a subscription and you don’t know what’s going on , it seems you have made your choice supporting Leora over Masha between the two because you like a girl who is alone , isolated , prisoned in an apartment in Prague without real friends to trust and have them as guests / visitors in her apartment , with a girl that is addicted to her portable devices to keep her company since she can’t have anyone to share a dinner , a lunch , a coffee , a wine or a beer , isolation it is and total respect for anyone wanting to watch this , much respected to all of these guys . But you , Friese60 , you have an opinion without watching , which of course isn’t preventing you to post but maybe it prevents you to divide real life under cameras and fake / showing / exhibitionist life under cameras . Both respected for the ones who pay and choose what and who to watch but what’s your point judging and taking sides when you don’t pay the product offered ?
  9. 32/400, 368 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 4 months and 3 days Tik Tok
  10. I agree with Loraine but Radislava is also a very difficult character .She has contributed a lot ( Radislava ) but I think it is too much time for her with RLC and honestly , I don’t know what more she can give . Some days ago I said that Loraine is one of the weak links and I stand with my opinion as I also stand with my opinion for Holly who - sorry to say - she uses RLC as free rent , if others think differently , they can think Holly of the past and the nowadays Holly . We then have 3 girls now , Loraine , Radislava and Holly .. Having Loraine out as she offers the absolute zero ( except a nice woman to look at our screens ) , it will improve the living of the rest , I agree , this constant and behind the back whispering it only makes things worse for whatever rumors and gossiping . Radislava had problems also with many , she was for months isolated in B1 before Stella arrived and actually had a real friend . She had problems with Serafima , she was difficult to keep whatever friendship with any tenant the last 16 months ,Mila was a good distraction , a Cecilia of sorts . Then out of nowhere she befriended Tweety , everyone can remember her videocalls to her , Tweety is in the middle of her friendship to Holly and a nice relationship with Radislava but she could never betray Holly and she has chosen Holly although she keeps the door open for Radislava but I think because she feels sad for her being alone . It is more than clear that Holly prefers Loraine in the company than Radislava who she barely talks to . With all these alliances , for me it is a duo , Radislava and Loraine that keeps this villa in a really unpleasant mood and perhaps Holly also in a stand by status . I am disappointed to say it for all fans but a villa without Loraine and Radislava at this certain point it is the right move and possible relationships will see an improvement . For me , B4 currently is the most “ fake “ tenants relationships we see , it is smiles and behaving “ nice “ when most of these girls are totally indifferent for others and they don’t give a shit although pretending doing so . And for us subscribers , the results are also obvious as nothing of importance and watchable happens , except the Radislava becoming Ginger - sorry to say - using poor Cecilia and the rest just offering some shows every now and then .The only REAL is that with so many girls and the jealousy that it occurs in such situations ( I am prettier / I am better / I fuck on cameras / I masturbate , the others don’t and similar things ) , it is a REAL LIFE thing at the moment in a fake relationships house .
  11. Radislava’s isolation in the villa it is a sad thing to watch , Tweetie at least tried to be the only one to approach her yesterday . The daily appearances of Cecilia are simply happening so as not to be lonely . Unfortunately , it is the period she has no supporters , I think if things keep on like this , the villa watching will become even worse than it is already now and the current alliances . The villa needs big changes , I think the time is up with the current way of how things are , Loraine is in her own world , Holly has made her choices and she just keeps herself close to Tweety who at the moment tries to be the “ peacemaker “ and keep the connection with everyone .The 4 girls are united and stronger than ever , therefore it is absolutely of no problem to them the relationships to the rest of the residents of the villa . In my opinion , the overpopulation and the way that the room has been given is causing even more troubles .It is insane and absolutely ridiculous that either Harley or Fiora take it in turns to sleep on the couch in the living room . I have no idea what RLC’s expectations are and what do they think that the girls can do and offer , a weekend with Fiora and her guy when he visits , a party every now and then when Kylie and Rus visit and Cecilia visiting to keep company to lonely and isolated Radislava is really “ terrible booking “ for RLC , if this is what the villa is currently offering the most , it is a disaster . Unless relationships change , the villa will go the path of Tata in B5 and before with Bonnie/ Rama & Lucian / Alexandra , that is people living under the same roof only because they have to do it and nearly anyone speaking to the others ..RLC needs to look into this matter , otherwise this sad and depressing atmosphere will be growing more and more .
  12. I never want to see Marlene with Daniel but I just say that the guy can somehow seduce girls who simply want to enjoy their time .. All previous examples can prove my comment ..Marlene is at the moment my favorite tenant .
  13. With Marlene being such an amazing girl and only wanting to have fun , it wouldn’t be at any surprise to me that the bla bla bla Daniel manages to isolate her , let’s see . Hopefully the girl sticks to her original “ plan “ wanting to have fun only with foreigners and not mixing with any people being close to the project , ie daniel .
