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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. It’s the same question that was for Leora / Malia .. the answer is that the ones who watch are the ones that expect to see always the unexpected or more than the previous time .. and notice , it always happens when ( 9 of 10 times) nothing else happens elsewhere .
  2. About people who know or not , things she’s hiding or not and whatever she does or not in Prague , it is an “ untouchable “ subject here and whenever there have been tries to mention or refer about it , all comments have been faced with confused or laughable emojis .. Leora’s “ second / outside the apartment life “ which affects more and more day in and day out her current inside the apartment life will never be “ allowed “ to be commented at its full exposure for reasons that you can even see why even by our little chat here …
  3. Radislava and Mila in serious copy / paste of the BS things that we were suffering for one year between Leora / Malia…what more to see …🙈😱
  4. Checking the exit of the guy , well , this was the BIG return of Daniel , kudos to anyone noticing it and mentioning it , it also eliminates the theory ( that I never understood what he did wrong .. ) of being banned by RLC .. as I also believe that we will be seeing Curly AKA Bruno in the near or further future.. Edit ; Kudos to good friend moos as he was the one noticing it and didn’t mention exactly earlier 😇
  5. I can go endless back and forth with you for the Maldives then 😂😂😝😝😎😁.. I was moving with a speed boat and twice with the water plane 😉, I was lucky with luxury because the girlfriend was working there ..The Dhonis 🙄😱 , only used a couple of times and only for short trips 15-20 minutes maximum .. But ..Before the tsunami , it was a different Maldives , the capital Male where I was situated had 80,000 inhabitants , when I went again , it was 140,000 … for an island that you make the round of it within one hour on foot , imagine..Anyway , we are off topic but I am sure some people will find it interesting with some details 😇
  6. I agree with many things , we should never forget that everything that we see or not is her own choice , nobody has forced her to do anything or for her to believe that she’s a “ special individual “ as her attitude shows .. As I have said in the past , as long as she doesn’t commit any state crime ( robbery , killing and such things ) , I don’t think she does anything that she should feel ashamed , it’s her body , her life , she LOVES to be exposed and watched , she loves to read the worshiping comments , i don’t find this wrong and if I was her father , I wouldn’t personally mind , my child would always be my child .. perhaps I could wonder why she chose to do this job when her potential calls for more things , or at least what the majority believes. I always believed in life that there are things you do till a certain age , you are younger , wilder in thoughts and ideas , a revolutionist who wants to have the world but the more you grow up , the world is becoming different living in it and experiencing it . Her choice for money instead of a life that it’s so clear now that didn’t satisfy her , I can partially understand it despite not agreeing with it . She left all things behind without second thoughts and within a month , an offer for ( good ) money came , the chance and greet opportunity getting to know and live the western kind of life at full effect , she took it without hesitation .If she was satisfied with her life , if she had a boyfriend that she was happy , would it be any reason leaving all these behind ? And before the answers of people who observe her way so much better than me and know even such tiny details that I don’t even have the knowledge to even explain personally some things , her decision to move in search for new adventures was obvious since Day 1 as she could have easily if she wanted just live a short adventure, become a COV with Paul and spend time in Prague and make some money or move with him in Barcelona for the same concept ..But no , she clearly had and has in mind a different life .Finding a guy only some months after for her sexual and woman “ missing “ things it is a simple example of how unsatisfied her sexual life has been and perhaps it is the only reason it keeps her going with this guy she currently has. My conclusion and experience from life ( pff , there are guys that have even double amount of experience than me here but they are wearing the Leora glasses and can’t see the obvious ) says that unless you decide at a certain time how to proceed with life plans till a certain age , it will be very difficult to adjust to another lifestyle than for example the one she has decided to live . A normal job , a normal salary for her qualifications and skills , I wish that she achieves anything she has in mind but as I have done in the past , have a look and wonder if this current lifestyle can be supported with this proven cost of living facts in Prague … Cost of Living in Prague. Dec 2021. Prices in Prague WWW.NUMBEO.COM Average prices of more than 40 products and services in Prague, Czech RepublicDec 2021. Prices of restaurants, food, transportation, utilities and housing are included.
