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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. One more suggestion , one more good idea … no matter whatever we think , RLC never listens or at least tries for unknown reasons .. we can only wonder why - especially when a current idea of doing things isn’t working i😵‍💫😵‍💫 all of Barcelona
  2. For a long time , the GOV project has been working quite satisfied .. since Covid ruled the world , the weaknesses of managing such a project became obvious and to be honest - as it has proved - RLC didn’t seem to have alternative plans ( I was for months insisting that RLC must have had a plan , I was really wrong with that 😡😡🤬🤬👿👿👿 ) . For me , RLC has so many alternatives but for unknown reasons , they want to continue with this concept. It seems clearly that isn’t working
  3. But Leora also doesn’t want to host female friends , so , it is much more than any visiting people , I don’t think she has any strange relationships with women friends that we believe she meets outside ( nobody knows actually as it’s only based through translations )
  4. Or perhaps it is a simple “ cut cost “ ( only one GOV apartment active rather than 3 - B1/B2 closed - ) and no rental cost due to B4 being owned by RLC.
  5. At least we have things to speculate till we get an insight very soon of the current RLC’s plans , for sure B4 isn’t closing down 😉 Speculations at the moment are way so much more interesting here to comment than the whatever ( boring ) stuff at RLC .
  6. I don’t think that Dennis showed up without Leora wanting that . He has been out of the apartment all these days , I don’t think he hasn’t been taking care his personal hygiene , that’s why my comment of possible other friends in Prague . Still , I think Leora has a much closer bond with him than what we watch on cameras , maybe the not good relationship between him and Paul is preventing both of them to act a bit more “ friendly “ on cameras let’s say ( share a drink , shisha and so on )
  7. We do always the best we can , that’s why we are famous with the characterization “ Greek lovers “ 😄😄😁😆
  8. I don’t think she would have minded cleaning even if Dennis was present . The only thing which equals Leora’s obsession with the cameras , it is cleaning 😉 I believe
  9. He isn’t going to see for the first time , if he suddenly appears , something that he hasn’t seen before 😂🤣😆
  10. Many things we don’t know , who knows if he visits regularly other friends and staying there while in Prague and not always Leora and Malia all this time and has clothes there 😉
  11. I think it will be difficult for Radi / Nana to built a relationship , I don’t have reasons but it is just an instinct . However , Radi knows perfectly how to be isolated , I think she will dedicate herself at the pool and at the fitness room ( so many months we were saying that Radi NEEDS the fitness room in the villa ) , I could see due to her current popularity that they also move Mila there or at an ultimate perfect scenario , let’s have N&B out and move Lola and Anna in B4 and shut down the two paying apartments and renovate them ( finally a camera on the roof of B2 ?? 😉)
  12. Dennis is out at friend’s place to take a shower as he can’t be naked in Leora’s apartment
  13. Radi is joining , I would prefer that she gets Nana’s room and Nana moves in Vivian’s
  14. Still , it needed only one interaction between Mila / Radi to make all subscribers / CC members express their pleasure of what occurred there than the zero let’s say comments and reactions when these 3 do something .. the difference ? Of course the insertion of Radi but also the genuine feeling that this had last night in comparison to pure job entertainment by all 3 of them at times .
