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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. True .. But Bruno was at least “ participating “ in one way or the other .. Maksim ? What is he paid for ? Poor Leia..
  2. The only long term subscribers who are still very much excited are the Leora’s followers .. I don’t think we see much at the apartments nowadays , the misdirection and clueless tenants of what needs to be done is more then obvious …
  3. Leia loves this guy very much , there’s no other explanation .. some great posts concerning these two were posted here during their first week and I think that the more we see , the more are close to be true ..
  4. Very very active sexual life couple ..they drink a lot , they are having fun and act crazy at times 😇 But now needing to share the apartment I don’t know how it will be .. We need to see if there are limits or they might be some threesome shows ..just a typical couple which was brought in for sexual satisfaction in this apartment .
  5. Well , i don’t think that old / long time subscribers will get excited but it might add some new customers for people who would want to watch only sex..
  6. On a positive note , this couple managed to bring Maksim out of the bedroom and actually interact a bit and get to know them .. on another note , it is incredible that RLC can’t find new people to join , it is like that no one wants to do this job anymore … time to find out if there’s any relation amongst these 4 , if someone knows anyone else from the past…
  7. Yes , they were in Prague in current K&S place after the closing of the Russian apartments and also again in Barcelona in the past if I remember correctly ..
  8. Well….The Anal Queen is back…It seems that their sexual life is bringing them back in B5 .. Now , some crazy things are off to be seen , I wish we get AMAZING Viola even for holidays and time to really see how they will connect with the rest of the Barcelona tenants … If it will be a strictly sex things happening full of booze , “ recreational things “ and similar things , well , we saw it all in Prague … if they interact with the others and they are open with the others , it might be a good couple that joins .. My good friend @JenniferMom, waiting for your judgement when you see these two with first comparison being Hanna and Aaron , I don’t think ther will ever pass them of the times but waiting to see and read your opinion about them 🙈😉 For the rest , my opinion is that this is a complete two different couples relationship ..As always , I hope I WILL BE COMPLETELY WRONG WITH MY PREDICTION , but I can’t see any common way for these two couples and sharing the same apartment ..
  9. Back online….. AND……… AM I RIGHT OR THEY ARE BACK ?.. KYLIE AND RUSH …….
  10. It seems that the Spirit of Christmas arrived earlier at K&S apartment , having one of their nicest moments with cuddles and smiles and hugs after sex and with Smith trying for once at least to satisfy Kitty even with her wearing her pants ..Good to see one nice moment in their turbulence relationship that they have …
  11. If only RLC had a plan for new subscriptions and how to attract potential new or past customers ..if only they knew what they want to give to the subscribers ..
  12. So .. let me get this right 🙄😬🤔 People in this topic want to see Leora do and enjoy her life the way she wishes ..BUT..as soon as she tries to communicate with a guy who a ) is her whatever kind of male friend she has in Prague the last 1,5 years , b) he is a guy that her ex boyfriend knows all about him since the beginning , c ) he is the responsible person that at least Leora has emotions , feelings , ups and downs , he is an important person in her life no matter the reasons , people judge him , criticize him , doing the same for Leora because she just wanted to contact him … 🙄🙄🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Poor Leora , maybe I slowly understand why you are hiding your life to the subscribers .. people no matter what will judge you for your choices ( as I clearly do that I don’t like that you are having a two way life in front and behind the cameras ) , they will say that you are free to do as you wish but you aren’t free to choose the people that you believe that they deserve to be part of your life ..only the fans have the right as it seems to say with who you should or not interact in your life .. And if you can’t take the negativity of comments posted here by the subscribers , I can understand how difficult it might be if you were presenting anyone on cameras and having the same issue , that is to face the any criticism that you would suffer if any of these people don’t get the approval here … ( Dennis… )
  13. It’s normal , when something is given to the subscribers with “ breaks “ , people would watch..Also , since they haven’t done much , anytime the people would tune in to watch something rare as you also say 😇 Leia wishes to be a good tenant , she interacts , visits the other places , she tries to have a life and enjoy her stay in Barcelona.. I don’t think many want to adjust with the problems that Maksim has , this isn’t a permanent couple like the ones in Prague which is normal to face many real life issues by having indefinite RLC contracts , these couples are here to provide mostly entertainment , otherwise they could just rent the place to locals and see real life things ..anyway , the problem is as I said a couple of days ago , that this couple puts in jeopardy the one that will join this apartment sooner or later ..
  14. Just a small comment on that , whatever gets closed or goes into lockdown in general , it is a MAJOR win of the anti vaccine protesters .. The Governments worldwide pushed for vaccines , people did it for their health and of course many for the benefits that came because of it , it is totally unfair to close and lock places down once again..There was no meaning for vaccines then , it is a total punishment to the vaccinated people, that’s all I have to say about it ( luckily here we have only some very minor restrictions but we are expecting some measures to be taken but not like in Holland for example or Austria… )
  15. With the posts since Leia & Maksim joined , I think it is safe to say that ( partially Leia’s mistake also for many reasons.. ) this couple can hold the title of the worst ever COV who inhabited B5 .
  16. If the guest joins , it means she’s a possible casting ..
  17. And again … No surprise how this site has lost the number 1 spot as it could be name FakelifeLeora.com.. It is the only site of its kind that the people who subscribe , the majority of them is paying so as for one tenant to manage , create and maintain a life that without this platform wouldn’t be able to live even half a year away from her own country and safety .. An average 3-4,000 € per month salary and apartment costs in Prague .. When having this money in Europe in monthly basis can consider you above middle class level society , 45,000€ per year , tax free 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Dream job ( for now and with big questions in 10 years from now .. )
  18. Radi partying ? If there was a portable camera of RLC at the place that the girls would be going , she would have even dressed to impress 😏😁😆😂🤣 Last night’s short stop to masturbate Mila only to sleep outside for the night was one of the most staged things that RLC has ever witnessed .. Leora / Malia fake things , Loraine’s passionless fake shows and Radislava’s for the top cameras obsession are the top during RLC’s Covid era .
  19. Prime time in europe , no action almost anywhere in RLC , a normal evening for Leora when people in most apartments try to socialize as much as possible before their residing cities implement measures against omicron .. It is all matter of choice .
  20. There’s a couch in B1 and 2 sleeping places in F&H .. of course this means that nothing extraordinary will be happening in these apartments ..And sadly and strangely at the same time , even Daniela seems to be a bit down the last 1-2 weeks and not the same fun girl like in the beginning .. let’s see how the preparations for the parties will be happening and if any dates / flirts will be seen in B4 during the parties .. After all , Nana who didn’t want the girls to have the boyfriends in the villa she’s long gone 😎
  21. Fighting loneliness during Christmas times .. Long phonecalls , most days with long hours away from the apartment , giving aspirin to someone who has headache only for the symptoms to vanish before they appear again and again .. At least she tries to show that it is all fine and nothing or anyone can put her down . Wishing her all the best but the worst during this period is to have the people that you really care and love in your life away from you .. and all these people are far or not allowed to be part of the life she has chosen to live .
  22. As always , the fun will be at early morning hours and if the girls come back alone or with company .. However , the way that the villa is packed , I find it very difficult for anything “ unpredictable “ to happen , except if the girls spread and sleep like in B1 or at Fiora’s and Harley’s … a nice evening to the girls and hopefully with lots of adventures 😇
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