  7. I don’t think it is fake , I mean , this is her boyfriend , if she’s fake on him , well , we know he is a puppy but being fake with him ? I don’t think so .. she’s just a super hot woman ( body figure , eyes , legs , ass , fantastic ) but she’s one of the women who don’t know how to express passion , not on purpose but it is just not there .. I think this is also Anthony’s problem with her , he likes her but he can’t go “ crazy “ let’s say because of that ..if you could only see him how he was going berserk on Amalia last year or so , then maybe you can understand what I mean.. we have been lucky having seen Tereza , Hanna , even Pam , what can I say about Anna who is an absolute crazy passionate woman .. I don’t even know who I forget , ahh , come on , how stupid of me , look at Fiora , check Harley and God bless us all in case Ulyana interacts with a guy .. That’s all I can say 😇🎅🙈🤡🥳🤩
  8. Amazingly beautiful woman , one of the best for sure , unfortunately the lack of passion is “ killing “ a lot of the fun .. But it isn’t on purpose , it is just how she is …therefore , for anyone who wants to enjoy her as an individual , she is a nice eye candy .
  9. Just passionless , it was a bit more exciting perhaps for you because you haven’t seen them completely as a COV or previous years doing shows and also it was a bit more “ alive “ by both of them because they haven’t seen one another for a long time .. it isn’t nice to compare as every couple has its own things , but just think of the same Karol and her BF or the recent arrival couple of Kylie and Rus…
  10. Wait to see how worse things are going to be .. she still has 2,5 years to manage her goal.. the first year she had Prague discovery , people liked seeing her and also Malia’s introduction .. then the 2nd year was living with Malia and all distractions were kept hidden as Malia was “ used “ for her benefits and so as establishing gradually and slowly her second private life , the one that REALLY matters and makes her happy and excited as it is a life of a normal human being and not the life of a programmed robot that has an on / off button just to please the audience when she feels so as to justify her salary and the presence being an RLC employee .. It was a really sad image watching her at Christmas and luckily the forum was “ out of order ‘ , otherwise I think it would have been a very commented topic on that day .. Her loneliness and miserable life inside an apartment that she only lives so as to achieve her main goal has been passed to the people who observe more rather than worship , that’s why the end of subscriptions , I don’t think that people want to see a sad life and a person who barely smiles and hides behind her portable devices or her TV seeking for company and “ interaction “ in order to pass the hours inside the prison place she has created with her choices . I wish her the best but I can’t see how her life can be better the way she has chosen to make it . As I have said , she can’t support a life the way she does without RLC , free rent and facilities , salary , 24/7 heating with an expensive lifestyle , imagine when she goes out of RLC and as some posts here have been already made , she makes some money without RLC .The truth is that without RLC she has no chance in Prague with her current lifestyle . I speak from safety being a person who lived abroad .She can’t handle by herself such a luxury apartment , so much cost of lights , energy , gas , water .. Food ordering , expensive personal beauty acquisitions , I don’t know how she will manage to go to another lifestyle when the time comes ..Except of course she will be with RLC like forever …
  11. Daniela , volcano feeling woman who loves action and enjoys sex and she can’t be satisfied the way she wishes . Anthony and Loraine , nice looking people who lack passion , on the other hand , as long as it satisfies them the way they are doing things , it is the least of us to judge here .
