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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. RLC seems compensating the viewers for the many months of complains of no new faces or repeaters or boredom with a “storm” of girls appearing on cameras . We had Buffy , then Ms.V , now this girl .Not forgetting the “extreme “ bed filling of two tenants in the penthouse in B4 , the recent short stay of Amira , even Nana abandoning B1 to regroup for some hours with her current colleagues ( not all of them …😆 ) in her former residence .. A really strange approach by RLC which ( insane and big speculation ) can be signs of a possible new apartment opening and all the recent passing by girls being part of a casting / testing popularity ..let’s see
  2. Exactly .. Perhaps Loraine has been left in a previous RLC era when the choices were many more , the money way much more and she also being a beautiful newcomer , subscribers were tuning in to watch , especially when she did actually made some light threesome shows . I believe her stay with Anthony in B5 was an epic failure and viewers / subscribers never got attached or really enjoyed what was happening and that’s why the big current heat towards her I think .
  3. I also need to say that hopefully now and after earlier’s surprising session , anyone who was still waiting for more of Nelly & Martina things , here it is then a nice alternative , considering that Fiora has a BF too .. Speculations and creative stories can be brought here then and let M&A have their lives the way they wish .. Hope it’s a nice new excitement thing for @JenniferMom@girlsfunand @girlsfun2😉😏
  4. It’s unexplained why Loraine has joined , you can even see that she’s not enjoying or being happy .Another one who has chosen money over her real life , I find it really sad 😔
  5. Another fantastic session by a real life passionate couple 😇☺️😌
  6. Last answer then 😇 There’s a minority in Greece , perhaps an 1% of the 90% of Greek Orthodox people who celebrate like the Eastern Orthodox Church on the 7th January . About the movie , the 1st movie is exactly what happens in real life too with the Greek weddings , of course some jokes were for entertainment / cinema reasons but all the preparations and what’s really happening in the movie it is more or less how a Greek wedding and in the bigger picture how a traditional Greek family of certain values is 😇
  7. I disagree with your approach , but it is of course a respected opinion . For me , consider what can be called “ lesbian “ exactly what Fiora and Harley did in the sauna a couple of hours earlier , what Martina and Nelly have been seen doing ( that was of course real sex and not a show ) , in general just touching and caressing for me isn’t lesbian . It doesn’t of course really matter how we judge it or characterize it , but there were never nipples or tits kissing , French kisses with one another , sorry to say but if in a period of 14 months or so we saw just a 3-4 sensual sessions in a total of what , 150 to 200 shows more or less , which the majority were without any passion and felt out of reality , then this was really uninterested for me watching and this is also why I hardly ever during that period made any comment about it as I was respecting the people who wanted to see this here but I was often making my opinion at other topics of the forum . The girls were both happy with their free times and private lives they had outside of the apartment with their boyfriends , I can still remember the excitement that they both could have overnights as sharing the apartment was giving the chance for at least one to be there and provide a solo session .In any case , for sure it was popular what was happening but for the same reason people tune in to check the twins with the eternal hope that they maybe do something one day , I think they were tuning for the sane reason after a certain period for Leora and Malia .
  8. I can then finally say it loud here 😂😂😂🤣 Whatever Loraine is trying to do since she rejoined , whatever Radislava is trying to convince people that she’s into for over a year now and most of all whatever the BS that Leora and Malia were doing or trying to do for more than a year too , within 48 hours of their reestablishment as RLC tenants , in an apartment that the only great lighting place is the sauna , both girls Harley and Fiora caught us all by surprise and offered a session that goes back to the nice and unexpected / unpredictable shows before the huge cut bonus by RLC . Now , I don’t say that it should happen again and again , but at least we didn’t see any fake things of pretending to touch or kissing or licking , this was a great lesbian interaction and if I am correct , this was Harley’s major show of this kind . It is unbelievable that Loraine for example or even Nana are having the current facilities ( even though I can in a way understand RLC with Loraine because she has shared her private life and she has been interacting with shows since many years ) and both these two girls are in away punished to live in a couple’s apartment without being a couple 😆 , with at least one having a BF ( Fiora ) and Harley sleeping in the LR’s couch like she’s a temporary and short term tenant , like Buffy for example …We should also not forget that both these girls were kicked out in the first place without doing anything wrong ( except if we say that they also contributed in the loud party the last time we saw them in B1 .. ) I hope RLC sees the dynamic of these two girls and gives them the possibility and opportunity to shine , in my humble opinion , reuniting them in B4 can be amazing , especially seeing slowly that Holly and Tweety and Daniela are developing great relationships with Olivia and Ulyana.. It has of course the risk that this can create a really powerful faction with the 4 musketeers once again in the same place but it is - and sorry to say for the respective fans - ridiculous to have Loraine or Nana or the twins occupying beds simply by ( Nana and the twins ) being naked and doing anything concerning a normal life like these two girls who have a BF , we saw a trainer already and in general respect even the smallest cent they earn having taken once again the chance by RLC …an excellent excellent excellent addition by RLC and I think the majority recognizes that 😇
  9. That’s why I left your post earlier without commenting 😂😛 And I am MASSIVELY surprised now with this one 🙈😱 Perhaps the explanation is that this was the first time between the two and whenever anything is new and especially when these both girls were ( are ) very sensual , it made for a nice show … The comment about shows or not and more reality , i would only say that since it is a product addressed to a variety of subscribers , a bit of everything and in fair doses offered without crazy or insane exaggerations or complete fake things can be a good approach by RLC…The question is what product actually wants RLC to offer as I think they also don’t know at the moment ..
