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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. If these two plus Olivia and Ulyana have managed to stay in B1 , B1 would have been by far the most popular apartment with all 4 of them together ..These women have no boundaries , they will do all , from real life arguments , frustrations , sex , shows , absolutely all ..Nobody I think can doubt that they have respected their job and employer as much as them .
  2. Short guy looked going full throttle with Harley but many camera staring ..let’s see if it was a cameras non happening for them …
  3. Welcome to the best GOV tenants , new adventures for Harley very soon as her guy sees, to be the past once again 😁 Harley can have whoever she wants , whenever she wants 😉😉
  4. Ulyana has reached her limits desperately once again missing the real deal ..it’s incredible a girl of 23 years old like her not enjoying a more active sex life 😱
  5. At least Zabava and Esmi go to the fellow B5 tenants and have solved the problem in that way .
  6. Sweet little Ulyana with her outstanding contribution with the best show currently at RLC than any other tenant .
  7. They removed the replay quite fast and also they put the apartment UM with quick reflexes as well , to be honest , the Prague hub is working great at the moment 😇
  8. Ulyana is waiting patiently for her own turn on Saturday night RLC live 😁😆
  9. Kristy has gone wild and changed the chip for the 9th day in a row .. She has become Loraine 😂 But at least she’s not whispering 🙃😆
  10. That would be the perfect ending even nothing was happening but ..imagine the new most probably COV to start with such a BANG 😁😋😋 Bottom line , the return of Eva it is for the majority a more than welcome gesture by RLC , I think the addition of the new couple in Prague who are amazing so far plus some changes that are expected and have been delayed due to the war most probably , show a dynamic for RLC once again ..I still can’t decide if the removal as it seems of Kitty is a good thing in the long term but thinking as moving on with her life , this incident today should mark the once and for all ending with RLC .
  11. Marlene’s initiation in the RLC shows world .. whoever is complaining , you can watch Leora and her “ top cams brought in the apartment male friend achievement on a Saturday night that she has her period “ sitting on the couch and watching TV which is the number 1 camera actually 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  12. Well , “ Eva and new boyfriend “ might have been the trailer so far and we can only wait for the full movie to be presented soon 😎
  13. Meine Meinung ist oft richtig und erweist sich oft als falsch, aber es sind IMMER Meinungen über Dinge, die ich sehe, und nicht das, was ich lese, zumindest bevor ich sie mir ansehe, wenn ich sie verpasst habe, und mache mir meine eigene Meinung. Vielleicht ist dir aufgefallen, dass hier sehr selten negative Posts für Leora geschrieben werden und wenn sie geschrieben werden, scheinen bestimmte Mitglieder ihr den Tag zu retten und zu verteidigen. Wochenlang beobachte ich, dass du meine Posts jagst, weil du es einfach nicht tust stimme zu und das ist völlig in Ordnung, aber sobald Sie vor einigen Tagen offenbart haben, dass Sie kein zahlendes Mitglied sind, habe ich die Entscheidung getroffen, die Diskussion mit jemandem einzustellen, der nicht mit eigenen Augen sehen kann. Sie können meinen Beiträgen weiterhin widersprechen Das ist eigentlich großartig, weil wir die Dinge unterschiedlich sehen, aber erwarten Sie nicht, dass ich antworte.
  14. Sie müssen zuerst bezahlen, um zuzusehen, und dann können Sie sich Ihre eigene Meinung bilden, und zwar nicht über das, was im Forum geschrieben wird, sondern über das, was Sie sehen. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Leora eine Heilige ist, ist das für mich in Ordnung. Wenn Sie glauben, dass Leora eine soziale Person ist, ist das für mich in Ordnung. Ich habe eine andere Meinung als Sie.
  15. She just brought Piper and Taylor on cameras only to follow with Eva .. and this only in 24 hours 😇😊
  16. Kirsty returned but in a different RLC project concept and you didn’t like it . What if Eva was returning as COV in Barcelona for example ? Would this make you think differently of your not approving concept of COV/GOV being not locals ? Because , if I interpret things correctly , you wouldn’t like to see Eva and boyfriend appearing together anywhere as COV .
  17. I have said it many times , once more isn’t bad ….Things like this , long time fan favorite tenants ..” Only at Masha’s “ 😎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  18. It usually takes 24 hours ..RLC is completely unlucky ..When things seem to find a regularity , they suffer a major issue ..Now , they managed to cast one of the best couples in the after 2019 era ( K&A ) and they are losing soon after presenting a new couple , one of the longest years couples on camera , it will be against all odds if K&S remain .
  19. Warming up for the “ cameras rust “ to go away and learning for the new boyfriend 😁 The boyfriend has been explained in depth 😉
  20. Extreme horny Saturday for Beatrice today , this must be her 3rd one 😉
  21. Masha is happy again , very nice 😊
  22. One of Masha’s best friends , you can search the forum here for Eva & Sam and if you have time , you can find out many many things about her 😇
  23. There she is , the biggest surprise so far , welcome back Eva 😇
  24. I think Tweety hasn’t been anyone special so far except making Holly feel happier and more relaxed .Seeing a girl naked or not , i don’t think that it should make any impression .The fact is that Tweety got without deserving the best room in the villa being a newcomer when other tenants have done so many things more to deserve it . Holly is the most accepted tenant from the fans and I think also she’s adorable amongst the rest of the cast , RLC simply gave her what she wanted , a close friend staying with her when things for RLC seemed difficult and they couldn’t find girls , Holly was always there and I think that’s how they pay her back let’s say . Holly also has the most “ poor “ stay so far , in comparison to previous stays , sleeping with Tweety prevents her also from some private sessions that at least was showing to the viewers .Personally , when a tenant chooses a different life ( Tweety and the guy who financed two months of her life ) than the one she was offered and only for the employer to hire her back , it is a big mistake .It is like she can come and go anytime , this isn’t how real life works , but of course what RLC can tell many times of real life 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪 ?? Don’t get me wrong , Tweety did what was the best for her , she asked to be back and she was , it is nothing wrong by her side as her wishes have all been granted .But she has done nothing , except maybe 2-3 masturbation trials and the only thing that for me is nice watching is that’s she’s a very alive , pleasant , happy to watch and connect with her girl .It isn’t like this with Loraine currently for example who looks miserable or also with Leora so as to make my point easier to understand In my opinion , without Holly , Tweety wouldn’t be a tenant . Zabava and sister have a very personal issue affecting them from the war like no one else , Zabava in 48 hours had sex on cameras which is the ultimate achievement for a tenant and the thing that what most of the users want to watch , especially being a newcomer . I am more than sure that she would have made one of the biggest impacts , the girl came to enjoy her time in Barcelona , have fun , be a completely with the term explanation Girl On Vacation ..and then came the war and everything changed . I find it very nice that RLC helped her by hiring her sister , for me it is an indirect message to these people and the contribution financially to an Ukrainian unlucky girl like Esmi . I also believe that as soon as the war ends , all of the tenants will explode and we will be seeing things that will remind us of the good old days , parties , visitors , flirts , dates and so on .It has been too much for any of these people , the pandemic , now the war , I think they will go crazy when the world is fine once again , it is very few the people that take the virus serious now , when the war ends , we can see who will be pleasing the subscribers by pleasing themselves of course 😁😉 As a conclusion , Tweety is overrated , at least at the moment , while Zabava and even more her sister Esmi , we haven’t seen much of them because of the tragedy they have with their parents being in Kiev. Let’s see how they will all be as soon as Barceloneta bars and clubs call 😆 , if tweety disappears again and if Zabava proves to be a happy hunter 😉😉
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