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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Then my good friend , it is very simple , file a divorce paper to her husband and go live happily ever after with the woman you love , no need to worry and that’s it ..So , why isn’t she leaving Bogdan since she loves Martina ? And , yes , we can love two people at the same time but what can we do ? If we could have marriage deals with 3-4 people loving each other and live under the same building , what can I say then about rewriting some fundamental society rules ? For me it is just disrespect , that’s all .How many times you , me , many here have liked a girl / man but we simply didn’t go there or made any move just because this other person wasn’t “ available “ ..and yes , we believed this person liked us and we could feel perhaps the aura and attraction and all while at the same time at the same place but no , you didn’t make a step out of respect to the relationship .. and you know what ? If it is real love , prove it , abandon all and say “ hey , fuck it , I have money , I will divorce him and go and live with you “ …So ,where’s Ms.Nelly for this ? What is she doing ? I don’t say the same for Martina because I made it clear considering the difference of a simple relationship to a marriage . I agree , we can go on and on and on ..The truth is what we know and we know that Alberto despite Martina fucking inside his shared bedroom with his girlfriend plays it a chicken and says nothing ( I will never be able to forget this moment , I don’t know if it is a worse “ being proud “ for myself example on allowing such thing to happen , everything has a limit and a respect ) and Bogdan despite his wife is fucking repeatedly and expressing his displeasure about it repeatedly , he continues being with her and not packing his things and going back to his nice life he had in Russia ( of what we could see back in the day and of course not now that this would be a completely stupid idea and I hope he manages and stays in Europe eternally than going back to a problematic in the future country that even with all the money in the world it simply doesn’t worth it ) .
  2. I try to forget this …😂 But that’s not a nice comment , she was there for a good cause , need to admit this .
  3. Martina was at the anti war protests where many of current RLC tenants were gathered , Bogdan , Holly , Tweety , Zabava , Tata , Kylie , Rus.. They simply met and Martina said to Alberto that she’s a very nice looking girl , that’s all , nothing more of it .
  4. I simply totally disagree that they have sex due to a whatever RLC contract they have , they make sex because they feel to and not because they have to , we are completely on a different page with that . I again repeat that Martina isn’t trying harder because for her , the sex with Alberto ( b/g sex ) is satisfying for her needs , of course we don’t know if she has another guy off cameras but body language , her attitude of sharing 95% of her actions when away to Alberto plus in my opinion not being able to say lies to him as he would easily understand her , convinces me that there’s no other than Alberto and she’s fine with him sexually . The hidden desire for her lesbian needs is what she needs and Nelly gave her the chance to experience it in a level she could never imagine and this is what she seeks , the lesbian pleasure . Why this and not male ? I don’t know and can’t answer .. regrets that she would feel betraying and hurting Alberto ? Regrets that Alberto can’t be replaced with another guy as he is the official boyfriend and the guy she definitely loves but any woman is simply an adventure that Alberto wouldn’t mind ? I honestly can’t figure it out . My instinct tells me that if Martina wanted to have sex with a man , we could somehow feel it , understand it , I don’t think she wants to have at the moment sex with another guy . My stereotype post had to do with simply one basic detail . Nelly is a married woman , automatically all thoughts about betrayal have to do exactly with that . In my thoughts , she has infiltrated the life of a married couple , no matter the reasons , any time she does things with Nelly she’s destroying even more a married relationship ( we don’t examine if it is successful , problematic , chaotic , whatever ) , she’s between a couple and she isn’t respecting repeatedly whatever promise she has made to Bogdan to let this thing go . Martina isn’t in an official paperwork relationship with Alberto , if she breaks up , it is no worries with sharing money , the dogs , it is all unofficial , things happen . But a marriage? When two people are tied with paper work and there are so many complications , especially when there are people here that know that Nelly and Bogdan share common properties and more .. If Martina was with a single , if not single at least a girl who has / had a relationship like the one she has with Alberto , then for me it would be easier to swallow … all my objection is because Nelly is married and even more , she PROMISED Bogdan that she will stop it , the husband of her lover , where’s her superiority on that ? Of course it is a real thing with Nelly but why not also the sex then was for contract RLC reasons ? Why Nelly isn’t in the FWB category belonging ? Tweety is single , she likes her , she said it to Alberto that’s why my comment about her for this . The conclusion is , so as to make it a bit more clear , I am completely against the thing with Nelly due to the fact of being a married woman , that’s all . Loving , caring , being in love , simply respect the other side and half of the marriage , a guy that has proven he isn’t a dick or an asshole , a guy that isn’t behaving bad to Nelly or is a bad husband or in general has given reasons so as Nelly not respecting her marriage and going fucking and betraying her man . Were I Bogdan , out of my personal pride , I don’t think I would have continued .. but maybe that’s how much the love we men have for a woman can’t make us take the right decision .. especially when I find Bogdan a really nice looking guy and I think he could have a better ( for my own taste of course which this is always subjective ) looking woman and even more character and personality woman than Nelly . I am glad having public disagreements with you as you know 😊😊 that’s a nice forum controversy of how people think differently .
