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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Νομίζω ότι δεν είναι αυτός ο τύπος που μπορεί να συνάντησε πριν ..
  2. Double anal can be very dangerous 🤨 after a slow paced champions league night , tonight’s event it a good dessert 😁😆
  3. To the good friend hondarellas , she’s actually paying for it rather than making money 😂🤣
  4. We might even see a very first double anal thing 😋😋😋😋🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩
  5. For whoever of us men would love to have a woman that she’s total willing to try anything at sex , it will never be anyone like Masha , the perfect machine 😈😈😈
  6. If the ass isn’t purple after tonight , then the guy needs to step up his game .. however he seems that he knows exactly what he does and it might be an introduction to this kind of sex pleasure 😉😉
  7. Now perhaps some serious stuff 😉😉😆
  8. Δεν νομίζω ότι είναι έτσι .. νομίζω θέλει να δοκιμάζει μερικές από τις φαντασιώσεις της .. δεν νομίζω πως έχει θέμα με τα λεφτά
  9. No .. Russia ex RLC tenant , he was introduced to us in Rome with his GF - Jane - 3 or 4 years ago when Masha was still with her boyfriend Sasha , they had the best perhaps ever swinger’s sex sessions …incredible passion , endless sex.. they were simple guests at that time , they became permanent RLC tenants some months later . fantastic sex , in my opinion the best sex that Masha ever had on cameras ..
  10. Too polite and slow going guy so far .. if she needs “ pain feeling “ it needs more tense .. still , more than excited watching Masha trying to explore one more of her fantasies , nobody like her in terms of experimenting sex in all dimensions 😉
  11. Full horny Masha the last 2-3 months , she can’t have the sex she wishes .. Hedi’s rejection leads her to another crazy choice 🤨🤨… Dick needs to make the journey very fast to italy ..
  12. This guy is the producer then ?? Sorry i don’t have the sound on 😬🙄
  13. Very nice slow evolution by Radislava , showing more interest and becoming more social in B4 , very nice seeing her making a step to Nana . I can’t honestly think any previous moment in the past initializing first contact to another tenant 😇 Well done 🤗🤗👏👏
  14. I don’t think we can consider his dick big 😂 , a normal size it is I assume .. Whenever and wherever Hedi has appeared , even in Barcelona with everyone else there , he seemed really acceptable and welcomed easily in social circumstances . This tells me that he knows what he speaks for , he “ transmits “ a really peaceful mood , calm and funny , smiley and caring and I believe women also like his looks . Sometimes a first impression from a guy that in the 10 initial introductory sentences , makes a good and valid point to the 9 of them , women can always get impressed and stick around . It is incredible that he can have both Tanya and Masha under his way of things and rules and the girls can’t do anything to change it . A guy of incredible self confidence then , manipulator in a nice and not bad way , sIncere , funny , honest , well , I can understand that women would like to get to know such a guy . I don’t think he needs tinder by the way 😂🤣
  15. She understood the next step immediately 😉
  16. I partially agree 😬 Whoever of these girls signs a contract with RLC , they know what they have signed for . I still like Nana but comparing her to the nice and slow blossom in the beginning to the total indifference that she currently has towards everyone - colleagues , viewers - , i simply get the feeling that she is looking so very much forward to abandon the project or for her contract to be terminated . It isn’t that she’s shy of being nude or communicate at times with the other people , it is like this isolation and kind of “ fear “ that all of her moves transmit , it is like she has guilts or feeling that what she does it is too much . But , she’s getting paid much money to at least show a kind of interest in her job and not isolate and hide like this world isn’t for her . I totally understand that the incident with Tesla and the leaked video has affected most probably much more than anyone can imagine , but this is something ( the exposure ) that she should be aware of , we live in the internet world and it is Europe where everything is allowed and not Russia that many things are controlled or Ukraine that they try to make everyday a step towards the western way of living and abandon long life traditions of the east - ex communism - world . If it is difficult for nana , she can easily pack faster and go back to her country or abandon RLC and find a job that she won’t feel any guilt and proceed with her life . I feel disappointed being this strict with her but honestly , I can understand the frustration of things happening on camera and trying to hide or let’s say not show much but the worst and what I can’t stand , it is the indifference mood I collect from a participant and this bothers me the most , exactly the feeling I get from her at this period . In any case , let’s hope for better things and improvement , the presence and return of a great beauty as Karol , it might balance the low self esteem life in B4 . And a bit of editing my post by adding that it is insane that she has moved in such a “ legendary “ bedroom where so many crazy things have happened in the past and actually RLC approving her request to move into this bedroom .. pfff 😡🤬😡🤬