  10. Excellent resume jimbo , I can’t think of a better post resuming Leora’s time in Prague the last 28 months , sincere congratulations for calling it as it exactly is .
  11. I think it was one of the worst executed shows period . There were never any emotions , no smiles , just a “ cold “ interaction except some moments that were more intensive which is more than normal considering that they were doing this for more than a year . There were never kisses , hugs , affection .. Of course people were tuning because they were always expecting that something more might happen , of course it could never be so because neither of the girls is lesbian or has any lesbian hidden desires or curiosity ( they aren’t Martina let’s say who is a bisexual for example ).. I will always believe that Malia was “ used “ ( she wanted of course and she was instructed / being taught ) and personally , I am glad that she found - no matter how it happened - a way out of RLC and at least she’s living and enjoying a normal life .
  12. Sauna show time for amazing Harley and Fiora 😉
  13. Big mistake by Malia deciding so fast for such an important decision in life , I hope for her that it works , at least she managed to escape something that she didn’t enjoy after a certain point and she was doing it only for money .
  14. Yes , family of course is the priority of how things are done . In general from my country and left looking the map 😂😇 , it is the Christma’s eve which matters the most I believe while for the Balkan countries and as we see the map to the right 😂 , it is the 25th that is special day and also the 26th is celebrated almost equal with the family .But in general , the term “ Greek family “ in Greece is the most sacred of them all 😆😉
  15. I think many times they ask the girl (s) that inhabit the master bedroom if it is ok to use it , usually they do when they aren’t there and of course it is a common area but I think they don’t use it as often as they could so . as not too bother the girl (s ) .. In any case , as long as they have good relationships amongst them , such things as the jacuzzi can be exactly the details to show this condition .
  16. This is the Catholic Church that they celebrate the Christmas Eve as Christmas 😆😛 We celebrate nothing on the 24th and all major celebrations happen exactly on the 25th 😏
  17. The Russian Orthodox Church ( I think the Serbian also ) is considered “ old calendars “ , that’s why they celebrate with 13 days difference … The current calendar that we use is called “ Gregorian calendar “ and the “ old calendar “ is the Julian Calendar . For Greece , the division between Gregorian Calendar and Julian Calendar started in 1924 , then the “ Original Orthodox “ didn’t accept the change because they considered that the Greek Orthodox Church was submitting to the Pope and the Catholic Church and they are currently a really small minority in Greece . I don’t know the reasons why Russian Orthodox Church has kept the Julian calendar and that’s why they celebrate on the 7th January instead of the 25th December .
  18. They should all buy 2 bottles of wine to both Tweety and Holly that they are giving them the chance to use the jacuzzi 😉😆😏
  19. Exactly 😇 And some attempts fro Nana to get some attention at -I believe- her last weeks of staying..
  20. Can I ask , what is it for you personally that you would like to see or you are watching Leora for since you are saying that “ she should try to keep everything private out of the apartment “.. Can i ask in which job and what kind of company she has signed a contract to work for ? What is it expected from her ? What is it that you expect for someone who has chosen to live a life in front of cameras ? I never say that she shouldn’t keep things in private like sensitive personal data and phonecalls or occasionally talks that she believes that it isn’t to share .. but other than the reasonable and sensible things , what is it then that she’s a participant in such a site according to you ?
  21. As always , thanks for the info and that it stands correct for the person who mentioned it 😇Dina in Barcelona , wow 😇😇😇 how fantastic ..
  22. I read at the sister site that Masha is about to be in Barcelona and in B4 with Dina during Christmas .. that would be very nice , maybe rado07 can confirm 😇
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