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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am sorry to say but if this misunderstanding currently between Tweety and Holly has brought this “ new Tweety “ surfacing , it is a blessing .I mean Tweety we don’t know , we have hardly seen her doing things , she was under Holly’s shield and now it is like wanting to have fun , do things and be a real true GOV and enjoy a fun staying . Holly will always be a fans favorite , no matter what the “ everybody loves Holly “, will always accompany her .But , maybe , maybe it is enough with old and let’s go with the new .We have seen all from Holly and as many predicted ( I never believed it to be honest ) , they said that it would be a rather boring stay of Holly this one .So , if Holly has no interest ( that at the moment she hasn’t ) , I am all in to discover Tweety and what she can show us , from shows to maybe going out and see her with visitors , it is time that Tweety replaces Holly , after all , Tweety is also incredible adorable amongst fans .Off with the old and yes to the new then , of course having both active would be ideal but again , if I personally had to choose , Tweety would be now the pick ..And maybe in a way proves thst she finally deserves being in the master bedroom which I have clearly being against it when they had to kick out the sisters …Go Tweety it is 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  2. I have promised myself very very much not to say anything about this war as it is so much what can be written , so , I will stay quiet 🤐 I just think that it ends soon , of course when the few people who decide for the fate of the millions want to ..
  3. Life outside the cameras world proves that things can get better for an ex tenant if they use the experienced gained wisely , we need to applaud Ginger i think ..
  4. Tata is clearly a puppet of Kylie , she would do as she commands ..And the way Tata looks Rus , it’s like she has this big crush on him , too complicated ..The things under the covers , even if they were both wasted , have been recorded , especially both trying to hide it from Kylie ..Now , why “ unfortunately Rus got to touch Radi’s tits ? “ Radi was super horny in my opinion , I think she got shocked seeing Olivia taking Tweety and kissing her , it was like “ why didn’t I do it first “ , Kylie offering her tongue and lips to kiss her after blowjobing Rus was kind of “ saved by the bell “ , “ I can now do something “ .. She then let go next to Rus and I think she wouldn’t care if anything was happening ..I am sorry to say , but this Radislava I wish to see more than prescheduled orchestrated shows , even though they aren’t the fake ones we got watching from Leora and Malia ..
  5. She’s back , very good 😇 And resting I see 🤣😏
  6. She was just overdoing it , it would take her an hour to calm down before ending in her room masturbating again ..and not only .. she kind of lost it I think but there she is , looking gorgeous and with a very nice looking guy .
  7. 27th March , around 5,000 tourists are expected in Greece for holidays as the season begins .. I think the war ends soon , the tourists example is to show that people isn’t that they aren’t caring but just that life continues even in a mess ..If tourists don’t travel , me and around 500,000 people in my country won’t have a job .. it is a complicated thing and that’s why i think that if they want to end it , they can easily do ..but the more it goes , lots of people as always win .. May 2nd , around 5,000 British people are expected on the island , just to show you a bit that where elsewhere people have lost all , for others life continues even not with the most comfort thoughts .
  8. New Ginger , day of the returnees across Rome and Barcelona …I think Ginger is a good example that life outside of cameras can be beneficial , well done on taking care of herself and changing this drastically ..
  9. This formation though of Holly and Loraine , sorry , but Loraine , the super mega orchestrator , come on … pffff 😜🤪😜🤪 People forget easily how she was dragging Anthony to all of her shows and now ( I have no clue obviously ) it appears that she’s a kid of victim .. Karma is a bitch as they say in my village 🧐
  10. Marlene isn’t bad the last couple of weeks , the sisters we have analyzed that they have the most personal story and I think we should see them completely in the most human way possible and leave aside any pleasures we might want to watch …
  11. It all needs time ..I don’t think that Esmi remains with RLC as soon as the war ends , I think she either goes back to Ukraine the soonest it can be safe or she will be around in Barcelona but not with RLC .. Zabava will be providing , but that’s pure speculation .. If Nana comes back , I know that some are in favor of her , but please l we had enough games , Loraine and Nana with RLC ? Pffffff… 😱😱😱🫣
  12. Ginger actually was one of the last going full crazy of doing things in the excess of overdoing it and becoming unpleasant ..But look at her , a new Ginger …
  13. I think Loraine is one of the few who has shown of the least concerned about the war , I believe she explains her rollercoaster with Anthony from Christmas up to this time and what’s going on with her messy life ..
  14. It is exactly as that but there’s still the whole idea of when the war ends , we will be watching different behaviors I think , they will explode on fun after such sadness and pressure of bad things in life .
  15. It is the crazy day of reunions , past faces resurface .. If it isn’t Loraine explaining the mess in her life or we get to see the formation of two “ camps “ , pff , it can get really messy for RLC and not having the tenants united for the main cause , that is bring money …interesting .
  16. We will see what happens but with the boyfriend moving in Barcelona , maybe the time is approaching finally for her to go and live a happy life with her guy and the dog away from the damn cameras .
  17. Holly has been going in B5 repeatedly , she was sleeping again and again in K&R bedroom , don’t you think that some things have become a bit more comfortable with the time and not so formal ? I don’t say that it is right but come on , till recently Holly was using B5 when she wanted to overnight in Barcelona and not get back in the villa . Or she wasn’t doing any substances while in B5 ? These people two weeks or so ago they were protesting on anti war gatherings . I think it is just some misunderstandings and they will solve it all out together , they just need to sit down and discuss like adults , so simple as that and stop being children , especially Tweety and Holly .. on the other hand - and sorry for the women members - , typical stuff between women 😆😆🤣
  18. If they weren’t in Barcelona , we would be watching isolated girls and boring times .. at least with these two , there are parties , events , things are finally happening and not only fucking . Their success as people can be seen on how easily they come in their place and how easily the others invite them everywhere . Who from the previous ones was organizing big events like them ? And don’t tell me about the drugs , all apartments except B1 are doing . But this is a problem of them and we can’t do anything , it is a phenomenon of this generation to easily get high as the substances can be found very easy nowadays and much cheaper .
