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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. My theory is that we are going to see lots of new faces today , visitors and guests . As I said , a 50€ cap is much much money for an “ all inclusive “ party , I think we are around 20 people in the villa ( villa tenants included ) . Gina might be a visitor , but the surprise would be Daniel returning at the place he was last seen exactly one year before . In general , the villa will keep the late night company and hopefully it is finally time for sweet and beautiful Ulyana to shine …
  2. 5 days of isolation , beginning of next week it will all be fine . With the festivities of January 6th in Spain , i think by the end of next week , we might be seeing both of them back to their daily routine.
  3. Nice choice of message Army Sniper , well done and all the best 😇👏
  4. Don’t worry , according to the posts , tonight she will be phoning the guy that is responsible for her amazing sexual life while she was in Russia , the guy who can phone in the morning , in the evening , in the night and just hear his voice because she’s missing him so much and well , who knows ,she’s maybe gonna give him an update of what’s going on with her male friend in Prague since she has told him about him since the day she met him. All in all , when all people try to socialize during a period of almost two years that the lockdowns and curfews have affected the peoples minds and attitudes , generous and caring Leora will show once again her eternal and deep feelings to the man who is at the end , the one and only , big love Paul ( she can also ask him why in the hell that day grabbed her from the throat and tossed her in the fridge if they gonna have such a long talk full of memories and loving moments … ) .. But of course , it is Leora , so during the day maybe her interaction with her portable devices might change her mood and proceed with the alternatives she has for the night . Let’s wish her a Happy 2022 , I am sure she’s ready to enjoy and fulfill the fantasies and imaginations of the spectators for the 9th year in a row with such an incredible passion like she has been doing since so many years now .
  5. Loss of appetite , a clear symptom of the omicron variant , it’s a pity that their decision for holidays was ruined. Most probably they will be fit to fly and return on the 5th but instead of good times , they will remember the end of 2021 and New Year’a change for being also “ victims” of the stupid virus 🤬😡
  6. I am impressed from the development , I see still Harley and Fiora in the LR talking . I didn’t see what happened , I only saw Harley’s guy and then after an hour or so , he disappeared . How do you know that they broke up ? And also Fiora , it didn’t look like anything was wrong ..
  7. L&M with a small trolley suitcase for short holidays as it seems and let’s see who else spends the New Year’s eve at alternative locations and no cameras .
  8. Dani’s guy is not the best sex partner that a woman could dream of but hats off , he is turbo recovering to begin new sessions .. I can’t remember anyone being like him and it is really a thing that will make him being remembered in the future days to come .
  9. It ended up with all of them on the couch watching TV 🙄🧑‍🎄 Interesting to see if they join the party in the villa 🤠
  10. Harley’s guy in the apartment ,welcomed by a very “ Santa Claus outfit “ beautiful Harley , it kind of reminds the romantic dinner they enjoyed in Harley’s room in B1 when she was staying there .
  11. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Kind of party in B1 and nobody cares .. it is the first one since such things are “forbidden” in this apartment , basically some gifts exchange and showing that these 4 girls are doing fine with one another . Well , at least they did something in this place since nothing has happened after the reopening .
  12. 50€ is really MUCH money per person for just food and drinks , I think then that we might expect around 20 people in total so the 1,000€ in total can make it for a really glamorous 🎉 party 🎈😇 It remains to be seen if that’s the case , going to a party and pay this much if there are guests , someone should expect really a lot . To be honest , we haven’t seen them bringing supplies to justify the comments earlier made ,there might be a DJ then also ( but then no karaoke that they like , ?? ), in any case , the annual party happens once again and for the late morning hours of Friday night / Saturday morning if anyone wishes to watch , will be fun .. it was a great and surprising one last year after all😆😉😎..
  13. An early conclusion we can easily make is that the holidays for both H&T have been indeed a very last minute arrangement , the speculation is that they were invited by one or more people for this 12-13 days period . Masha had already booked her holidays and I think she was also surprised of how things turned out in her life with her current lover , possible future boyfriend ? We will see . 2 unexpected things for all 3 of them , they all proceeded with their feelings , H&T got the holidays opportunity and Masha never cancelled despite the new guy entering her life , it is time for Masha for a new good friendship , prediction ? Daniela … 😎
  14. Always a fun of visitors or whoever new appear on cameras and don’t have an issue like being shy , thinking too much being recorded and so on . There are many people who like this lady , the best is to have variety and when it happens spontaneously and not because let’s say RLC arranged it , it is the real feeling that comes back as many nostalgics wish to get from RLC . Fantastic for being an open person then and not having any problems with the cameras and in the end , Masha is trusting her the apartment , it means she does something right 😊
  15. The hairdresser missed the cameras 😉😁😎 She seems to have return on fire judging with the bate that good friend Noldus mentioned .. it will be an extreme fun time during Masha’s absence remembering her full action moments she had in this apartment in 2021 , always a fantastic replacement . Happy holidays to Masha and let’s see 😎
  16. Giving citrus trees or citrus fruit is considered to symbolise wishing good luck or fortune. Citrus trees are particularly symbolic plants and are thought to bestow luck and good fortune on the receiver.