  15. It might be then that B4 is going to be filled with B2 and the remaining B4 and B1/B2 closing ? Please mark my timestamp of my comment , with Radislava being a Barcelona resident , she might be the strongest candidate for new Queen of GOV , I know that she’s around 460-480 days behind Gina , but , it can happen …😉 And I am sure she will love enjoying being naked in the sun at the pool and the fitness room space , although her room will determine where she will choose to make her camera exposures 😉😉
  16. This is one of the times we disagree , we agree at others and you know exactly for who mostly and when 😆🤩 But look now , you are really exaggerating and I am not going to change the way you think , this is what you believe and even if I respect it , I completely disagree as with the majority of the forum , at the end , we can’t be all so wrong with our thoughts Look for example ; The problem is that these pseudo lesbian show events are practically used as a substitute for real life and thus ultimately prevent what should actually be the content of RLC …. I think what we witnessed yesterday was a real life moment that either was expressed through a show or it came out natural and people enjoyed , what matters the most is that people praised it and the tenants . There was no substitution in my eyes , Radislava we all know that is a strange woman , with many insecurities in my humble opinion , that’s why she didn’t manage to make some real friends during her stay and it isn’t a coincidence that only the last weeks and since spending time with Stella we saw her a bit more active , first with Stella , then this guy who visited for two consecutive days , some days earlier we also saw her mother and a dog , now Mila . We have been saying for years that all tenants need their time , it has indeed been like an eternity for Radislava to show herself , better late than never and personally , anything she does at all over the places , they seem like first time on camera experiences and never was seen by me as a show . Believe it or not , i don’t want to see only real life relationships , life is also having one night stands , flirts that end with 3-4 time aex sessions only for one of the people involved to say the famous “ I think we don’t match “ , I want to see gossip behind the back as we all do , I want to see quarrels for people who don’t like one another, this is also part of real life , let’s say that i don’t wish to see only relationships or married people and so on . I can ask for more spontaneous moments like last night , for more extreme messing and drama situations like M&N , we can only choose what we want to see , that’s the power of freedom of choice , I think the way Radislava has been making her life since she joined , reflects my ideas . I don’t care if they do it again ( that I am sure they will ) , I don’t mind if it comes next tile as a show for compete clickbait , I only know that if it comes on my screen so genuine , sensational , pure and realistic ( as many said , Radi hasn’t been doing shows , both girls has no alcohol to indicate that they were loosen because of it ) , I will definitely take the first row of spectators again and wait for even more .. it might be not enthusiastic , boring or whatsoever , I will definitely say it if it comes like this , otherwise I am going to enjoy a hot Radislava and Mila ( or a partner , Martina ? RLC will need extra servers 😃😄😁 )
  17. It’s nearly two weeks since Malia left , the first week was a “ Leora return “ to her old way of doing things , then her period came , she rested for a couple of days , she had a personal moment ( that was the best actually since it seemed to me it was just for her pleasure - no lights , no phone checking for views , 05:00 am Czech time , perhaps a horny evening for her since she came home late ) and in general , a big surprise that Dennis has stayed for so many days , I don’t think during his previous stays he has done it for this amount of time . I could say that Leora took the chance with his arrival to be quite a lot outside the apartment ( can it be that she doesn’t like that she can’t do it as much as when Malia was there ? ) and if I am correct , it was the first time she overnighted since Malia’s departure . In my eyes , it seems like shes seeking for communication and socializing , I thought she would have spent more time with Dennis but obviously her priorities are different or as jimbo4 said , she might had already plans .. in any case , there will be for sure some compensation times but it will be funny to see how Leora will balance the outside activities and the times inside the apartment , the complains will start becoming a lot again and this time there’s no Malia to substitute .. as I said , I am sure that she has everything planned , so , we will wait and see .. Dennis has been a good first distraction for the last days , let’s see what’s next ..
  18. But they aren’t going to have a relationship or become a couple , just some fun every now and then , where’s the problem with that ? As you saw , people not only enjoyed it , they loved it .. I think it is only a coincidence that it happened on the evening that Stella departed . I explained that it might have been also a reaction of Radislava , she looked very emotional with Stella and perhaps she found on Mila a person to comfort herself .. as it is a speculation by you , it is also by me . Show or not , BS or not , I am sorry to tell you but I am completely fine because only watching Radislava wanting and enjoying this so much , this is what mattered for me . And I am sure it will happen again , it might take much time , but it wlll . Radislava loves the cameras and the exposure , as soon as she realizes ( she must have done already 😁 ) that she was for a second day this week top cams in a big amount , she will easily repeat it .. plus , they both know that it is bonus money ( but as long as it was this kind of atmosphere , I don’t care if it is a show or not , it felt pure , real and honest attraction between the two , the same was said about M&N the first time , that it was a show , how different it proved .. )
  19. This is how Leora gets many time her top cams 😁 She always checks if anything happens and then she goes for it ( at least she does still things , however , repeated for the majority ) .
  20. You are right with the observation , still , there’s some hope ☺️
  21. Radi completely loosen , relaxed and submitted .. if Mila isn’t tired and in the mood , she could just eat her till sunrise , no hesitations from Radi .
  22. Call me s strange guy 😂🤣😵‍😵‍💫😵‍💫but this moment of Radi taking away and putting on away later the sock of Mila , this tells a lot of how much you want to take care completely of someone .. Magnificent special moment ( apologies to all , just a personal comment and thought here 😬😬 )
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