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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. And once again , Anna and especially after the Rasputin’s appearance and fun times ,she’s the only one providing the adult entertainment in this apartment .. And the sexuality of Anna is by no means compared to anyone if she wants ..
  2. Guys , if you don’t like the action , why you watch ? If you had Daniela in front of you , would you think of all these that you say or you would just love to enjoy her the most possible ? Please …
  3. She is natural beauty , who doesn’t want to watch her ? 😇
  4. If I wish to watch porn , there are hundreds of sites providing this for free and I don’t need to pay .. I like to watch RLC for the complexity and the variety , the problem is that the “ real “ things are becoming a rare activity and that’s why I get excited when I see tenants thet don’t care about the cameras and they do whatever they feel like , Masha for example who doesn’t care .. I don’t want to repeat again why specifically I watch but for me the real current RLC problem is that I get the feeling that the tenants are “ abandoned “ by their employer and it is like that their only obligation is “ just be on cameras , sleep , wake up , repeat “ .. They don’t really care and that’s why I praise with all of my excitement that I can have the ones that provide moments worth watching ( for my personal taste of course ) .. Anyway , the choice is always ours either watching or not 😇
  5. This is because we are men and the majority we would like to watch a woman I guess rather than a man 😎
  6. All new , fresh ideas , should be taken into consideration by the “ I have no clue “ RLC admins …So , hope even more keep suggesting , maybe they listen at the end , do they ? 🤔😡
  7. I enjoy Holly and Tweety , but not sharing the master bedroom , actually I never liked seeing the girls sharing a room as it can’t be any privacy ..With that being said , you are right with Holly and Tweety , I didn’t think of them as maybe by living together we haven’t enjoyed I think anything they could do ..7 girls then , the 4 musketeers , H&T and Dani but still it isn’t the best with the sleeping arrangements … ahh, well , it was too quiet the previous days and now with the two boys visitors plus all 4 of them reuniting , it brought some ideas 😎 and I got excited as always 😂
  8. Pff .. bring all the 4 musketeers in the villa , keep Daniela and find two,more or less same type girls that respect their time with RLC and want to contribute as GOV and the villa will be the top watched place to enjoy .. then keep the balance with B2 and B1 for anyone wishing to watch that type of girls .. Ahh , asking too much ..
  9. Very good points 😇 Just to remind only that this “ very difficult job “ it’s something they have both chosen doing 😊 and nobody is or has forced them .
  10. It was Rus I guess 😂🤣 but I am at a cafe and can’t watch carefully 🥸😬🤯
  11. It’s funny that you comment this about my opinion when you read here everyday around 30-35 posts per day that happened yesterday and the day before and the day before that one repeating the same procedure daily with some small changes according to the mood or the outside plans .. these aren’t broken records posts obviously that make the topics last for 2-3 days and the 10 pages are exactly what you say , broken records … anyway , as always , even the repeated opinions here as long as they don’t favor the woman who is called Leora and they don’t come with appreciation and they just present a fair criticism based on arguments , especially according to the old glorious days and the situation we currently watch , are faced with heat .. that’s fine 😇 we are only human after all , enjoy the new Year and hope you resubscribe and let the forum knows if you are going to watch a repeated broken record by Leora , the same that some people like me as you claim post here .
  12. I never said that it happens tomorrow or in one month or in one year … Martina is a very ambitious woman , she’s concerned of her future , she’s searching things , she has used her RLC benefits for her own personal growth .. Alberto is a different guy and despite the old cliche that one completes the other as they have what the other is missing in their personalities , when Martina finally is on the working field with responsibilities , ideas for an ever greater future , I don’t know for how long she will consider to provide watching her boyfriend not willing to do something for his own future too .. as I said , I hope I am completely wrong and they enjoy an amazing life together but ( sorry for the ones that are possibly monogamous here 😬🙄😔 ) , i never believe that in life you learn enough about people , relationships , characters , fake or truth if you spend it always with one person .. who knows , Martina is so young , maybe she makes a crazy private life for some time and end again at Alberto’s hands realizing that there’s no one better than him .. Will Alberto be waiting though ? Ahh , just pure speculation from my side but the general belief and statistics show that long term relationships that have started at school years are very very very rare to succeed .. ultimately one of the two wishes to experience new adventures .. Alberto obviously was/is open as Martina had a real parallel relationship on cameras , i just don’t know how this can go on if it happens repeatedly when she gets around her 30s or so .. pff , as I said , just my instinct on that .. 😇
  13. Very interesting to see the interaction of K&R with the apartment that its tenants avoid to come “ close “ with the others and apart from some surprising visits in B5 while T&T were there and an one time appearance if I am correct in the villa during the summer ( which created some heat amongst the girls for a period and maybe that’s why they never went back ) , it is only the others that visit them .. let’s see .
  14. As soon as the festive days are gone and the school begins , it will be a routine once again . I am looking forward to enjoy watching this apartment with the way that M&A have decided to do things for the next days , it’s a pleasure watching a woman clever enough that she takes care already for the next day and away from the cameras while also still living a life in front of them .. on the other hand , no matter how a great guy Alberto is , it is a pity seeing no interest at all ( at least through the discussions and what we see on cameras ) from him to look after the “ Day after the cameras “ .. he is irresponsible in many things ( vaccine , job searching ) but he is devoted to his girl and he offers her happiness and something which is rare nowadays , he is offering her being a TRUE person and not a fake one .. and as I have said , my opinion is that strangely whenever their break up occurs ( I believe in the long term they will remain best friends ) , I think emotionally he will survive while he will maybe struggle financially while at the same time Martina will suffer emotionally but she will stand on her feet professionally .. that’s my prediction that I hope of course I am totally wrong and they live happily ever after always and forever .