  5. As I have said , with what Zabava showed with only 48 hours , I believe that 1) she will be a very long now contract term tenant , maybe stay for a year , perhaps more , I think it is the best financially and there are no visa issues at the moment 2) as soon as this war finishes , soon after all the intensity , stress , sadness and bad period will lead to an explosive life , kind of living the time lost , that’s what I think at least , this will mean some good times for her and enjoying her life at a level we saw her doing when she arrived 3) Esmi will depart , I don’t think she’s into this project idea and she’s there as a temporary shelter which I find very nice by RLC . Time will give the answers .
  6. Yes , my mistake also , however I have managed to control the posts about it , it was just a small parenthesis 😬🙄
  7. How can anyone work peacefully not knowing what tomorrow brings ? How concentrate on a profession that is made to bring smile to people when you think of the disasters ? Anyway , the planet will keep on spinning , we are part of it and life should continue .
  8. My life experience either personally with women or indirectly of my social environment learned me though one thing .. If a woman isn’t satisfied from her man with sex , she simply avoids it , perhaps out of obligation 4-5 times maximum per month or of course finding a lover - careful , we are talking now for an almost 10 years relationship , not always sex involved though as I recently got to know - .. nevertheless , we see them almost daily have sex or 4-5 times per week , that is almost a working month of going at it , I don’t think then that Martina isn’t satisfied sexually by Alberto , on the contrary , he knows what makes her hot and horny and he gives it to her the way she has showed him that she likes it .. As I have said , if she wants more or different , why not taking the initiation and take control and the lead and say to him I want this , that and the other .. I go then with the fact that sex isn’t the major problem , Martina is satisfied , I think her frustration with him is for all the rest missing abilities , with the indifference as you mention in crucial life moments between a couple and the biggest being simply doing things together - that they don’t apart of some in the apartment obvious stuff -.. In the end , I think Alberto is staying with RLC for the money , I believe having a life with Martina off cameras , their relationship would be better , I can’t explain but that’s what my instinct tells me . Martina would be successful in my opinion at anything she would decide to do but I can’t think of her missing the fun and the excitement , she’s “ feeding “ by it , perhaps off cameras she could satisfy much more her desires without the “ possible fears “ of being criticized negatively , I mean look how many didn’t like thst she was mixed with the Russian people only to end with an apotheosis for a period of time seeing her sexual sessions with Nelly till it became “ disturbing “ watching an absolutely “ wreck “ for whatever reasons Nelly . I think Martina wouldn’t like knowing negative comments for her , I don’t think she can handle be called like Masha or some of the Russian speaking girls we have seen at times ..another example , look how much Leora protects her public image and she does anything outside as she’s obviously affected by the tiniest of negative criticism or even Kitty who also was not at her nest reading negative posts . Again , I don’t think the relationship is really the problem but the problem is that Martina isn’t also letting go being with a married woman . I would expect she shows her undisputed superiority as a character and personality over Nelly , do the right thing and tell her that “ it isn’t that I don’t care about you but you are a married woman with an amazing guy that loves you and this can’t go anymore “ .. on the contrary she continues playing this stupid game when there are hundreds of women that can satisfy her wild lesbian instincts , she could even try Tweety as she recently revealed that she got impressed by her …strangely , she has abandoned any thoughts of being on cameras with the Russian speaking people although off cameras she has been with many of them at the anti war protests .. don’t forget , they all work for the same employee , how strange that she has nowadays zero camera appearances ..
  9. I admit that I was 1000% convinced that there would be no war , it has been completely against anything expected by anyone .The fact is of course that unfortunately it started . We see how things evolve , the subject is too complicated to be analyzed at its full extend . Millions of people see their lives direct or indirect being affected due to a decision which made absolutely no sense .. I still believe it can end any moment but many people - like so many other massive unfortunate events - get profitable .. we see how it goes .
