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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As noldus would say “ I am sure we will be seeing some changes “ 😆
  2. You are right but it is inevitable sometimes a response to bring off topic comments . I personally apologize as it isn’t with any bad intention but also the politics forum section isn’t a nice place to interfere as there are many fanatical opinions there .
  3. Well , that’s unexpected today after a more than a month of absence .. So strange 🤔
  4. Black Lives Matter … Democracy to kill because of the skin color of other people ? Should it lose the name USA ?
  5. I can’t analyze you here what kind of person is the President of Ukraine and his role of the current situation.Ukraine and Russia have both history as nations for the period of the last 30 years as it used to be USSR as you know . Putin is making an epic mistake currently and the history will judge him . But enough of political things as I can talk the whole night about it . People die , people in minutes lost their houses , both sides have lost people , what matters the most in the world than the lives of other human beings ?
  6. And why US should be solving problems happening on the ground of other nations ? Why not China ? Why not Japan ? India? France ? What is it so special to be the saviors ? Allow each nation to solve their issues and differences through their diplomatic ways and diplomats … what’s the concern for any nation what’s happening in Yemen , in South Africa for example since they don’t pose a threat for the rest of the world ? There are organizations that can initiate diplomat ways , discussions for any conflict to be avoided . I don’t understand what helps sending troops or military equipment and in a way judging which is the good and which is the bad in each situation .
  7. You are absolutely right that her removal remains a mystery .. I can 100% guarantee you that one of the people who is currently on the table has spoken really bad for Ukraine . Anyway , what matters the most is the message they pass to all of us who are watching , it is the message of peace and that what’s happening is madness and insane . Having though an opinion about a political situation till we reach the point to make a war , these are two completely different things and I am really glad and I applaud the initiation of one more gathering like the one we see today 😇
  8. 180 million people live in this country , i strongly doubt that might be even 1 million supporting what’s happening towards a “ brothers people “ country , you saying that a country shouldn’t be called Russia is way too exaggerating . This country has contributed in the civilization of humanity over the centuries and because there are some stupid people you are saying that people like Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky , Czekhov , Dostoyevsky , their famous ballets and so many more things like their head to head competition with Americans which country will discover The Space first which elevated the humanity to go to their limits of exploration , they should lose the identity of being called Russians . Unfortunately , in the history of humanity , the wars have always defined our race but there have been genocides and in recent years bombings to innocent people , countries in other parts of the world that have seen also millions becoming refugees but this is completely different for a historical nation to lose their name as you say . I don’t think it is wise forgetting historical facts that have been happening in recent years also , let’s say that Germany shouldn’t be called Germany because a madman has been responsible for the death of 80 million people 80 years ago or USA that has invaded countries in the name of “ terrorism “ and “ world peace “ without being its problem should lose the name ..
  9. There have been expressed lots of things since the war started from other Russian tenants also , I don’t think she was kicked out for this .. if this has happened is a return to the Middle Ages period that people , no matter what , couldn’t speak freely . It must be administration issues but that’s of course my opinion on that 😇
  10. Another very nice indirect message from the tenants , both Russians and Ukrainians together and even if one of them has expressed not the best words towards Ukraine. Well done to all of them 😇
  11. Leora can’t survive in Prague with her current lifestyle without RLC . She would need to change a lot in her daily routine so as to be able and make it without the financial support of her current employer . The money she gets you can’t find it in daily routine life jobs , let’s say being a salon employee for example , she might need 3-4 months to earn the money she makes in one month with RLC .. on the other hand , the money she earns currently per month it might be even a whole year’s salary for millions of Russian people .
  12. Ulyaba didn’t participate last time also . Radislava and Olivia were the only ones that didn’t wear heels ( to be honest , I don’t know if Radislava , despite her shoes collection in her room has a pair of high heels ) .
  13. I am only saying that Loraine emotionally while performing is completely an iceberg . She lacks passion , it is like you have next to you a dream woman in terms of looks and when you manage to bring her in bed , you completely get disappointed . I never doubted her on cameras generosity , she’s one of the best of what she has shown and she respects the project for the entertainment side of it , even during this stay , I don’t complain . My objection has only to do of her cameras reactions that as many pointed out yesterday , smashing the glass in an explosive reaction has been the most genuine thing I can remember seeing by her . I completely then agree with you of her sexual activity.