  17. For all of us that we aren’t Americans , it’s funny to watch people from “ The Greatest Nation Of The World “ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 arguing like this is a matter of politics , freedom , vaccines , anti vaccines and so on … We are all human and what applies in the USA it is the same in Europe , in Asia , in Africa , in the whole damn world . No matter if you are white , black , yellow , red and I don’t know what , it’s funny to read that the Democrats and the Republicans decide for what it should or not for the entire world . This is a world problem that luckily reaches its end because the poor nations in Africa brought the Omicron variant and can now be slowly called not O ( Omicron ) but point Zero ( 0 ) . The nature seems to have made the 2 years circle as it’s happening with viruses of the same type . The virus wants to survive and multiply , in order to do that it had to mutate and evolve , therefore it couldn’t be anymore killing in such big numbers and it was mostly happening in Africa since it is the region of the world with the less vaccinated people according to numbers . The virus doesn’t want to kill the host because it then dies also . Therefore , the virus mutated in the current super mega transmissive form and as we now slowly see , it simply causes light symptoms but as we said , it spreads incredibly fast . The more the variations , the more the virus loses its power and deadly infection . Everywhere in the world , the cases see records day by day of infected people but at the same time the deaths are less or the intensive care unit cases have been reduced . Why ? Because the vaccines helped the people who did it and they will help even more when the booster jab is going to be applied at the majority of the planet . By spring or around Easter , the virus slowly will go from pandemic to endemic and then it is up to each country to deal how they will adjust to the new era ( making mandatory yearly vaccines or obliging it to people of +60 years or to people with severe health issues ) . We are all human beings , the virus doesn’t categorize us to countries , language or colors . I wish everyone not to get it and end up with oxygen bottle in intensive care hospital units as some people of this forum have experienced it and of course not see mothers , fathers , children dying and not being able to do anything about it .
  18. Interesting then if plans have changed or she’s spending holidays in a new destination with the lover 😇 An exciting period for Masha , as always , after the sad recent period , the good times came ..Life is fair , it always gives back to people who try , it just needs patience 😇 Well done Masha 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  19. There are people here , old enough , experienced , with so many images of life , people , experiences , people that watch this woman for 8 plus years , enough to be able and compare the “ then “ and “ now “ … Well , have you ever seen this “ sad “ period of her life at this magnitude ? Aren’t all these signs that she’s depressed from loneliness ? Day in and day out , just some hours away from the apartment , without an escape with at least a normal job or hobbies since even in the apartment she has absolutely no appetite to do anything except clean it ? That’s my comments for today here , I am going to hide once again before my stalkers who have targeted the one that says things exactly the way they are since a long time realize my presence and the broken record comments 😬🙄😲
  20. 😱😱😱😱 I am expecting a full attack on you with this comment … what ? It won’t be any reactions to your post ?? 😱😱😰😰 Ahh , someone then that can post the reality without being intimidated on this topic 😊😊
  21. Alberto for what we know isn’t vaccinated , he is against it , he believes the internet theories 😡🤬
  22. A speedy recovery to Martina , some days of isolation and it will all be fine . I hope that family members are well too , they are the ones to worry a bit more since they are older and in case they have been infected . As always , big thanks to emnv for the valuable information .
  23. Rapid tests in my country are free for people to take that have been vaccinated .. Rapid tests also are taken only by specialized people … Perhaps the reference is for self test which anyone of us can make anywhere when you buy from the pharmacy or even in some countries nowadays from the super market . The omicron variant though it is in many cases undetectable from the tests , there are some ways to know what exactly you have , it can simply be influenza 😇 and she’s known of being very sensitive with the health . Some reasons have been explained a couple of weeks ago .
  24. I think he just couldn’t finish , he was hard many times but because of the whiskey , he could fuck many times but not finishing .. therefore , whenever he was getting the feeling , he would “ jump “ to Daniela for sex.. For good friend thinga69 , this is what I meant that it is just fun and at times not the way Daniela likes since he can’t satisfy her .. And a pleased woman , would never instantly check her phone after sex to see what’s happening …😆😏
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