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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Radislava occupying nearly half of the replay top cams for nearly 24 hours have hurt the feelings of many people in this forum today as it seems 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. Masterchef , except your copy paste messages - apparently your english vocabulary doesn’t know any other words than masturbate , tits , cum , pussy , and kisses all over you know where - , can you please share some of your thoughts since you know her so well and let the forum know what’s your belief and how Leora will be handling the situation ? Or you will keep on being ridiculous ? A whole forum is laughing with you when you think you are who you are by having zero ability to express anything that it is in your zero knowledge and below normal IQ mind .. Share with anyone here then your thoughts and opinion about your beloved Leora , your muse , your Queen , your woman above all women , your ultimate and eternal obsession , please , the forum is waiting for your knowledge and thoughts . There’s plenty of time to construct some reasonable sentences as Leora has her period and I believe she won’t be providing anything to keep you amused for the next 20-24 hours .. go on , the whole forum is waiting to let us know what you think.
  3. I am sure she can handle outside socializing with anyone she knows there all this time . But winter is coming , the daylight isn’t lasting this much , it is cold , you feel like wanting to stay home rather than going outside to see anyone , she used to have Malia and spend some days during the week with her and the time flew by with a - let’s say - whatever variety in life . In a land that you don’t speak the language , the culture is different and things happen in another way and rhythm , even though now Leora is feeling way so much comfortable after 2 years , the truth is that she hasn’t been tested in lengthy times being by herself . We should also not forget , that she might have fought whatever loneliness she might have felt in the beginning by getting to know the city , its people , the ways and things to do , move , act and generally live there , this kept her busy for a long time till Paul’s visit and eventually Malia’s permanent stay . Knowing that Leora wants to have always the attention and control things , I am waiting to see how this scenario will be played , I know you know her and have “studied “ her for so many years and your words have a really trustworthy and confident meaning and that you will be proved right in the end , hopefully , … but … that’s all I can say , … but .. 🤨🤔
  4. I know your nice messages and praising will keep her happy ( both here and perhaps on her personal accounts since you know her so well and she loves your obsession so much so as to permit you access to her personal life ) , but still , no one at home , sorry 😬🙄 .. it won’t be laughable at all when loneliness , like for all human beings , becomes a reality .
  5. Let’s see how Radi will deal with yesterday’s super success today 😇😎
  6. Happy with Paul till she hangs up and continue off camera with the other one 😂🤣 I wonder who’s being played more , Paul or the other one 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. Let’s say that it took her nearly 4 months till she gets the visit from Paul when she moved in Prague and she also had one more male visitor ( the guy that’s known as Dennis ) before Paul and some weeks earlier than his arrival … it remains to be seen for how long she will manage to fight loneliness this time before another visit happens , if it ever happens .. Apart from pleasing the fans and also herself by finally having this apartment under her own rules and doing whatever she wants , whenever she wants , we will see how long it lasts till the real loneliness symptoms ( especially with the depressing Central European weather .. ) start becoming visible , after all she got used to have a roomate ( even if it proved that she prefers being by herself at certain occasions ) and it will take some time till the absence will start becoming obvious to her daily routine .. for the time being I can’t say she’s sad 😇
  8. Harley tried to “ steal “ all of my glory last week with his lengthy analysis of something that he doesn’t watch ( nevertheless he knows all so much better than many regular observers here 🤔🤣🤨 ) that I thought I should get my “ glory “ back 😂🤣😂🤣
  9. Imagine ( that I don’t see it happening ) keep on paying the “ rental “ ones and the one they own ( B4 ) to leave it empty 🤯🤯😱😨
  10. Change of month , autumn is coming , still going with more than 30-33 degrees Celsius , perhaps the sun “ hit “ my head and inspired the thoughts earlier 😂🤣😜
  11. There have been many tenants , can we consider her an absolute nymphomaniac 😋😋😋 ? ( even though the term reflects to women that have this sexual life that Hannah has with multiple partners ☺️ ) … absolute hungry for sex 24/7 , big big respect and kudos to Aaron for proving that he can handle 😇
  12. Both women aren’t “ saints “ 😂 Masha has no problem exposing all of her personal life on camera and fulfilling at the same time or whenever she wishes any of her - unlimited as it seems 😉 - sexual fantasies , while Leora “ cares “ very much for her on cameras image and she takes care very much on how to appear and present herself at the audience .. For whatever that matters , for both of them we don’t know what they do outside , who can tell that Leora isn’t fulfilling in Prague lots of her sexual fantasies off camera ? Both women have the same age , they both miss sex in regular basis , yes , they aren’t the same but nobody knows if Leora would have liked to live the sexual experiences of Masha or if Masha would have liked to have a more standard way of life like Leora seems to have 😇
  13. I could never make a personal opinion a “ must listen to me propaganda “ 😂 on such a critical and sensitive subject . I still differ for you from the disease characterization , i consider a disease something that the laws of nature in general or the human construction and the way we are made apply on us .. coronavirus is a disease , malaria , measles or chicken pox .. the rest is something that isn’t the nature that causes to us but something we can’t resist 😇 But anyway , we are off topic , we both have out thoughts and opinions , we agree that it isn’t nice and can be devastating whatever it causes to people and let’s hope we see no others dying from it .