  19. B1 under quite a long maintenance time .. Karol moving out ?
  20. We are almost at a 48 hour away time of Harley , as I have been negative criticizing tenants that were disappearing for days and no airplane sign was shown , they could at least do this with Harley . Now , a big Harley fan here but this absence without notice isn’t the best . Let’s hope that it is all fine .
  21. I think many here have the memory of a goldfish .. it is nearly a year and a half that Holly walked into Megan’s room while Rocco ( Megan’s BF at the time ) was there ready for a threesome but she was feeling sick and it never happened .. or when she was with Bruno and some threesome activities .. and about Loraine ? The ultimate and master archorchestrator of shows , with the constant whispering for people to follow her lead and do exactly the same things that happened last night when she was in B5 with Anthony or her previous stays and taking part in even worse and fake shows .. at least yesterday this happened out of the blue and wasn’t scheduled , just some substances led to this “ Kylie’s showtime “ .. I think we are missing the positive things here and as always ( maybe because of the worldwide condition ?? ) we are concentrating on the negative things .. 1) Finally B1 ( except Karol ) and B2 ( except Alana and Cleopatra ) got to know and introduced to the other tenants in the villa , this is in my opinion a very positive outcome , especially for Kristy who wasn’t doing anything with anyone. 2) Finally Tweety gets her own personality and manages to go away from Holly’s mentoring and protection . Tweety has done nothing except an once / twice thing with Holly and since the showtime with Radislava , she changed . Now , I was completely against rejoining , yes , she’s super funny and smiley and brings so nice feelings but she was gone only to come back in the master bedroom when she didn’t deserve . But this Tweety , yes , I believe she’s the GOV that I like to watch , in comparison to current Holly and Loraine who live with the glory of the past . If there’s someone currently who deserves a single bed , this is definitely Tweety as she’s willing to have fun , party and enjoy .. except if you all like the isolated times of Loraine and the last days of Holly . 3)Yes , Radislava is a Leora clone , caring for the top cameras views and with the obsession of monitoring the RLC site so as to know the when and wheres . But this doesn’t mean that she’s not thinking to provide entertainment , compare Radislava of last year on this day and the now Radislava and I think it is like we are watching two different people . Fake or truth , I know that she tries to bring adult content and fun and in the end , isn’t it this that we are mostly here ? Yes , we want as much as true events but it is better than isolating in her room , looking at the empty horizon and wondering . She’s a difficult girl and her friendships isn’t one of her assets , the girls have difficulties to accept her . But , she has tried a lot to be more social and for me personally , I simply love and adore the trying of changing lots of things . Thinking of having for example Alana or Kristy who till recently she was just sleeping , waking up and let’s live another day in Barcelona , at least Radislava brought to us Cecilia and whatever show they do , it is by far involved with excessive pussy licking , go think now of what Leora and Malia were doing for over a year and there you have your answers . As a conclusion , we have the rare occasion to be able and see as tenants a very fun to watch and active in super frenzy mode Kylie and Rus couple , it was for months just sleeping and fucking and just only a B5 atmosphere with Tereza and Timur , with Hanna and Aaron and of course the disaster stay of Maksim who buried the willing to do and share Leia .. do we really want such tenants or active , unpredictable , funny and crazy like Kylie and Rus ? Yes , no one is perfect , Kylie is super controlling but poor Rus he is the only guy in a hive of beautiful women , he is a “ hero “ 😂 in my eyes , his dick is working and isn’t suffering from not erections , the women feel nice and comfortable around him , I honestly don’t know what it is expected here . Would you want a daniel or a Vamp ? I never stop saying that with a Bruno type or even Bruno himself , the villa events would be occurring even more often .. So , don’t forget about the past of tenants like Holly and Loraine , everyone loves Holly no matter what , TV and mobile and being naked and always this nice , so beautiful peaceful aura of her brings amazing feelings but this is also a Girls On Vacations project and in the past she respected this concept and was one of the best .. she’s now not at her best with that .
  22. Instead of watching a tv series at night , it was fun to watch this last night , plenty of time during the 24h clock to adjust and make things . As for the job , it is more than weird at the moment that it involves smiles and good life , escape from problems and the chance for the people to enjoy themselves and me being part to assist them for that when some thousand kilometers northern from where I live people get killed everyday . Therefore , very soon the job will take over , people will travel again and they will have fun and somewhere else , drama will be continuing . Life goes on obviously no matter what’s going on , this is the truth , having fun with a hobby it is much better currently than witnessing the tragedy daily with the images we see , so simple as that and there’s no need for any facility , everyone spends it’s one free , spare time any time he/she wishes .
  23. With the unexpected decision of Tweety and Radislava laying down with Holly , end of live transmission 😂😂 That was the first major surprising 2022 RLC incident , even lasting for a few minutes .. but that’s what made it even nicer to watch .. Well done to Radislava for her first ever male on cameras experience and for Tweety , that maybe the on going situation with Holly is finally making her come out of the protective shield of Holly and act by herself , it was about time I think . Good night all .
  24. Let’s hope she had a nice evening so as her presence in the villa becomes better ..
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