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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Star Wars is the only collection of movies I have bought from the Internet.. basically I think because I got introduced to it by my father and perhaps watching the movies of the last trilogy together connecting the past with the present , I felt like it deserves to have a special place at the closet so as whenever anything related emerges ( and it will be a lot according to Disney + ) , we could catch up easily the plot again 😆😁
  2. Precisely .. easy for hardcore Star Wars fans 🥳🥳
  3. We can tell for sure that Fiora gets what she likes since they are now ( at least on cameras ) almost a year together 😉 And fiora is very demanding concerning her sexual pleasure .. you will see 😎
  4. Well done said good friend , well done and excellent 😉😉👏👏
  5. Possible but you can tell other minor details , like , why isn’t a photo for example next to her bed with Paul and Eva perhaps ? A hanging slide of photos on her door pointing to nice memories of the past ( kind like she has on her cupboard in the bedroom ) .. she could easily have also pots outside in the balcony , something that women are really obsessed having ( maybe not her of course) .. anyway , a decorated apartment simply helps to the whole psychology and feeling “ having “ company rather than the “ empty coldness “ of the way that the apartment looks like currently ..
  6. Almost 4 hours now .. a big test for all of the social media junkies 😂 ( the majority of the girls of RLC as well 😆😁 )
  7. Soon it is over for what I am reading .. I think it was too much and a really big exaggeration the way the country was locked down .. I have a colleague working with me that she’s from Melbourne and she often describes me what’s going on in details . The things you learn .. oh my .. 😔😱😨
  8. I have made a similar comment ( Aussie also today makes very good points regarding the “ cold / unfriendly apartment ) some weeks ago comparing an apartment that I was posting at that time with this one . I don’t think that there’s any other place that the tenant doesn’t “ feel “ it like home .. Kitty’s and Mirukawa’s apartments both in Prague also , you can tell the “ warmth” of the place , especially at the place they spend most of their time , that is the LR .. Leora in this apartment , apart from some flowers every now and then ( it’s been even a long time we have seen this also ) , hasn’t interfered at all making it at least the place to really feel home after her private life outside . Is this because she still feels the apartment or life in Russia still important ? Is it because she isn’t a fan of decorations ( which for a woman and especially with this detailed cleaning she likes to do often seems out of character ) or because she doesn’t really believe that this apartment never will be her “ home “ and there’s no need ? I believe that the majority of people simply want to have their apartments as their ultimate “ shelter “ whenever things aren’t the best , just coming home after a difficult day and really saying “ finally I am back home “ rather than preferring to stay elsewhere or feel comfortable at different places . In any case , even the removal of the things in the guest room , the couch and the bed , I can’t say it helps a lot .. but of course this is something that she only knows and it isn’t of a really much importance what we think as she’s the one living in this apartment .. we just comment on how usually things are in the apartments for the majority .
  9. In all of the apartments , there’s a a variety of opinions in daily rate .. there are people who admire a tenant , hate a tenant , express their praising or laughing with the actions performed by a tenant . In all of the apartments ( popular speaking of course ) there are lots of posters who appear everyday and not the standard ones that post at this particular thread here . For any “ masterchef “ who will make his comment after each and every Leora’s masturbation ( which I find it rather impressive as it is his direct way of praising the woman he loves / adores / is obsessed with ) , there are the opinions of other members also ( I consider myself a Leora fan as I have said multiple times and also one of those members who will speak out loud their opinion without being afraid to be judged or humiliated with my thoughts ) that it is a simple “ reality commenting observation “ - which is of course objective as it reflects my own and single opinion - that I like to state here . The difference , in my humble opinion , is that i don’t use disparaging comments for any of the people who try to offer me pleasure and entertainment , they are the ones who are living in a world that I highly doubt if 100 members out of the 80,000 that CC has would manage to do the same . I can’t speak “ ugly “ or “ nasty “ or whatever for people who try to perform actions with all lights and cameras pointing on them ( yes , with their own choice ) , I rather concentrate on the positive things that they are willing to share than the possible bad or negative aura that they “ broadcast “ . Leora at times - when she performs spontaneously and as any normal daily life human being - will get my ultimate praising comments while at other times ( which happens way more often ) will get either no reactions or comments or a sarcastic post because she would make - once again - a calculated masturbation , a robotized performance and action . I have always believed in positive and meritocratic criticism and that is what I am trying to do , some times i succeed ( according to the chat back and forth posting ) other times I fail when there’s no reaction of what I am trying to communicate . Last but not least , definitely I want to see the most normal thing that everyone wants to happen in his life , that is face to face interaction with people , smiles , chats , spontaneous reactions , feelings , emotions , yes , i want to see visitors like in ALL of the rest RLC apartments ( with absolutely no exceptions ) .. Leora has chosen a way that it is completely “ life rules “ , the reasons have been analyzed repeatedly and everyone ( including her ) needs to pay the price of his / her actions. I feel then that this zero interaction of Leora with the real world is the biggest cheating for all of the subscribers who share the same opinion like mine . But it is a forum and other people think that she does everything right ( including the apartment life isolation ) so , I simply accept their beliefs without agreeing with them and doing it - I want to believe - in a civilized way .
