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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nice girls but being paid so much money running around naked for such a long time , I find it exaggerating . Perhaps their first stay could have been considered enough to admire them as you say , indeed nice bodies ( you can see the difference by the way compared to the past , time has made itself present also to them ) but I don’t see any point seeing something repeatedly that has been seen again and again . In the end of course , it is the choice of what anyone wants to watch and since RLC gives this chance , i understand 😇
  2. I am always reading what’s posted here and I get an idea 😇 thanks for info ☺️
  3. As good friend StnCld repeatedly says , it is a forum and forums are driven by speculations 😇 Anyone can make and actually reflect to the entitlement of habit an opinion, but when a speculation is easily explained by things that have occurred on cameras and give the truth of something we see , it is not a speculation anymore . We all saw how Holly then got her bruises the last days 😇 By the way , I thought Bogdan was busy trying to fuck Martina and Bruno how to reconcile with Gina or fuck possibly one or both of the twins 😂🤣😂🤣😎🤪
  4. Therefore , possible holidays for Masha in Barcelona 😇👏👏 , hopefully at Christmas .. and the space issue actually tells more with the current sleeping arrangements , let’s see , it would be a crazy trio that of Holly / Tweety and Masha and I think fun and enjoyable times can benefit all three of them and not only Masha mentally .
  5. It’s good that only yesterday we were commenting about it here and today we see that some possible relaxation times are ahead , very nice 😇
  6. I saw that good friend moos mentioned it , but it was also for me a big question especially during her early days of her previous stay and seeing her with heavy bruising only to be informed too that she’s getting easily skin bruised , it is actually something that some people have it , that is getting like this even with the smallest skin reaction .
  7. I haven’t watched much previous sessions but today I was tuned for 5 minutes or so and in such short time , it was nice to learn that she was changing apartments with her mother while very young and when she reached 18 , she found out that she would love to travel and just some similar small details that can actually make you sympathize even more the girls and see them as we should all do i believe , normal people like everyone of us who have just chosen to live their lives in front of cameras . Their English accent also and the way they struggle at times , seeing them trying so much and enjoying , it is a really great thing too , as you also mention that it is nice that we understand 😇
  8. I find it really disappointing that in the same “League “ of the things that Gina ( especially her ) , N&B , Monica and Irma ( in this exact queue of importance and significance ) have done , it appears also the name of the Twins . Apart from some shows with Gina mostly and a couple of times with Bruno , this current stay and the teasing of one of the twins ex boyfriend and some occasional masturbations , they have offered ( in my humble opinion and for my personal standards ) absolutely zero compared to the participants that you mention . I would even consider their biggest highlight presenting their mother to us ☺️😇😊 Other than that , the only reason I believe that have been in such a more than 1,5 years in total of payroll from RLC , it is the simple fantasies and imaginations that were creating by being identical twins , having nice bodies and not being shy being around naked . For all the rest , as I said , it is insane that they are in the same League with the rest .
  9. Well , maybe she got a notification from RLC that she should turn off the lights and that’s why she instantly appeared and she combined it with a fast visit in the loo 🤷‍♂️ We are speaking about environment protection , energy consumption and I highly doubt if this wasn’t RLC’s expenses that Leora wouldn’t care to let the lights on day in and day out . For whoever is sensitive with such things , perhaps can understand my point here.
  10. Nana has been a disappointment since much time now , Holly is so experienced with the cameras and honestly , I don’t think she has any issues of camera hiding ..When you see a person being a good friend of Masha who is the top tenant of hiding nothing at all , there isn’t much to think that she would do things to avoid even some personal things to be revealed . Sometimes it is a whole talk like they are hiding government secrets 😂😂. We know their real names , the only personal things I believe being extreme careful to hide would be their mobile numbers or PIN numbers of anything and of course revealing addresses ( which actually they do when they post at instagram and where they are 😆 ) ..other than that , the majority I hope understands that it is the girls lives and we simply observe 😇
  11. The English lessons of H&T are fantastic , through the learning process , it is also many personal revelations that we get the chance to know and I can’t actually remember tenants saying so much about their personal things and lives and letting us like this know so much about them , another proof of how much the English language helps to follow RLC for such small things ( for us , watching the girls learning / practicing English ) . They could always hide and make it off cameras 😇
  12. Holly and Tweety are back , Spanish music on the speakers and constant looks on their phones , smiles , dancing , fantastic mood for both of them and perhaps the happiest since they both joined officially .. absolutely great and hopefully their night has been more than a success , both of them with their smiles are an amazing brought of positivity 😎🥳👏🏻👏🏻
  13. On a side note and for the “ older “ in years of subscription members , where are the times that all girls would go naked and joke and be crazy ?? 😔😔 The positive outcome though is that we FINALLY see the majority of the GOV in the villa using the jacuzzi .. Still , compared to the past is a disappointment .. and I don’t mean it bad , but really ? Ok , the shows have long gone ( which have been ridiculous the majority of them but still many people liked to watch ) but even now the nudism ? What the hell ? Even Radi is not naked 😱😂🤣
  14. They needed to ask for permission first to use the jacuzzi . It might be possible that H&T overnight somewhere or the times are already fixed and they will have it cleaned and ready by the time they are back .
