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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Leora wanted Malia to leave , she said by summer she will be gone , back in spring at one of her talks to one of her friends . As a miracle , Malia left in the summer just like that 😂🤣 She admitted she was fed up by her , she used her , she gave extra time and life to her boring apartment because imagine if Malia hadn’t come , how she would have made the friendships she has now in Prague , she wouldn’t have the free time that she had when Malia was used as a toy and substitution to cover up for Leora’s fun times … The best thing that Malia did or happened to her was that she escaped this world and she can live a normal life again , even with right or wrong decisions , away from cameras , away from people who watched her as a sexual tool and not as a person . Leora was fed up by her , she’s now fed up of her bubble , trapped inside it and without wanting to take the brave decisions to escape this and live as normal as possible under the cameras world , more or less as she was doing while back in Russia that even with a routine and a boring life , she used to have a calm and pleasant life . The solution is so easy for her but no , she will go till the end to prove that she’s right like the egoist that she is . But she’s the Queen and people of her own caliber can’t realize their mistakes , they are “ invisible “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. That’s even a bigger mistake as people need to eat all .. the problems occur when you become older .. lack of meat , can cause lack of iron and so many other details about food . That’s what there are the nutritionists for , a good advice can always be seek by them. Anyway , Leora’s problem isn’t the food but the way that she has made her life a complete mess that she can’t even escape from the bubble she has created .
  3. 3rd continuous day for Loraine appearing .. It’s like they are laughing with us .. Fixing one mistake only to create another one if they bring back these two … how desperate they might be if they bring them back ..
  4. Please guys continue , it is endless here arguing for ifs when the facts spoke by itself . We try to speak and analyze what we saw happening and what it could or couldn’t be .
  5. You are all the time saying this , saying that .. would you be any better ? What makes you think that you know how he would perform ? Where do you base your conclusion ? Do you belong to the jealous people who are many here that they blame so many guys because they can’t simply do the same like them ?
  6. I speak about flirting and as a man , I would get any chance that would be presented . You belong then to the category that you would stay back , therefore apologies I included you in the “ all men” but many things are literally called and not with the exact meaning of the word . I can’t think to analyze even to the smallest thing anything .
  7. I was watching and can tell from body language , the girls had no intention sexually . Yes , it could happen but till reaching the bathtub , it was nothing like that . Anyway , these are the facts and we wait to see what’s next . If it is like you say , there will be more chances . But it will be then simply a show and nothing more .( which I don’t have a problem seeing 😄 )
  8. Maybe analyzing things after her falling asleep and also the tears that she had . Nice that it’s just like where they stopped last night , which of course couldn’t be any different .
  9. If we men had always 100% success while flirting and we wouldn’t also get rejections , then we would be all a miracle . That’s the flirting gaming rules , you flirt , many times you succeed , others not . If any move is the right or no , we can’t know as all women are different . We flirt the way we know , we get the teasing needed and the confirmation like “ here I am , flirt me “‘, better try and lose than stay a coward . He just had a defeat , if you think you could do better , then it is a respecting opinion .
  10. It would have been shared in the forum by people who know things if Fior is working for RLC , like it happened with Bogdan . The guy is just helping with transportation and most probably he does other business , that’s what I can tell for sure .
  11. There were no indications that Holly and Daniela would do more than relax in the shower , the whole night were far from anything sexually teasing . I am 100% sure because i was watching , it’s not what we saw in the past for example when Martina was invited and similar behaviors . The guy is a decent guy , the girls like him and feel comfortable around him , that’s why he is always around ( it is said that he takes them on excursions ) , what do I win defending him ? Is he paying me for support ? The guy is like me and you , he saw a chance with two nice women , he was trying not to get involved but rather than being characterized as gay by staying in his bed pretending sleeping , he took the risk and didn’t work . That’s my opinion .
  12. She didn’t bond anything , they were just singing together and they loved it . The other girls were either tired or didn’t find it fun anymore and they went sleeping . The girls ( especially Daniela ) teased him , like any man he tried to remain calm and avoid intervention , ultimately he surrendered like we would all do . The teasing kept on till Holly fell asleep , he tried with Daniela till she politely rejected him and the rest is history . If trying to get a woman and you lose is humiliating rather than losing a chance and wondering “ what if .. “ , well , he did exactly as he should do , in a nice and decent way and not behind anyone’s back . He played , he lost , that’s the flirting rules .
  13. Nothing happened since she came back in the villa ( being hugged by other girls and crying when she was away for a couple of hours ) indicating that her tears now are due to things she did while partying . It is outside reasons and I find it really honest and brave that she shares on camera and for sure there are people currently that know what’s going on really .
  14. Many things happen that we don’t know , Holly now is an example . Whoever didn’t like this change with a party and the teasings and everything , well , it is really naive believing that it would have ended with Daniela and Holly doing anything more than taking a shower together . There are absolutely zero indications that anyone in this apartment wants to have anything else with another girl . The only real thing that happened was Fior interfering , this was real . Anything else would have been a fake thing .