  14. Some very easy conclusions of how things have developed and what we currently see ; - Marlene is the best current GOV , the girl is absolutely the definition of how a girl that joins the Barcelona RLC concept should be , that is making friends , having fun , going out and meet people , showing her private life without hesitations , being a girl that no matter what , she’s very adorable with anyone that we have seen her interacting and bonus for the non villa fans , she’s not so interested going in there and she prefers the fun in the center apartments and her colleagues around this area . - Daniel seems that he becomes - for whatever reasons - the new Bruno , however he can’t even compare at any rate to him as Bruno could seduce anyone when he wanted , wherever he wanted , the guy had the charisma and what the GOV were looking in Barcelona while Daniel isn’t of the same caliber but he seems also to be accepted by the girls . - Tata was a girl she didn’t enjoy and her removal was the right thing to happen , unfortunately , something has happened and the same starts becoming clear with Cleopatra . - The whole RLC concept in Barcelona seems like the responsible ones of running the project there are working in a major ( new ? ) plan , it isn’t a coincidence that so many ex tenants are round and about the apartments , it isn’t a coincidence that the beds - till tata left - were not only fully booked but overcrowded , it is like people are stand by to be rehired . In my opinion , the current cast is one of the best that RLC could have , girls that have done all , they have no boundaries and they could be sharing anything with the viewers ( except Cleopatra , Esmi and Alana ) but the overbooking and the no privacy for the girls is keeping away the girls from being able to satisfy their young age needs and desires . I hope that finally the rumored B7 opens anytime after Easter and the new rooms being able to give the privacy needed , imagine a single Tweety , a single Esmi , a single Kristy , a single Ulyana , a single Harley . Its an on going warm up of RLC exploding , Covid seems to be past and nearly no one cares , the war ( unfortunately ) has become now something that everyone’s consciousness has accepted and it is easier handled . RLC in 2022 can bring the magic of years middle / end of 2019 - late summer /early autumn 2020 till Covid locked the people in autumn/ winter of that year when we saw some incredible tenants who lived their life in the maximum and offered us some amazing moments .
  15. Check this list , when she was first time appearing , she was very very very generous …😊😋😋😈😈
  16. KIM….Bring her back , YESTERDAY .. Loraine , it is time for goodbye …NOW
  17. The complain worked instantly 😂🤣😛😆 The airplane sign is on ..
  18. Something happened with Tata nearly a month ago but my thoughts are that she was explained and told the RLC project in a different way . I think she’s a very good friend to Kylie and she most probably was explained the job like Viola . Her first days were fun , she wanted to do things , the one and only open bate supports my thinking at her first 10 days , 2 weeks or so .. Then it got stable and then the war came which affected her the most like Zabava , these two could be seen really devastated .She recovered , she started participating in the parties , making fun , being smiley and nice , yes , nothing sexual but you could see she was enjoying at least … And then boom , something occurred , most probably it has to do with Kylie , I even think that she might be quitting because of her . I liked the girl and I think she was supposed for a wild stay , I don’t think I am wrong despite the results showing the opposite of course 😂😆 , but I think it is the right thing abandoning something that she “ pushes “ herself doing . I wouldn’t be surprised if she appears in the future by herself , I think she’s not even happy with herself of what she contributed to the subscribers . With the queue of possible tenants being endless waiting for the call , it might be that we see Ginger and boyfriend as Karol and her guy should also abandon RLC and go live their lives away from the cameras and I don’t think they are the next in line to be brought in . But most probably we either get a new couple or repeaters couple … As a conclusion , Tata leaving is the right thing for everybody .
  19. Well , since I am really the complainer 😝 when I see things that aren’t good for the viewers and as I have done in other similar occasions , it is fair to say that Martina being absent and not getting the info , it is absolutely disrespectful to the subscribers .There are many who watch only her , I don’t mind if it is Martina’s mistake not informing RLC or being weekend and the Barcelona IT hub isn’t working so as to put the airplane sign but i have been strictly criticizing Tweety last week for the info on holidays , Leora in the past of being away from the apartment for almost two days without info , this is complete nonsense with the non updated Martina’s holidays 🤬🤬🤬😡😡
  20. Marlene has shown that she’s very religious , it wouldn’t be any surprise 😇
  21. It is weekend , her working days are Monday to Friday 😁😁😏🥳🤩
  22. At least an all nighter out and coming back after the sunrise , especially for Holly ..Even if anyone wanted to bring someone in the villa , the ridiculous no privacy things are a forbidden territory for both of the girls to enjoy themselves if they wished .
  23. Marlene bought something similar I think earlier , together with a couple of pair of shoes , high heels 😁😁 Short lady but always very sexy and knowing how to magnetize the looks 😉
  24. RLC is destroying the well being of these girls , it keeps on in all of the apartments to have the girls share beds preventing them from having their own privacy resulting in restless nights , not easy sleeping , struggling with a variety of things ..We can see it rarely , but we can, also with Alana and Kristy , Tweety and Holly , Fiora and Harley take it in turns to sleep on the couch in the living room , even Olivia and Ulyana at least have their own beds despite sharing the bedroom .. They have achieved - because it is an achievement - to create a mess out of nowhere , they have tenants who are uninterested occupying bedrooms as singles ( Loraine , Tata , Cleopatra at times ) and tenants that want to participate and respect the job opportunity given by RLC having difficult times so as to “ breathe “ freedom ….Pfff , disaster 😡🤬😡🤬😡👿👿
  25. Maybe one day she becomes GOV ..And then it can be Radi visiting her ..Therefore is looks like an going awaiting call to join RLC , maybe she succeeds , maybe not ..She’s a local , big advantage ..If RLC had the problems of recruiting or finding girls like some months ago ( which now isn’t a problem because they have I think dozens of girls waiting and ready to become tenants any day possible if they get the call , talking about the no visa problem Ukrainian girls ) , I believe she would have already a bed .
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