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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Value for money 😇😇 My big “ bow down “ with the outmost respect for everyone who is watching an apartment for a woman that 12 hours sleeps , one hour teasing and at times executing masturbations , 3-4 hours spends outside of the apartment - or more according to how imprisoned she feels - and the rest dedicating themselves to listen to what the woman says on the phone endlessly and to whoever she chooses doing it on cameras and not privately so people can absorb any valuable information and translate it to , hmm , err, emm, foresee the future ? Explain Paul , Eva , male friend in Prague ? Respect guys , value for money at RLC’s most expensive tenant 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Amazing .
  2. In general , this topic offers the most analyzed opinions , it just many times becomes “ crazy “ because people “ create “ imaginary things that add to the real facts that we try to explain , the ones that they do indeed occur and we can have an idea . Open relationship happening from one side , I can’t also say that it can be characterized as so . We haven’t heard openly Alberto saying that he had someone , except if I have missed this . Not wanting to taste another one , how can it be open for him if then he is concentrated only to his girlfriend ? Open one sided relationship ? Possible …But then the same goes for Bogdan .. open relationship should be then for the guys also but …. REPEATEDLY Nelly was playing it jealous whenever she was seeing Bogdan giving even a friendly hug to one of the girls , therefore , I don’t think the open relationship term is existing for B&N.. I agree that , in the end , N&M it is too complicated .. But then with many hidden things that I think both couples have ( for example , I can’t believe that Martina isn’t bothered by Alberto’s zero will for his future but she isn’t “ throwing “ it to him or Bogdan not saying a lot by the drinking collapses of Nelly ) , as I recently said , small fires here and there that maybe things are more fragile than what appears . This topic is a nice adult talking place and I enjoy the opinions as they are most of them coming by people who “ search “ for explanations , it always helps everyone in case we face such personal realities ( who knows ? 😊😉 ) or a close person to us , the talks are always processed in everyone’s mind 😇
  3. Yes , in general if the girls don’t “ step up “ their game after a certain period , I don’t know what serves RLC being still there ( speaking about the GOV ) in matters of viewership . And Nana in general hasn’t been very generous for the time she has been given by RLC .
  4. Whatever happens , Elvis is the guy that seems to have activated Masha’s right buttons to go on marathon sex sessions and enjoying , the last one I can remember was Dick , but I always believed that Masha thought even more for Dick . As long as Masha remains happy , I hope Elvis continues being present .
  5. Kitty and Smith aren’t this busy , of course we don’t know how far the apartments are . Personally , I think it could have been possible a couple of times . Anyway , they aren’t off yet , let’s see.
  6. I don’t understand why we didn’t see either K&S visiting them or the opposite , most probably being on cameras with Natalia could have helped to overcome any shy feelings ..if they depart , I don’t really know how we would stop judging this apartment as cursed 😂😂
  7. I think very few people will miss her in general 😉
  8. I was almost ready to delete my post as I am now reading the topic and the developments , my bad 🙊😬🙈
  9. I agree that it was only sex , I said it many times .But in my life , personally , whenever a woman issue rises , i would always be advised the best by a woman . Therefore , the opinions of the good friends Jennifermom and often from girlsfun ( when not under the porto influence 😁😏 , sorry girlsfun and just joking and hope no offense taken 😬😌☺️ ) , I always take very much into consideration and if both as women say that there have been feelings developed , I also accept their approach . It was sexual desire for both girls , but there were some emotions also developed after a while , forbidden ones that they both knew and despite being a problem , they continued with mostly interactions that happened off cameras . In any case , the recent incident being after a long time confirmed on cameras has created again a big buzz of opinions , let’s see what’s more to come 😇