  14. Kathy Bates at the age of 73 she could make Part 2 😁 But no , it is about real life misery ..
  15. I categorize alcohol as an addiction , the same like smoking , drugs , sex addiction .. I don’t speak with any wisdom , but this is what I realize of any similar situations like this .. In any case , we disagree and it is fine . But with no intension I make up a personal opinion reflect to the masses .
  16. I have nice beach view today , it is the first of the month , very soon souvlaki and beers with some good friends next to the sea , totally inspirational I guess 😂🤣😁😆
  17. The majority I believe … but few will admit 😏
  18. Learning being a voyeur , sometimes it means that before reaching the main course , a fantastic starter should be served before finishing with a super tasty dessert . Everyone has its own choices when there are 11 apartments to watch and even if there’s current lack of content , watching a tenant who is now around 9 months , almost 10 if I am correct with RLC , a tenant that has created a special way of communication with the audience all these months , last night’s long friendly and revelations / confessions talk , it was much better content for me to watch than repeated Leora and her loneliness , the so called party of Tereza in B5 , the sex after sex sessions of Aaron and Hanna and whatever else worth of watching was happening during their LR talk . I am a fan of characters and personalities as i have multiple times stated and any sex content is always the bonus for me watching RLC . For example , I will get incredible pleasure seeing Radi perhaps having some cuddles and pussy licking or a BJ or a full sexual act on cameras rather than watching - after their first sessions that were curiosity - Hanna and Aaron for example . Knowing things for a person who still remains a mystery , a woman that for me is having big trusting and confidence issues , a person that with the parade of all those tenants since she joined , she seemed finally finding one who could make her come out of her shell , make her smile , feel more comfortable with showing things on cameras except masturbating till feeling at the end betrayed for this trust , for me last night it was a great voyeuristic moment . Radi is an impressive woman , it is like a person that knows how life works but she has no ability , confidence or dynamic to claim what rightfully can possibly belong to her . Even after last night’s talk , we still have been left clueless of what has happened with personal relationships in the past . You would expect that at a certain point , the talk would be led there but it never happened . Is Radi a lesbian ? Is she straight ? Is she bisexual ? Hasn’t she had sex for all this time that she has joined RLC ? And if not , how a woman of this caliber has managed this ? It is one of my biggest and best pleasures that I can have knowing things about a tenant , it will help me to enjoy at the maximum level any sexual activity that might occur after knowing how this person reached the point and doing so . And this is my analysis about Radi and the guy and I do hope they meet again and share private and personal things on camera , this is at the end RLC , a private look on other peoples lives . The rest that complain , they can watch Leora masturbate for the 3,498th time , get her top cams rewards obsession ( as Radi has been desperately also trying to do , last night was a proof that subscribers enjoyed equal or even more this “ Radi version “ than one more masturbation ) and at the same time live and have all of her private life away from the cameras - with complete RLC’s approval - , hiding in toilets like she would confess national secrets of incredible importance and no one complains for that but rather approving her actions , making fun of two guys and a whole cult that follows her even when her apartment is empty 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. Very well said ☺️ I can speak for the drinking part that I can have a lot of drinks ( only in the summer as in winter I get in “ bear sleep 💤 “ 😂🤣 ) for 2-3 times per week and there’s absolutely no problem , just no sex after the consumption because it is like a never ending story and not nice 😂🤣 .. it is all in the head and knowing when to stop , knowing your limits plain and simple , but this you need also being a bit older ( +30 ) so to control better . The conclusion is that as long as next to the ID card is written +18 years old , everyone is responsible for his / her actions and I personally can’t blame anyone for anything that happens apart ourselves 😇
  20. 🤦🤦 maybe a plan for new recruits in assistance with Gina 😁
  21. I think this guy , whatever he is in Leora’s life , he is the one who controls everything from her and he has let her believe otherwise . If she had control , no feelings and being totally indifferent , she would simply not care and just continue living her life .. for reasons that no one knows , this guy is managing to be always around and seems like more than special . Can it be that the whole problem is the commitment that Leora has with RLC and for this obligation , whatever thing they have can’t go more than the usual ups and downs , flowers , long non public talks ( honestly , if there were simply friendly , wouldn’t be all happening on camera 😁😆 ?? ) , overnights and the list goes on and on . If Leora was seeing this guy as a toy , he would have been long gone and off playing texting and phoning with another victim . Unknown reasons keep him around , the more it continues , the more Leora is fooling herself and anyone watching .
  22. They will be the ones helping Vivian moving her suitcases 😂🤣 in case Bogdan is unavailable .. just a back up plan 🙃🙃😁😆
  23. I guess you watched their sex .. or horny Pam getting double penetrated with her dildos when Jordi wasn’t available 😂🤣😝 And all this because she was offering him her ass to fuck and he didn’t want 🤨🧐😤😤😨🤔
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