  10. I live in Europe , on an island that we welcome around 50,000 Czech tourists per season .. there’s an area here that is considered the “ Czechs “ area as many women have married Greeks and have their own places now here … I can’t obviously post any photos ( at least here ) , I don’t need to lie or give false information for things I see with my own eyes and it is widely and admittedly believed by the majority of people who either work in tourism countries like mine or the most important , from people who have actually visited Prague . I know that saying anything that might hurt “ the Oh , Almighty Leora’s beauty “ is treated , faced and confronted with instant emojis , posts or comments that the “ defenders “ raise to protect their Queen … Leora is nowadays an average daily life woman , whoever thinks different has all the right to do so as I also have to think the way I posted about the Czech women . I am not here to have a competition who the prettiest is , Leora is looking everyday at the mirror , even when she bates , always and in an intermediate way asking “ mirror mirror on the wall , tell me , who is the prettiest and gives the best bates of them all “ .. when and if you ever visit Prague , we can maybe discuss again , at the moment , seeing who actually supported with upvotes and likes your comment ( that I never said that Leora isn’t a nice woman , i just say that she is an average daily looking woman that seeing her with clothes and not naked like you have the chance doing so with RLC ) it says all about people who are avoiding posting and commenting things here , just because of one sided reactions . No matter what , Leora will always be for certain people the lady that does all right , she has no disadvantages , she has the best pussy and the best tits , the best face , the best fingers , the best legs , she is the best woman in the world … Exactly ..and I woke up in the world after hibernation 😂🤣😂🤣 Leora is a nice woman but a closer look to real world and not isolating behind screens , monitors and so on can tell another reality .
  11. I think that he completely outsmarts us all then by being able to fuck a great sensual woman like Fiora that knows how to give pleasure to her partner , she knows how to fuck and seems to have no sex boundaries . We are home and watching and he is enjoying . That’s the facts 😇😎🤩🥳 Edit ; By the way , I still enjoy beach days ( therefore tits and asses watching and not at home 😂🤣 )
  12. I also don’t know where to start , I think I just wanted to mention some of the most popular .. the hairdresser would be a tremendous success , as you say , due to her job , her connection network seems incredible big .. we have seen so many people during her - guest maintaining apartment - duties that as you say , no one knows how it would be with an apartment of herself .. Babi is an obvious choice( I just hope she reduces the lips injections 🧐🤓 )
  13. But this is what the site declares … real life … ok , the direction is lost for many people - aka tenants that are doing all private things outside the apartment , therefore they don’t get any negative comments ( or positive of course ) since there isn’t anything happening so as to be judged for their choices - , would you like that you are told in face that you look ugly ? Do you know anyone , even the least nice looking people believing that they are ugly ? Where’s the self confidence about that ? Are we asking from the tenants to do as we are pleased and control who they meet , who they should like and who they should fuck or not ? Not anything personal with you as you know 😇 , but you completely sound like the obsessed cult Leora fans that believe that they have the right to judge the people that she meets as losers , assholes, incapable , worthless piece of crap .. when they haven’t even seen them or sit down face to face with them and discuss like two normal people and then make all the conclusions . I am only much more than delighted that all of these girls try to not be affected or read anything that is mentioned here and continue their lives the way they wish and want with anyone they wish and want .As long as they are happy with people they have chosen to be with , it is of our little concern to us so as to ask it different from them .