  15. I think everyone forgets to mention Ms.V 😇 as well who has joined since the beginning .
  16. Actually , it is a guy .. Maksim .. other than him , I don’t know which girl you mean staying in bed the whole day .
  17. It seems a show is in the making with the absence of Holly and Tweety spending at least the early Sunday night still outside ..
  18. I hope everyone is taking notice this week how much of uninterested is Leora anymore with RLC , how much “ shit “ she gives to paying members that they aren’t all like the ones who see everything that she does as “ magical “ , “ fantastic “ “ amazing “ … I don’t really know how more obvious it can be that she’s using the RLC’s payroll as for her financial benefit in order to achieve all of her plans and targets / goals she has in mind for her future life . This week of the off cameras hiding , sleeping , endless hours outside of the apartment ( which actually is nice since she escapes her living prison ) , I don’t know what more proof it needs so as the disrespect to the audience continues .. Come on now , please , show me your blessing emojis the usual ones 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 What ? My English is difficult to understand and The Queen is insulted once again or once again the truth hurts and instead of my BS and nonsense and stupidity and negativity of posts should all leave you indifferent but there you go reacting 😂🤣😅😂😂🤣 The joke continues full throttle , can’t wait to see if the airplane sign is next to her name and hopefully she goes outside of her prison and enjoy the Christmas days with people and not alone in her misery . Peace ☮️ and enjoy ( how much I have missed the Pulitzer posts 😒😞😔😟😕😓😓 … )
  19. It’s strange that we haven’t seen the short guy “ tech with benefits “ friend or the “tattoos enormous “ guy so she could possible relax a bit with some sex ..It’s also strange that it’s been a long time as I have said that many of the female friends haven’t been visiting her .Anyway , the year gave her many more pleasant and happy moments than sad ones and I hope she can concentrate on the good ones and try and eliminate from her mind the bad ones , which in my opinion, the biggest one was the end of her friendship or big misunderstanding that there’s currently between her long time friend Nelly …Sometimes ( if not the most times ) the negative thoughts are a result of psychological reasons and I think that’s the case in this period ..the Christmas mood is also affecting ..
  20. Morocco is more than dangerous at the moment .. Lots of problems through 2021 and since autumn..RLC cares to have happy tenants that contribute absolute nothing and hiding all of their personal life and I agree , if they wanted m they could easily bring a roommate for Masha ..of course Masha maybe doesn’t want ..
  21. Ups.. this I didn’t think about 😆🙈
  22. It’s still a bate and not under covers ..
  23. You can always watch the twins ( I think only one at least ) bate and nana .
  24. It’s 7 months working 70-80 hours per week and 5 months enjoying free time .. usually , 50 days are holidays abroad , middle February to end of March and then starting work .. 45-50 days of holidays per year is the biggest reward that someone can have and not the usual 25 days that most people have … unfortunately , the virus had me losing my job for 19 months ( I gave my position to someone who had more need to work as she has family , I could always “survive “ but this cost me for my pocket to “ bleed “ ) and making traveling also for this winter impossible .. I love my winter misery then 😂🤣 as I can finally have time for myself to watch movies / series , exercise myself , watch sports , spend many hours with friends and family . I don’t know how many would call this misery because I also spend time for a hobby like RLC and the forum here 🤨🧐🤔
  25. The problem is also that the Sputnik vaccination I believe isn’t “ recognizable “ in europe yet .. it’s great that Masha wants to go the “ legal “ way with the visa , talking about the visa then she wanted to rebring Sofia for a long stay and not just for tourism 😇 After a short strange period with Alessandro , it’s good that things are back in normal .. But where’s Babi ? The hairdresser ? Tanya ? What has happened to all the people that have been around this year for Masha ?
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