  12. Just to comment on this post , I have been in Maldives twice , one for 35 days one year before the catastrophic tsunami ( rest in peace to the nearly 230,000 dead people 😔😢 ) and the last one was from December 24 2012 to January 1st 2013 .. First , plane tickets have the cheapest prince for these two days , I think they flew on Christmas even if that’s the case .. Now , in Maldives , YOU NEVER go as single or to make holidays just being these two girls alone in one of the islands or more islands , it depends the package ..This is THE paradise to share with a BF , lover , sex partner , husband .. I would assume that the girls got invited at the very last minute by one or more guys in case Maldives is the final destination , even Dubai . We will for sure know when they are back and how tanned they will both be 😁😏😎😉.. Judging by the things they took , I exclude being only Maldives , you don’t need all these things they took , I could say that it might be one week in the Maldives and one week in Dubai perhaps .. In any case , it was a very fast decision as Masha seems to have discussed being there during the New Year , therefore , I hope that for both of them , even if it is for their benefit , that the company deserves making this trip and it isn’t just one “ sponsor call “ ( of course which girl would say no to luxury holidays with most things paid if not all .. ) , but since we can’t know for sure , I hope that both girls enjoy the maximum and when they are back , their appetite is exactly as they left and we don’t see tears or bad mood or similar things .. for sure , I hope the new year for Holly will be a much better experience than the one she had on 1st January of 2021…
  13. A male visitor at Fiora’s and enjoying a beer , very nice introducing new people 😇
  14. It was a torture watching her all this period just filling a bed .. at least her BF came and she can at least justify her presence .. Sorry to say , I just hate when tenants do and choose everything for money rather than their real lives , currently RLC has so many examples and this is what I think it makes it less and less realistic .. plus , it is a pity seeing young people not being able to trust their own abilities and lock themselves in apartments for easy money . My comment doesn’t go for the single girls , but it particularly involves Karol , Loraine and Leora .
  15. Finally Anthony appears and at least Loraine will be happy for some days rather than watching her trying to figure out what the hell she’s doing in the villa . If I remember correctly also , Anthiny isn’t living in Barcelona , I think both of them are residents in a city in southern Spain 🤔🧐
  16. Why should I do what others wish and not the way I want ?
  17. Morning session with fully enjoying Harley , perhaps at night with the beers / alcohol in genera. the result wasn’t successful despite the long session .. All in all , happy times for these two , well done 😇
  18. Let’s hope that the photographer is back and Anna is spending time with him 😁😏 as she makes a sleeping night out ( so far ) ..
  19. Harley is fantastic , we said it since only in her first ever time that she masturbated , she used a butt plug. I called her X-Factor since Day 1 , it’s so obvious that this girl can give so much fun and entertainment and at the same time try to interact with the other girls . A really great tenant who doesn’t get the place she deserves living and sleeping on a couch .
  20. Complicated as I wanted to check how they will manage to spend the evening with Fiora there because they have given them ( H&F ) the worst apartment they could when both of them try to bring their private moments on screen . I think it was twice that Harley’s guy had to knock at Fiora’s room so he can enter and go to the toilet… Complicated for both of them trying to bring their boyfriends over , even if they wanted to take a shower after sex for example , they would need to pass both of them through Fiora’s room . As I have said repeatedly , they have Nana and the twins , Loraine ( who mysteriously isn’t inviting or seeing her boyfriend for what we know ) and whatever the deal with the B2 girls is ( I believe there are more issues that all 3 of them keep distant with their interactions with the others ) and they don’t bring them in one of the other 3 normal GOV apartments and they have them struggling in this one when actually these two girls are the ones who really seem to respect the second chance they got .
  21. Spending the days alone , phoning at after 03:00 am in Far East to listen to voices that can bring good feelings , cleaning earlier to pass the time , I hope the Holiday Syndrome isn’t at full effect in Leora’s life .. But that’s the results of her choices .. It seems then that the boyfriend isn’t available on these days , perhaps the holidays some days before happened at that time because couldn’t be repeated like last year for example .. But , like this she keeps company to people who might feel the same , that’s maybe the explanation of choosing watching a woman sitting on her couch and speaking on her phone 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Merry Christmas to all , don’t forget to be and behave like human beings , love and feel compassion for others who on these days have no idea how it is to enjoy these days amongst beloved ones .. Put differences aside , it doesn’t worth it .
  22. Many strange things are happening with the presence of Pam and Amalia , they don’t act at all like being on holidays or having fun / enjoying their times .. to me , it is like they are in stand by mode .. But that’s my personal opinion of course 😇 carefully observing ..Last night’s Pam example spending it in front of her laptop it’s such a hint ..
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