  15. Are my eyes deceiving me ? Is there a male guest after a long time in the hall ? 😱
  16. She’s alone , no boyfriends , the audience watching her is mostly older people , either widowed or many years married and tired of their weddings , bored of life hobbies or doing things , retirees that for them Leora is a great all day escape to watch , there are no interactions with other people , it is THEIR LEORA . They can wake up with her , see her dressing , taking a shower , eating , they virtually live with her without their physical presence and this it can’t happen with any other apartment … why ? Because all the other apartments , the tenants have chosen sharing themselves with others , Leora has chosen to share herself on cameras without anyone .. and before the responses come about her life in Russia and Paul , Paul was the most hated guy and everybody hated him seeing her with this woman .. Seeing deeper , it’s a pity watching a woman at her early 30s trying to fight her loneliness that she suffers by inventing ways to keep herself busy and in a way feel “ warm “ and that there are people who watch her , this makes her not feeling lonely in a way . But when the “ lights “ are off or she’s tired or bored , then she’s seeking the company of her portable devices to at least have a look of how the world looks also outside .. there has never been a person who has stayed mentally ok having chosen a way of life the way Leora does .. the results of fair criticism from people who observe carefully and not worshiping no matter what she does ( which for the fanatics are always positive and there are never mistakes .. ) are the biggest proof of what I am saying .
  17. The 4 musketeers compensating for the “poor “Christmas Eve “ happening across RLC … 😆 Say whatever , but these 4 girls they can easily run an apartment on their own .. they have boyfriends , they are into exhibitionism ( Fiora mostly ) , they won’t hesitate for any kind of show , I will certainly say that they really want to please the viewers and offer fun and entertainment .. for sure , they won’t stay on their bed all the time with their phones ( yes they will do this too ) but I think they are the most active girls in the whole roster given the right place to show their skills ..
  18. I think he’s just a guy who has no problem with the cameras 😉 , of course she likes him but for me just for fun .. i believe we might see others also if she wishes 😎 , time will tell .
  19. Harley also in the villa , let’s see if the 72 hours visit of last week is done the other way around this week and that’s why the sisters moved in the master bedroom so as for fiora and Harley to sleep in O&U’s room .
  20. I will have to disagree with you on this .. I don’t think that Daniela sees this guy as anything more other than fun . I have observed her carefully since Day 1 that this guy appeared and the only thing he always wants is to just put the dick in the hole .. i think he is the one that likes her a lot but he is a completely disastrous lover. And I don’t say that this is the reason that for her he is just a guy to have fun , but , I think if she wished more , we would see this guy more often and I think she would have demanded much much more except a bit of cuddling and then the usual twice sex session , the first of the 1-2 minutes and then soon after the second one 😆 But that’s how i see it , we have seen guys that girls would go mad on them, I don’t think this one belongs in this category .
  21. Well , Fiora is at the villa , Anthony and Daniela’s friend were / are the boys visiting , as mentioned last week , whenever Radislava knows that guys visit , she disappears. The pattern didn’t happen only last week … let’s see how this will be this time and if/when she returns ..
  22. Say whatever but at least Kylie & Rus are incredibly fun to watch .. I personally find it quite adorable that even on these early rejoining days , it is like they never left Prague , same sex fun , same drinking habits , a couple that enjoys doing things together .. Priceless moment showing their fun and enjoying life relationship .. Rus finishing in the mouth , laying down at bed and grabbing the book pretending that ok , we had sex , now I can go back reading while Kylie was “ drying “ from sperm 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 small details showing a more than healthy relationship , at least a couple that has no issues 😇
  23. So , amongst a “ variant” that is pissing us off , making us even more frustrated for a second consecutive festive period and a rather boring I could say last period for RLC ( I don’t know how else it could be judged when for so many times the top replays show a woman who has her legs wide spread open showing us her pussy when she speaks on the phone in the kitchen , on the couch in the living room or reading a book on her bed…. ) , I think we should chill the tone a bit and cause for some fun and smiles by opening the “ C&P “ book ( Conspiracies & Predictions ) 😂😂😂🤡🤡😎 The last three - four days we saw a variety of things , the most interesting for me was the return of “ Daniel “ ( AKA Olivia’s ex boyfriend ) in Fiora’s apartment last night , he stayed for a long time and he departed rather drunk I think 🤔. Now , we are talking about a guy who currently is connected to 3 girls, Olivia obviously , Holly and Loraine .. The funny thing ? All these are under the same residence currently . Even funnier ? Daniel appears soon after Holly disappears for holidays , speculation that last night talk was with Fiora why Olivia isn’t seeing him ? Conspiracy that he appeared only when Holly was gone and Olivia is in the villa only to appear at New Year’s party as a guest ( prediction ,,) Conspiracy that when things seem boring , inserting a guy who can create lots of complications is suddenly seen ( prediction that he will flirt Olivia and play the crying guy as soon as they meet .. ) More predictions , Anthony will be staying for the New Year , Daniela’s guy will be bringing some friends in case a party happens ( major surprise if they don’t make one ) and of course what about Fiora and Harley and in general all of the Barcelona places reuniting for one big villa party ( sleeping arrangements of course are a huge issue with many people currently on the roster … Opinions and thoughts for fun to talk about for whoever is interested and take a bit the stupid thoughts away for some days 😂😂😎😎🎅
  24. After so many sex sessions with Masha , he is just watching “ Squid Game “ 😎😎🥳🥳😀😀😇 Maximum respect to the guy who might become something more for her , all indications lead to that , first days meeting and just the endless sex sessions .. let’s hope that in 2021 Masha finally found a guy and she can chill out with her “ wild “ things for a while..Or more 😇
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