  10. Let’s hope that this is the “ last chapter “ of Nana’s stay by seeing the suitcase appearing today ..
  11. A sex site it is and we still get the M&A treatment , however I haven’t ever seen any other couple that has ever been presented as an official declared couple at RLC cheating in such an obvious way and so many people here instead of commenting negative , on the contrary encouraging it . The fates of couples are boring because - due to the cameras limitations most probably - aren’t allowing such a normal “ look “ in their personal lives , which was happening easier while the Russian apartments were live . I personally enjoy mostly seeing guests , having my voyeur instinct and feeling 100% alerted 😂 so as to see Candela , Marta or Martina’s brother lover being naked or do anything on camera .I am ecstatic if we manage to see anything from Masha’s cleaning lady or whoever enters her apartment as a guest . I like when at Linda’s and Tibor’s many times in these 4 years we have seen Linda’s friends being naked on cameras .I like when the glasses guy visits Kitty and Smith and Kitty is teasing him . For the sexual adventures , boyfriends , fun , unpredictability and whatever sexually extreme , we have the Barcelona apartments where most girls do exactly that , holidays , no matter that the last 1,5 years RLC has lost control with the girls they allow to enter and the bonus cut which has led to poor - in the majority - action. Haven’t i watched Nelly and Martina ? Sure I did , I even made the play by play in the first one i think 😂😂🤣 Personally , my interest declined in each interaction after the marathon in current Olivia’s and Ulyana’s room and I didn’t even bother to watch them during the famous Alberto in the LR playing and the girls fucking in the bedroom , I just wasn’t excited like the first times and i think I was also a bit “ offended “ as a man watching the apathy of a guy that his 9 years girlfriend was fucking her lover inside his own apartment and him just swallowing that easily , like having no choice or pretending ( I honestly can’t think that he didn’t bother at all ) that it is fine . Yes , if we had to choose cheating behind someone’s back or confessing , for sure talking openly about it , it is the best .But excuse me , this doesn’t change the fact that it is cheating at the major grade either way .Yes , things have happened in Martina’s life off cameras through the years , things she has shared with Alberto , but it was always off camera .This now went to the other level , it wasn’t only an on camera thing but it was also with a married woman . I guess then that if they get married and this life continues outside RLC or even if they remain a simple couple , this behavior should be accepted ? What’s the point of having others in our lives if we aren’t respecting them ? Then , each and every temptation that we all get daily in our routine lives should be confronted this way , we go to our girlfriend or boyfriend and because we share all , we say “ you know what ? I fucked another girl / guy , I just wanted you to know “ .I just want to say that if we lose the society rules , we simply lose our civilization . If they were open relationship couples ( Masha and Sasha as they showed us , Sam and Eva ) , I would be perhaps the first that I would encourage watching more and more action. But here we speak of a married couple that the guy has repeatedly expressed his annoyance and I think he is forgiving continuously his wife and she just takes advantage of it and as for Martina , she’s taking advantage of a guy that as we say in my country “ despite having a mouth , he doesn’t open it so as to speak and be heard “. As always , it is my personal opinion and approach after the last parking lot incident that whatever occurred , it was once again a more than friendly encounter of these two women . I will keep on saying it and sorry for the ones opposing it , if there’s love and the girls can’t handle it , break up with the guys , ask RLC to give you an apartment and become the first ever official bisexual couple and just enjoy life without worries and /or problems .And let’s see then how much popularity and viewership M&N will enjoy having their own place ( personally I believe that after a month or two the comments will be half of what they are during their ongoing “ behind the scenes “ relationship ) .
  12. Whatever happened or not , it is a pity that both Martina and Nelly keep on “ dreaming “ “ doing “ “ interacting “ with more than friendly encounters .It is a pity and disrespectful to both their men , both of the girls towards Bogdan and for Alberto showing that he doesn’t care or like a puppy accepting Martina’s actions with Nelly when he clearly has shown that he isn’t in favor . Personally , I don’t justify at all this relationship , Nelly is in chaos and has lost control of whatever she has been doing , a woman that has no purpose , I don’t know what has made her change from the girl we got to know in Russia to this disastrous personality we have been seeing ( better saying “ we were seeing “ ) while in B4. Both men accepting their women’s actions , for me they are like puppies , obeying in all of their demands and without the power to manage and impose in this completely false relationship . It has created chaos in Martina’s life and so many problems to Nelly’s relationship with people . For whoever approves this , either because it is love or sex or I don’t know what else , I am sorry , but if all couples in the world when one of the two fall due to nice sex ( which is definitely cheating , what more can we discuss about it ) , what’s the meaning that they both keep on with their guys since a major fact ( sex ) - despite enjoying it with their guys too - is presented like the biggest excuse of this colossal mistake . In my opinion , the actions of the girls and the no actions of the guys , shows exactly deeper relationship problems that in a way they are hidden or camouflaged let’s say with the “ good “ things that they exist ( for example Martina and Alberto they share all talks , Bogdan and Nelly are married and this is I think what keeps them still together ) . For anyone here in the forum , having so easily accepted and “ swallowed “ this relationship and many times praising it , I really have no words .Is this the world we are living ? A married couple not respecting their marriage and a simple relationship that they guy is allowing to his girlfriend to have sex with a lover in his own shared bedroom with his girlfriend especially being at home locked in the LR and playing video games ? I am sorry but even me that I believe I am really open minded in many things , I find it completely “ off normal civilization rules “ . Except if the majority here that praise and support this relationship would also accept it if it was happening to them , if anyone here wouldn’t mind this happening in his own marriage or relationship , then I am without words for it .