  15. There’s no evidence that he works for RLC , on the contrary , it hasn’t been said on cameras by anyone . Being a guy that helps the girls because he is a friend of Bogdan , doesn’t make him an RLC employee .
  16. Everyone’s problem here is that we judge each and every choice Leora makes .. It’s all her choice , she’s a 30 years old woman and she should be aware of all consequences . The women has built a two way life since the summer of 2020 and it’s like now she has to cut herself in two in order to serve both life paths . Even if she could clone herself , she wouldn’t be able to control things the way she has messed all up . And what we also do ? We judge her choices . I don’t understand why every day in and every day out we judge Leora’s boyfriend negative , what’s going on guys ? Why ? What has he done ? Let her breathe , let her have it the way she wants . She wants it like this , let her have it . Let her phone privately like she talks to the prime minister , secretly , let her meet him whenever she wants , let her finally have her life with him , her choice , her decision . You keep on saying she will always do whatever she wants , whenever she wants .. she does with him and you don’t like him . A guy we have never seen , nobody likes him , insane . And all this why ? Because he makes Leora sad ?? Really ? Does he ? Isn’t Leora making herself sad because she’s an immature 30 years old woman that she thinks that the world spins around her ? She has chosen not to bring people and visitors and this place is for her too much . A prison with benefits that daily she abandons so as to breathe freedom . But whose choice is that ? Have we forced her ? Have we chosen to make it ? Even more , have we decided to keep on till Leora’s takes the last cent from her RLC contract , invest it at whatever she has in mind and one day live happily ever after ? All of the apartments have tenants that even if living alone ( Maya in the past , Masha now ) , they had to find ways in order to socialize so as not to freak out , get mad and lose it . Maya found a guy and she brought home ( but she also had her dog while alone and she was even living in a country that was her “ home “ ) , Masha we see . But no , Leora has chosen to live all her life outside , faking things inside the apartment , doing differently in the apartment and otherwise outside . Who can live alone and inevitably don’t get bored ? Why they have many girls together in the Barcelona apartments ? Why she chose to have a roomate for this long time ? How many masturbations , showers , dancing , cooking , and whatever else she will do more before people here will get more and more bored seeing the same things ? One more year ? 6 months ? How can this life continue the way she has chosen ? Therefore , let her have it . There are many as it seems that they still like what they see, even if this makes Leora everyday lose more and more of her old greatness. She’s now sick , who chose to sit outside in the balcony and smoke with 4-5 degrees last week ? Who chose to smoke even last night when her health isn’t at best ? Who chooses all ? The woman is running a life that mathematically leads her to even worse things than what we see . The solution is so simple and as long as she doesn’t do , nothing will change . If she doesn’t embrace , if she doesn’t synchronize , if she doesn’t decide to live a normal life and continue this double life , nothing will change and she will demolish even more . She is into a very dangerous game with everyone she has around , people that do care , people that still have faith on her , she can so easily whatever she has built lose it instantly the more she continues this self destruction with her choices . The problem is that it seems that she has no idea of what’s going on . She’s lost in this double life , she believes she controls all but even here she has lost much of sympathy , her real life is struggling with stress , anxiety , she can’t sleep at night , she is all the time with a phone not to lose even a message , this is a Titanic Leora and what do we do ? We don’t allow to make her own choices .. she wants no visitors , here it is . She wants the guy , here it is . Let her have it all the way she wants . The woman believe she’s invisible and nothing and no one can beat her and have it all under control . Everyday that passes , we that we watch from the screens , we see the free fall she’s having . Leora’s life , Leora’s choices , Leora’s consequences . Whoever here feels sad about her , unhappy or affected with her current state and complete mess that she is , think if she would even care for anyone here …When you think you are a God but you are just one more human being and you don’t remain humble , when you play with other people lives and emotions , this is what happens .
  17. Fior is snoring 💤 , 07:30 here , time to disappear also . Let’s hope that it was the beginning of better things to come .. The villa used to be , you are right ., it’s up to the tenants to bring it back to its glory .. I know that since Holly joined , the interest slightly returned , today ( coincidence that she was present ?? ) another tiny little step ..
  18. It was much much more than any expectation what happened tonight .. much much more ..
  19. Well , it was soon that we were getting comments of what has changed in the villa .. today we got a first glance , well done for a nice karaoke evening and the teasing ending surprises .. there are many things in the background that we don’t know , let’s hope that it wasn’t an one time event and such evenings will be repeated and why not , with people we don’t know , locals , girls , boys , let the villa be the place that it should always be 😇
  20. Had to translate .. restraint under such circumstances is a torture 😡
  21. Last rejection and stop the games ? 10 more minutes and then it is done..
  22. Personal opinion , this is a one time thing , it either goes more kind of “ what the fuck , let’s do it “ or it never happens anything again between the two ..
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