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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I tune in to watch both of them taking a shower , especially Esmi who I love her ass 😁
  2. If RLC is helping with money , what’s the problem ? I think we need to be human sometimes and get over with our pervert things .. after all , it is only a speculation that Esmi is just there for war reasons , officially she’s one more GOV. At least once , let’s think that we are in their situation and how it would have been for us ..
  3. If for once in the history of this site RLC is helping a girl for such a sensitive matter like the war , I can only encourage and if they told me if I could support in a way , I would do it with the biggest of pleasure. I have no idea , but still , Esmi takes showers naked and she provides equally like other girls who are let’s say GOV pure .. Alana , Tata for example , although Tata has done some minor things and also Alana just some show participations .. Esmi’s commitment to be on cameras and not hiding , I think she’s perfectly fine .
  4. Everyone handles the situation different , I just said what’s going on with their lives . Still , life goes on , misery and continuous tears can’t change anything . On the contrary , the ability to move on , stand on your feet and be strong can make the difference .
  5. That’s what I just posted but it goes only for Esmi .. Zabava was fixed to be a tenant , I think we will never know the exact time as most probably the contract might have changed . I think at this moment what matters the most is their family . I wish them only the best , the fun for these two can wait and in my opinion , if ( at least Zabava ) given time and they feel safe for everything in the future , we will be extremely surprised ( based on what we saw by Zabava in just 48 hours of presence on cameras … )
  6. At this moment , I think it was a gesture by RLC to help Zabava’s sister with the war complications . There would have been rumors if she was to be part of the cast , as you can see , she’s just there having a place to sleep and nothing else . Zabava is pleased with that development and at least took a lot of her first days sadness , however the sadness is always there as was seen some days ago when in the middle of the night Zabava was crying . Esmi seems to be stronger and handling the situation more “ cold blood “ let’s say . Let’s reveal the issue once again , the parents of the sisters are in Kiev and the father was called to fight if I remember correctly about that .. I think RLC is helping Esmi , see it as a refugee program issue that RLC provides .. I will sound really bad now but it is with no bad intentions , I would love that Esmi stays , both girls are very natural daily life girls , not the model types and this makes it great to watch a bit different than some divas who inhabit some beds .. I only “translate” what I see in the reactions of Esmi in front of cameras , I might be wrong and she indeed was the next tenant to sign but I really doubt it . It is all just saving money and providing for the family , Zabava was fixed , Esmi is a help to her by RLC , that’s my feeling .
  7. Nelly and Martina keep on meeting off cameras , that’s the only certain thing .. what happens during these times , well , no matter how much Martina reveals to Alberto , as I said many times she’s drunk with Nelly and perhaps she “ forgets “ . The real question here is how Bogdan is dealing with that ..
  8. The sooner anyone appears in the LR , I think our questions will be answered 😁
  9. This has been a theory and a rumor , but who can prove anything ? Watching a lonely woman daily because she shows her ass and pussy with open legs , many say it but it is always there , top cams … go figure out .
  10. If the employer doesn’t care for the provided content and the only concern is how to keep Leora happy and on screen with a loneliness life but because she’s is naked the whole day she attracts the eye candy , then allowing a same more or less thing happening by a continuous 15 months GoV tenant ( Radi ) , when they keep tenants who are making the most out of it in an apartment who is ridiculous for GOV ( Harley and Fiora ) away from a place that they could make so much , when they have tenants sharing beds which prevents from at least do anything in private , what is it that we try to analyze more ? The employer has allowed for the girls to see the project as sleep ,wake up , repeat and the few who do actually things , they are stormed with negative and insulting comments because they offer something ( Masha , Kylie and Rus , B6 , ) .. I think the employer ( RLC ) has allowed for the situation to derail with some unthinkable decisions and this on going stand by situation frustrates everyone ..I can’t imagine personally if it wasn’t Kylie and Rus and do things , organize parties , travel around in the apartments and at least make the rest of the girls escape lots of their boring routine …
  11. Her time is long gone as an individual but she’s at least trying to offer the adult entertainment who many want to watch .. it is just a repeated thing and that’s why it was a nice change what happened with Rus …the same bla bla different day it leads nowhere ..but look who gets the most views , it is her and Leora being the exhibitionists , the problem might be the viewers overall then, the girls feed them what they want to watch …
  12. The problem nowadays in the villa is that this current cast has no visitors or guests , in the past , the girls would try and bring people inside , now it is like a forbidden thing to do , like they will be judged negative or whatever .. they go out and they for sure meet people but the last person I can remember is the one that Loraine brought and had a show ( with Daniela ) ..I mean come on , this is the villa , legendary things have happened here for our entertainment ..