  14. I can tell you that I have been told that Kitty doesn’t like Leora’s on cameras attitude ( I mean masturbations in terms of giving a show mostly and not because she just felt the need to do it ) , she prefers a more real life approach let’s say . Of course Kitty in the past used to be very playful and being very generous to her fans also with dancing and masturbating a lot on the couch , on the kitchen table , on the floor in the LR , etc , in general being different of what she has said of how she’s seeing Leora’s RLC presence . Of course her current stay ( Kitty’s ) is a complete different one than her last one in which she was forced to quit the project , but this current stay is also different for Leora than of what we have seen while she was in Russia .
  15. I think that the translators have been simply presenting the facts , what has happened at times , what is going to happen at certain times when they believe it is something worth sharing and simple dialogues when there have been misunderstandings and forum members could provide a time stamp so as for them to proceed at any explanation if it is needed . From that point , all the theories of how Martina is feeling for Alberto , Alberto for Martina , Martina for Nelly and so on and so on , it has been absolutely formatted by any of us individually , I don’t think that the translators have shown any indication to direct the mind of any of us so as to believe that “ Martina loves Nelly “ or any similar thoughts that many members have here . All personal opinions of the feelings amongst all those people have been formatted in our minds of what we personally watch , the idea we personally have as individuals what love and what friendship means ( it might be different in the mind of different people ) and therefore “ how a translation is being interpreted “ in each one’s mind . And that’s what causes the conflict many times I believe .
  16. Very possible what you say , but what’s the point of following someone on Instagram if you don’t consider this person a “ friend “ ( obviously the term friend is for the social media explanation ) .. she doesn’t follow Linda for example . My point is simple , isn’t it “ fake “ stating that you like something on Instagram by someone , having the chance easily to meet this person that you showed your “ like “ and not doing it ? Anyway , maybe I see it from a wrong aspect that I can’t understand it at the moment . Of course , they are maybe seeing one another off cameras 😁
  17. By the way , I don’t know if it was mentioned that - the empty apartment today - was offered camera free ..
  18. Naga is a great friend and respected by the majority here , a guy that makes the forum a better place always 😇
  19. Eternal questions without answers … Leora follows Kitty on instagram , she sends likes to Kitty’s posts ..both RLC girls for many years , a possible simultaneous on cameras appearance would make , in my opinion , the replay thumbnails occupied by 75%.. Also , a great way for Leora to practice her Czech 😎..But I guess , some things that in viewers minds look reasonable for both these girls is a “ No Way “ ..As always , the viewers are the ones that miss a chance of something unexpected and original .
  20. Well …let’s say that a rumored opening new villa style apartment could see again as tenants both Bogdan and Nelly , in my opinion it will divide again the viewers ..How much more of Nelly and Bogdan since so many have been requesting that they needed to go during their last lengthy staying ? On the other hand , can it be that an official Nelly reappearance bring back on cameras interactions between Nelly and Martina ? Well , time will tell …
  21. She has people that can make her happy otherwise she would be the whole day in her apartment and with no mood to be outside .Happiness and real life for her is happening outside , this she has communicated in her own way to the subscribers , a choice that I don’t like and I don’t appreciate but what to do except accepting it ..Still , a miracle with Zena happened , it might happen again ..Even a visit from Kitty or a visit from her to Kitty could bring some positive aura I believe ..But they prefer ( at least Leora ) sending virtual likes to Kitty’s instagram’s posts rather than showing any kind of face to face appreciation ..I try to find an explanation why they don’t bother to meet on cameras while expressing any virtual feelings through instagram 🤷‍♂️.. In any case , i only know that since Zena departed , she pleasured herself in a more frequent basis than when Zena was around which I believe it must have pleased the people who watch her mostly for this . With many things currently in her mind , I do wish that the people she meets outside can provide mind peace , quiet and relaxation at this demanding spiritually period .
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