  10. Two weeks ago ( maybe 3 ) she was seen with her tampon ….
  11. It is funny to read this stereotype that we - men - have .. when a woman fucks another woman isn’t betraying a relationship but if she does with a man , it is a reason to divorce or break up … the explanation goes that men emotionally don’t feel threatened if their girl fucks another woman but when it is a man , the feeling that they “ lost “ their girl to another guy prevails … For me it is one and the same , woman or man having sex with the girlfriend is betrayal .. As long as a man has no issues though for the reasons mentioned above or if he considers his relationship “ open “ then it is all fine ..
  12. How can this be possible when Nelly forbids Bogdan doing anything with anyone ( when also Bogdan hasn’t shown any interest doing anything with someone else ) and Alberto for what we know , his biggest pleasure is his chair to play his games in the LR and his bicycle to go for mountain bike activities … It is like these two men “ offering “ Nelly and Martina without even understanding it their need to still do whatever they feel they want to do with one another .. But here’s the question for you , do you by any chance think that Alberto would simply close the LR door and keep on playing his video game knowing that Martina is having sex with a guy in their own bedroom ? ( talking about relationship exploration … )
  13. Someone could say that the war could end if the other president steps back , which of course for Ukrainians is surrendering and for the world a sad thing that Russians won ( which of course winning is a very big debatable subject with the things that the future holds for Russia in the public’s eye ) ..but realistically and by not popular of course admittance , isn’t this also a way for the war to end ?
  14. I simply have a different opinion my good friend 😑 I think it can actually end any moment , from one side there’s a madman and from the other a guy that is one of the biggest ( in my humble opinion and apologies if it raises hate ) puppeteers of the western world in history . I hope I am right and you are wrong 😆 , about the link , personally , till today that I got the confirmation of my job starting day , there was fear of cancelations and so on which would delay a possible rehiring .. I could never personally go on holidays and thinking not peacefully of good times when I have my mind that children , women and innocent men die everyday , it is fun and sadness mixed and it doesn’t work for me..and to catch your possible question of how I can watch RLC , this is an escape entertainment enjoyed by the comfort of the house . Let’s see what happens in the next days .
  15. Well , I have to use ( AGAIN ) the quote 😂🤣 …Ginger on cameras again , “ only at Masha’s “ .. Piper , Taylor , Eva , Ginger ..Whose next ? 😊😊
  16. Most probably tweety will sleep with her , Nana worth Loraine or Holly if she appears ( AGAIN 😡 ) in the villa ..
  17. Nelly has been the worst of them all , I know she still has her fans but her psychological problems and collapse was too much for her to judge others .. Poor Martina ( and Bogdan ) in that occasion ..
  18. Lots of plastic but we can’t deny she’s an impressive woman.. She obviously got the job for the money and for a very long time , it was like she was lost of what needs to be done and “ what am I supposed to do “ ..The main reason that causes me interest watching her is waiting to see if there will be ever a man with her and I can’t but admire that she has tried to be a better person in her behavior towards the other girls , she became social , the girls had difficulties with her and didn’t like her , Nelly confessed her total displeasure when it was known that she moves in the villa and it is known to her I believe that for a long time she wasn’t appreciated amongst the rest of the girls , her mistakes of course . But , seeing a person trying to change and be better , watching her becoming social for whatever reasons or because circumstances allowed , I find it remarkable . And let’s be honest , if she wasn’t in the villa , the only ones who would be left doing things would have been Ulyana and Olivia .. Loraine has her personal issues and Holly just learns English , how can anyone forget what Loraine and Holly have done in the past and now simply in their beds and every now and then some socializing in the villa only by need and not of real interest .. This is RLC’s top investment apartment , it needs fun , adult entertainment , parties , it needs crazy girls to make a viewer tune in and forget a bad day at work or family issues .. And we like it or not , I don’t think that Radislava isn’t offering that… Enough with sad faces and bad mood people like Loraine ( which is indeed real life and balance is needed but also enough with the girls taking advantage and using RLC beds for hotel needs ) .
  19. 2nd try hopefully to finish an unfinished job 😆😆😈
  20. Good job from Radislava , Tweety enjoys ..time for the toys I guess ..
  21. Let’s hope next time they will be better cameras gestures 😎
  22. Tweety evolving from the master seductress Radislava , a show or whatever , top cams obsession or whatever , BUT , it is something happening 😊
  23. I am glad I am proved right very fast ..For example , we would have never seen anything similar between Holly and Tweety ..Not that it is anything special , especially with he terrible camera angles in this bedroom , but go Tweety for fun and doing things 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😈😈😈
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