  17. Nana is developing to a big disappointment , a mixture of events have caused to appear hesitant of so many things , she was progressing nice and slow and she keeps giving me currently the feeling that she is looking forward for the day that she goes back to her normal life .. Gina tried to save the villa atmosphere by bringing her incredible and endless party mood so as to “ wake up “ everyone , she even managed to have Radislava interact and actually enjoy some really wonderful dancing mines by her - first really showing from Radi that she will try and adjust / adapt in the new place - and Nana seems like all of her thoughts are completely outside of the villa .. Gina managed to bring everyone in this great mood only to see all of them back in their room shelters 😔 let’s hope for better things ..
  18. Shower for the boyfriend , not shy once again , let’s see how much the tease will continue or - finally - Gina has managed to persuade the twin that perhaps the first time on camera is difficult , then it is a total transformation for incredible sex sessions 😉😉😋
  19. What more can i say to you dear friend ? I hope you keep on with your absolute great translations , mostly for the time you dedicate to write such a long post , you owe nothing here to anyone and i personally encourage you to see the positive and good people here who actually want to contribute with also interesting posts and comments , I hope you keep on dedicating time for the good and respected people then on this forum and try to eliminate from your mind - as much as possible this can be - the ones that piss you off and make you have second thoughts . You , after observing such a long time this apartment and having the privilege ( and the bad luck 😬 ) to speak the language , can be well assure that we are many more who respect and praise your efforts and we all know here , that without you and omedo , we would be in for endless speculations like the majority of the rest of the apartments . We all have your back here and me , alongside many others , that I guarantee you are in the background and they are getting informed of the events because you take the time to translate for us , encourage to stay strong and brave and have the good feelings that many here are appreciating your efforts .
  20. Perhaps though like this and after Leora seeing the popularity of having a visitor ( even this repeated guy ) she can reconsider her decision of having her apartment a prohibited area and maybe we see the so long asked and awaited outside friends .. personally , all this chat here , the back and forth comments and opinions are way so much more interesting and important to read than “ Leora on the couch with her phone “ , “ Leora in the bathroom taking a shower “ , “ Leora in the kitchen eating “
  21. Excellent said , just more normal reactions and behaviors , finally seeing a bit of social life here ☺️ Also the forum says the truth about it 😇 by being this active and with different members posting again after a long time 😇
  22. If the guy appears publicly in Leora’s life , all problems ( well the majority ) will be solved .. I think it is this “ hide and seek “ , “ constant lying “ “ not knowing what she wants “ that keeps this thing continuing .. it is in my opinion the guilts that leora has against everyone …Paul - not honest to him - , this guy - not honest to him about her life - , the subscribers and hardcore fans - not seeing her doing her things like in the past , being absent for many hours during the day , in a way missing their Leora - , all these cause a way of life that good friend jimbo says that she manages to control when I highly doubt it .. we were speaking about her working the last days , suddenly nothing ? Suddenly a visitor when she had no one for two years ? It is a two way life making everyone tired , the more it expands , the more it will be difficult to control it ..and then there will be the mood explosions to the wrong people always
  23. She’s great , looking at her at times , I could see similarities with Holly 😌
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