  14. Can’t agree less …🤩🤩🥳🥳👏👏 Babi , Piper , bring Sophia back , Dina , Tanya ..pfff , endless possibilities … for starters Babi and Piper 😋😋😋
  15. Any suggestions or expectations of what you believe you would have seen so far by girls who are just on their 4th - 5th day in Barcelona ? What are your demands ?
  16. I think that if Fiora wants to have other guys , she will do .. I can’t prove shit 😂 but my theory is that Fiora is a very independent woman , she won’t hesitate for pleasure , apparently the current guy fulfills her wishes for the time being but having the opportunity appeared ( perhaps a party with guys flirting the girls , a bit of booze , some loosening of thoughts kind of “ i have a BF now ) , well , I don’t expect that she might not satisfy her needs even more or in different ways 😇 On a side note , I don’t think it is the best from us here , hiding our anonymity ( real face also ) and behind a keyboard declaring as ugly people that try to behave as normal as possible and try and be part of the “ real life people 24/7 “ project .. I don’t understand that wanting to have only Cindy Crawford or Irina Saik type women and not just daily , usual looking and type girls , we now ask for the new Adonis , Brand Pitts , Leonardo do Caprios and so on . I don’t know how better we all believe we look in comparison to Fiora’s guy , I have no problem as everyone here knows NOT hiding behind anonymity or real images , I believe the majority here are the average after 55-60 years old guys , with our little bellies , the beers , the sweets , the good food tastes that we seek and we are left to satisfy our will of fantasizing ourselves next to pretty women and talk about them like being our “ properties “ when we actually wouldn’t have a chance to even exchange even a hello with them ( and not only because of the language … )
  17. Fantastically and excellent said , well done good friend 👏👏👏
  18. There are no comments because all the people who follow regularly this couple and they enjoy them both at good and bad times , serious and joking moments , sad and happy occasions , they ( we ) all know that this is their routine , their life , the way they do things ( yes , even sex , this is their usual positions and the way they have found how to get horny with one another all those years ) and there’s nothing that they need to prove more or any of us to make one more post or one more comment to establish their great relationship they have after 10 years . Martina has other priorities at the moment and she appears to be more the girl we used to know before entering the Barcelona apartments world , people will try and create theories of troubles , problems , people want to make things when they don’t exist to be real to satisfy their fantasies .. The actual posts and comments should be made in B4 and that N&B are gone since almost 3 days , there has been no “ airplane sign “ next to their names or any update which is totally disrespected either having not informed RLC by them and ultimately the viewers or RLC hasn’t been willing to provide the info… I kind of , quite frankly , wonder why they haven’t been any posts / speculations that both on Friday night and Saturday night Martina was in the non camera apartment of Nelly and Bogdan in Barcelona and she was having crazy lesbian sex with Nelly while Bogdan was in the living room playing GTA at his laptop 😂🤣😂🤣🥳🥳😜🤪
  19. It was big love Paul to tell him that she is going to sleep 💤
  20. In general , the girls haven’t even been in the apartment for a week and they have already done ( friends visiting , masturbations , sex ) more than what the girls in B2 have done all these months .. welcome girls ( Harley will be the X-Factor 😋 )
  21. I think that since Harley appears to be Fiora’s friend , she knows the details of this guy and that he had a kind of adventure with her ( Fior 😎🤡 christening ) , so , I believe it won’t be anything more than just friendship .. Of course , the funny “ soap opera “ script is if Fiora’s current guy ( can we name him Fior the 2nd 🤠😂 ?? ) knows anything about the original Fior and that it used to be a kind of “ adventures “ with her . In any case , I am already waiting to see if Fior will be renamed as , hmm , Harlr 😂🤣😂🤣
  22. Leora to bring someone …😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤯🤯😵‍💫🤠🤡🤡🤒👽😸😹
  23. It is Sunday .. the most of the activities aren’t working .. salon , dance classes , the gym open of course .. I think she continued of where she stopped last night , that’s why there wasn’t any particular emotions , either anger or happiness when she got back , indifference I should say .. meeting again with the mister then for a nice Sunday 😎 well done for at least enjoying her life outside her working place 👏
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