  13. As a good friend says , the problem in the villa at the moment is the wreck life of Loraine and unfortunate she’s dragging Holly to her path ..Look how sad she is ( Loraine ) , she lost kilos , new hairstyle to forget the past , isolated in her room with her earphones , no fun to party , to enjoy , nothing at all .. The master of orchestrating shows , who would have thought , especially when she tried fast to forget by bringing two guys in the villa and someone that at least offered a show with Daniela … She even throw / smashes glasses by getting frustrated out of nowhere .. Yes , it is a sad period in her life and everyone handles it differently but this “ bed and breakfast “ comfort that girls take advantage of , it is what I personally don’t like .I don’t say she should masturbate everyday or make shows every second day but at least offer a smile , a nice aura to tune in and watch the most gorgeous of them all ( who is fading though if she keeps like this ) .If this is too much for her , she can always resign and have people in the villa that respect the GOV concept ..It can’t be that Harley for example sleeps on the couch in B6 when she could make “ miracles “ in the villa and have Loraine occupy the second best bedroom …
  14. As many say , her only obligation is to be presented on cameras ( but as some good friends say not like prisoners in a cell 24 hours per day ) ..All the rest is a bonus .. And that has always created the big intensity talks and disagreements of how RLC and generally tenants should “ operate “…
  15. You are giving me such a full and detailed explanation when my comment was a simple short post answering to your comment that you want to see new blood and that’s what I commented ..I also have much time for 5 months , it ends by the 1st April when I need to work around 65-70 hours per week ..Therefore , not much time for the hobby . You like many others here take things personal , we just exchange opinions .
  16. She had a life in Barcelona before entering as a tenant , it is a pity that she’s not opening her world to the cameras , except if of course neither of her outside friends wants to be seen on cameras ( or - sorry to piss some people off - Kristy doesn’t want outsiders ..)
  17. Lack of sex in some days , he will be back like it was this last time …
  18. Back around midnight after some drinks consuming - just saving your timekeeping recording - 😛 ..or an easy prediction 😇
  19. Who knows ? Maybe Martina reading the forum can make some of the scenarios a reality in the future 😁
  20. You still want to watch Kitty and Leora again and again and again 🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔
  21. She was trying for nearly an hour , 3 different toys , anal , fingers .. nothing .. the joy of the voyeur , watching her trying to satisfy herself but scared not to be seen , better say shy not to be seen 😂🤣
  22. It seems that somehow , someway , one of the two ( Holly or Tweety ) will need to step back and finally the master bedroom will see once again only one tenant , can it be that Holly returns in her former room and share it with Loraine or Tweety will be sleeping with Radislava from now on ? In my opinion , a too egoistical decision of the girls not sitting down , discuss like adults and solve their differences .. after all , this will hurt the villa’s atmosphere and will affect even more the 3 now groups , the two sisters , Radislava/Tweety , Holly / Loraine .. still , either RLC needs to interfere for the better good or perhaps Holly might have informed (? as the senior tenant ) that she is requesting a room change ? Whoever joins as a new tenant in the guest room will have some really difficult times to figure what’s going on in this mad house 😂😂😂 Except if Cecilia becomes a tenant 😉 or one more experienced returnee is added and knows what needs to be done .. the conclusion is that Holly & Tweety currently isn’t the best knowing the good friendship of these two and how happy we saw Holly for a long time with Tweety’s presence .
  23. New hairstyle of a woman who had always a certain way , indication of a big change in personal life , at least that’s what 9 out of 10 women will say .. Let’s see if the personal issues make her think about life in a different way than what we have seen by her on cameras during all of her stays ..
  24. Pff .. Ulyana , a choice or not being single and without much or even nothing of sexual activities at the age of 23 in a city like Barcelona ..Something is wrong with the young generation 🙄
  25. Nothing will change , they will keep on meeting off cameras like they currently meet , pretending to both their guys that they are just friends , Alberto whether Martina fucks Nelly or they hang out “ pretending “ / showing that it is all fine and he is happy for her ( Martina ) and Nelly that we have no visual or vocal truth , pretending that she met her good friend Martina , they laughed and had a nice evening when in reality some times of these “ only friends “ meetings ending with kisses and touching and who knows what more as by the time Martina passes the info to Alberto , Alberto realizes that usually Martina and Nelly were drunk … But here is the deal then , what about if the rumored opening villa includes Nelly and Bogdan ( AGAIN 😡🤬😡🤬) as COV ? Will this be a reason for some people to try and search where they put their credit card to resubscribe ? Is it enough audience who wants to see a round 2 of Nelly & Martina if it was ever possible or Nelly’s terrible state the last time she was an official tenant has caused many people not wanting to see the same tragic situation she was ? Let’s wait some weeks for the plans to be revealed..
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