  13. Let’s see what happens , one more change for the girls if it happens , not even playing table tennis with so many changes 😂
  14. The apartment has gone back to the pre Rasputin / 2nd beard guy appearances , it may happen one - two events per month but the tenants of this place have been treated by RLC definitely like Queens with the do nothing for over half a year and still being there .. With Tweety quitting or asking her release as it seems , it is no wonder the almost no attention or interest that RLC admins to their clientele by having a more than boring offered content at the moment ..
  15. She still knows what she wants to do , usually even studying at the age of 15 let’s say , we end up doing different things . She’s now focused and has decided what she wishes to do .
  16. Wait till he has his fun 1-2 months and then goodbye 😂😂 Naive , but as long as it lasts , why not …
  17. You forget also the TV..The woman is multitasking 😂😂😂😂😂
  18. Very good points and I agree with the cuddles and so ..But these are things for couples that are 50 years married or together or similar , yes , cuddles are nice and sharing time but come on , they are both at their prime , most productive life years , tons and tons of potential to explore and discover so much ..And you can clearly see it , Martina is doing the most of it , by searching and discovering more about things in life , she unlocks more hidden things for herself that come on surface. There’s a person ( Martina ) who is in a 4X4 box and she wants to triple or quad double it , she wants to escape the boundaries and enlarge her living world .Studies , future , sexual experiences , what a world to think of someone who is 25 years old. There’s a person who ( maybe affected by the financial failure he suffered ) lost trust in the world and society , he has mastered living in the 4X4 box and he is completely satisfied of the environment , the routine , he is absolutely fine of what he has as you very rightfully say , why search and discover more when you are satisfied of what you have ? And here’s the trick , these are two worlds colliding , the similar hobbies and habits for these two are so strong that have managed to keep them together for 10 years .But one person keeps growing up while the other remains stable …Do you think that a visionaire and passionate for life and experiences person can actually stay a whole life with someone who has ( as it seems at the moment ) narrowed way too much his life aims ? In the long run , love remains , indeed these two have the flame .But life isn’t only having next to you someone to love , it is also personal growth , development , opening your mind . As we all agree , Martina studies , she wants more , she dreams more , she wishes for more .For the time being , her 4X4 box is fine but she’s preparing and learning how it might be in the 12X12 box .Will Alberto follow her in her new , soon to be adventures or he will stick to the life he has ? Strangely , I have said it since a long time , everybody believes that Alberto will be lost if a break up occurs .Me , on the contrary , I believe that since he has mastered the limited things to do quite well , having managed ( sorry Alberto ) to step back and agree to all of his girlfriend wishes despite many times he is clearly hurt or not agreeing but managing hiding it , he will be sad for a period but he will find his way because there are few things for him that he would have to rebuild . Martina’s world without Alberto will be difficult as there won’t be a guy always and forever accepting all of her wishes …but on the other hand , it will be a life that she will get the chance to explore in an unlimited passionate way , with people closer to her beliefs and desires , a life that there are also others who dream , think , wish , envision life in many aspects like her . I think that as soon as the studies are over , the difficult decision or the challenge let’s say will arise , a life wishing more but with a partner who is satisfied with the few and colliding perhaps in the future or keep on sharing a limited of aims life with a complete trusted guy who will always stand by her , never judge her , criticize her , accept almost everything ? Can relationships like this work as both people grow older and life difficulties grow more day by day as well ? Let’s agree that this couple with all of the things that they have shared with us and recently the Nelly saga , has somehow , someway made us want to watch them because we want to see what’s next . We can definitely say that they are currently the most “ Real Life “ couple we have and this is why , in comparison to the rest of the couples apartment keeping their forum topic burning hot 😇
  19. I just think that RLC would be happy entering the site as a unique user and “ hitting “ it 5 times per day let’s say so as to reach the around 600k hits 😇 , but in comparison to even triple numbers more they had while the Russian apartments were on , that’s a dramatic and I could say as a business for them catastrophic decline .Anyway , in all problems there’s a solution 😇
  20. Just to correct you a bit on this Meaning of Hits, Visits, Page Views and Traffic Sources - Web Analytics Definitions - Help Files WWW.TENDENCI.COM None In general , let’s say that each time you change the camera , it is a hit 😉 My current “ large “estimation of RLC viewers is between 2,000-5,000 viewers , my “ true “ personal estimation is nearly 2,500-3,000 . Analyzing financially per month estimated tenant / apartment costs , quality of what we see , RLC profit , the mathematics make the numbers .Just estimating .
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