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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I totally agree with your message , I believe the whole “ attitude “ of “ occupied “ empty “ apartments ( Gina and Bruno away , Brutus / Cleopatra taking over , Leora away , Dennis taking over , Masha away , a variety of friends taking over , 4 B4 tenants away , Gina and Bruno taking over ) , it could seem like a pattern with internal RLC business instructions to reduce as much as possible the visual of empty beds ( your theory is a great explaining though ) , combining it also with the fact of the recent news update on the main page that they didn’t want to show that participants go all the time and not new ones are coming ( empty beds ) , letting us know twice that the twins joined the project , resulting in a kind of “ brainwash “ marketing that wanted us to believe that they struggling on bringing people to fill the beds … also a personal theory 😌😇
  2. Her empty apartment will still be “ top cams “ , somehow , someway ..
  3. After the language class , another class that would be dropped because of not enough participation .. I wonder .. how does she learn Czech if she isn’t doing any “ homework “ back at home , keeping notes , studying and all these similar staff … haven’t we been studying at home to revise what we have learned at class ? Of course , she might be doing this at her Czech friends apartments or her Russian / Czech boyfriend ( the famous called LB ) is helping her , that’s why the daily hourly absences ..
  4. Except of not knowing what she wants with her personal life , she has extended this to her personal way of living .. she , at the end , plays with us all .. can’t agree more that she thinks of us like “ peasants “ 😂🤣 we deserve the least that characterization ..
  5. That’s what I have been told when i was learning English
  6. Unfortunately , when you don’t eliminate a problem while it surfaces , it expands dangerously , the forum here is a big example of it .. in any case , you learn to trust the good and great contributors here and you can then know what to believe and what not . I think we should consider ourselves grateful we have Noldus ( and he KNOWS that i don’t praise him publicly for any particular reason ) and we can understand a bit deeper what goes on and also , send an indirect message to people who doubt the translators / interpreters and say that there are people here that do really know much about the tenants but they know when to share and when to stay silent so as to “ protect “ the participants .. Were i was an always “‘questioning member “ for example ,I would be incredibly and surprisingly fascinated why Noldus won’t post almost anything at the Leora’s thread when he admittedly has info about that place as well .. this last comment so as to sum up what I am trying to say with the real and great contributors of this site here , CamCaps
  7. I had to check and see if you were referring to Daniel 😉🤓
  8. I repeat .. wrong guess .. no further talks about it , we will disagree endlessly
  9. We will see what happens .. the fact is that the majority is tired of having under the COV concept N&B .. either give them their own apartment so the fans can follow them without affecting the daily routine of a shared place like B4 or terminate their on screen time , give Bogdan the opportunity to work for RLC as he already does behind the scenes and not exposing him and his controversial wife to even nastier and bad posts and comments . Nelly and Bogdan have contributed greatly to the big success and evolve / development of RLC , instead of protecting them , they give the chance and the right for any of the RLC and CC members to comment and post negative about them .
  10. I am also not saying that I am right 😂🤣 But I am not a native English speaker and I got my English degree in 1992 and when I was 15 years old and this is how I learned the interpretation of the word “ holidays “ in comparison to the Greek language . It all evolves , it is the natural development for languages 😇
  11. Noldus always talks with confirmed facts based on discussions happened on cameras . There are apartments that people here know what has been written in text messages and to who and the confirmation of facts appear when an incident has already happen . Noldus will share the info when it is for the better understanding and sharing for the rest of the CC members while elsewhere things are based on secret and hiding “ behind the spotlights “ private talks which actually multiply the need of the members to speculate endlessly . Last but not least , if it weren’t for some wrong attitude and ridiculous comments made by members concerning the tenants and other CC members , through the years that CC administrators never put off the “ fire “ while it was slowly burning resulting on an uncontrolled posting of insults and disrespectful comments , I assure you that we would all be learning daily much of the talks that are happening amongst the tenants across of all the RLC apartments , even the ones in the Czech Republique .
  12. I have learned Oxford English and my certificate is based on this ☺️ We were told already at that times some differences between British English and American English .. When we welcome a guest here , we always wish him “ have a great holiday “ and never “ have a great vacation “ . The difference in Europe is that in general the people address to their off work time as holidays and not vacations .. At the end , we understand one another and it is fine ☺️😇
  13. But imagine one of them leaving and the empty room goes to relocated Nelly & Bogdan 😱😱🥶 Jane and Dick and their open sexual preferences would be a great couple to add .
  14. Ahh … women 😂🤣 Funny to think that miraculously , when there are problems in a relationship with a guy , moving at another place , the problems will be solved .. after some “ honeymoon weeks “ , the “ roots “ of a problem never go away .. On another funny note , Malia expressing her thoughts by declaring her love to the boyfriend saying that “ when I am next to you , everything is 36 degrees Celsius 😁 “ , this is a theory of her of how love is , meeting a guy for some days per week , staying at his place a couple of nights , never being amongst other friends and socialize , never being invited to his girlfriend place , a series of “ extreme non working “ and not normal issues wanting to build a relationship and then Malia still believes that her way of making friends and relationships can work out 😂🤣😂🤣 The same goes of course for her mentor who is the absolute responsible of what has been happening in these girls lives the last 20-24 months .. Everything comes with a - heavy - price . Life is fair and gives mostly back the way you behave to it .. simple rules .
  15. I think it kind of bringing most of us here back at the days that we were also like this , the same pattern , I am sure for everyone has been a morning ritual , me for example would be watching MTV and the video clips while having breakfast 😂 , sometimes almost losing the transportation bus due to watching a favorite song .. good times , I don’t know if I can actually compare a morning waking up , having breakfast and watching MTV or the one that you will check the mobile - young ones the latest Instagram / tik tok / Facebook posts - .. I will surely choose “ my generation habits “ of the late 80s/ early 90s 😆
  16. On holidays till the 7th October according to the provided info by RLC .
  17. Maybe it can be time for the return of the “ play by play “ technique if the bed sharing person appears to be like the one that Holly had for almost 48 hours or so earlier in the year ….😏
  18. I can’t change with that 😜
  19. Berlin can either be boring or fully exciting .. It is one of the times that German aladdino can confirm 😉
  20. I think the majority here is of this opinion .. but RLC thinks different obviously .. the bigger problem is that I have serious thoughts that their presence might be preventing or being problematic for the B2 girls ( I think only once visited ) , Tereza and Timur and it remains to be seen with the B1 girls .. not to forget the big fiasco with Martina / Nelly / Bogdan triangle .. ( Alberto’s absence of not appearing more often also another indication in my opinion of not being a real fan of any incidents happening in B4 )
  21. They are the ones bringing the money currently for RLC together with Masha .. as good friend miscvoyeur said , Masha carried RLC on her shoulders during the summer period when nothing was happening anywhere ..
  22. They will for sure bring more life than Nelly and Bogdan and actually the villa can serve its purpose ..
  23. Soon after Brutus and Cleopatra .. Brothers rule , sisters fail 😂🤣
  24. I wanted to make the same comment since watching Karol and Radislava developing a bit of a better relationship while Nana has quit herself from the equation of providing any form of adult entertainment to the viewers .. an absolute “ disgrace “ ( really apologizing for my language but this is the way I think about it ) that the last 1,5 years in this room we had Diane , Holly , Tesla and Elian .. and now Nana 🤦 ( sorry Nana but if you don’t feel comfortable to continue after the things you have witnessed and experienced , perhaps it is better to give your place to others that maybe are even worse at the end , but they will enter with appetite to provide .. )
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