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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I only know what I saw … she was clearly showing him her tits and in a way she wouldn’t let him hang up or she was in the mood doing so despite being sleepy and drank , there were talks about traveling if the mention of countries like Germany , Austria , , Slovenia , Croatia and Italy had anything to do about it , the word “ sex “ ( jokingly and of course without any serious meaning i believe but rather in the conversation flow ) was clearly heard in the LR and finally , the magical world “ Barcelona “ ……😉😉😉😉😉😉 Well and as a conclusion , I wish we could get more evenings like this from both of the girls when they act spontaneously , for sure more like human and being themselves than the robotized daily routine acts .. that was a great night and some really hot hips teasing dancing moves by Leora who does this the best than anyone and I admit totally ☺️ well done girls , if top cams , totally deserved today for being themselves 😇
  2. Of course , in the hurricane of events ,I think we get one more “ first time “ / premiere ( if I don’t make a big mistake ) , which is that for the first time ever , Malia sleeps next to Leora on her bed ☺️😇🤗
  3. dobroy nochi / dobroye utro big love Paul , Leora sends her “ I miss you “ feelings from Prague and she is looking forward to seeing you again wherever you can visit Prague ( or whenever your ex girlfriend decides that you can 😄🥳🥳🤩 )
  4. Shy Leora 😂🤣😂🤣 That can play all men the way she wants 😂🤣🤣🥲Master manipulator ☺️ Today is bow down to the Queen 👑 😃😄😆🥳🤩
  5. Paul - big love - gets to watch Leora’s tits and the ignored guy when he visits gets to watch Leora half naked and almost her tits which is actually sexier that way than full exposure while on a videocall 😂🤣😂🤣 I guess this guy is a nobody 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  6. Let the marathon begin 😉😉😉😋😋
  7. I guess for whatever characterization is given to him , for the guy that when he visits they both totally ignore and don’t give a damn or care , reaching a point that they both stand half naked during a video call , laughing and making fun or whatever and at least being the way they are in front of cameras ( in which and as always Leora has total control of what’s going on ) , I simply say that it was / is neither Paul or ex’s Malia or whatever or ex’s or current whatever Leora’s but this guy who has been characterized whatever he has been plenty of times that they decided to phone .. obviously plays a whatever role in girls lives ☺️😇
  8. I hope both girls sleep on the couch completely drunk and exhausted , hugging one another as two good teenage girls would do after a roller coaster of talks , feelings and emotions evening .. and both of course act and show their weaknesses to their ex , current or whatever kind of male friends had or have and phone them , break their balls , yell at them , just act as most human as possible like any of us would do in same circumstances .. who would have thought that we get real life reactions on a warm , very early summer august night / morning in Prague by the girls ☺️😇well done 🤗🤗👏👏
  9. You can’t have all in life , especially if at early stages and being younger you decide to commit yourself for the rest of your life .. if you don’t want commitments , stay single or have sexual partners or open relationships so as no one would ever blame you for any choice made .. These are two couples , one married with obligations , legal papers , things that financially unite them and any divorce could bring a chain of reactions in their lives and the other is a couple since early childhood that as I have said, they will eventually become best soul mates and they would till the end love one another but not at the point that Martina will be the mama of Alberto’s children .. it simply doesn’t click for me that this ultimate thing happens between M&A . Both guys have allowed both their women to act inside the boundaries and limits of the cameras world , they both believed that they had things under control , trusting their women with the experience they carry of what this RLC business means and how it works if you understand what I mean 😏.. obviously , they let things too loose to a point that they both looked like fools having their wives fucking one another while the one was forbidden to even act friendly inside his home with other colleagues / tenants / female friends and the other to just sit back , relax , close the door in the LR , play video games and have his “eternal “ life GF being fucked in his own room where he has been spending the last 5 years of his life with a woman who entered their lives less than a year ago .. At the end , it is about pride also and the comments made here regarding these two men and the behavior they had to face from their women they were for sure much more polite than I personally expected . In the end , logic prevailed and the adventure seems to have ended .. There are people here in this forum that I have spoken with PM when this N&M thing started and I said to them that this won’t have a nice ending and it is a really dangerous territory that both girls enter . Luckily for me , scripta manent 😁 and at least once it was a good prediction 😂🤣
  10. Finally something genuine and real , happy and smiles and crazy mood at the moment , some sadness and unhappy thoughts earlier , than the robotized daily routine clickbait things .. finally real reactions , real feelings and emotions . Finally even for once 😇👏👏😇
  11. It was the same and even more at an exactly same situation ( after sex ) a couple of months ago .. nothing new here .
  12. I won’t change my approach of what this was all the time between N&M , pure lesbian sex so both girls satisfy their hidden lesbian side , especially for Martina , it was so obvious for me searching to have sex with one of the girls in B4 , we all thought it would have been Holly and the way she was looking at her during her first villa appearance , Holly must have rejected her , then we had some kisses with Megan in the bathtub when we all believed that something would happen before a really bad behavior from all the tenants had Martina sleeping on the couch in the LR , totally abandoned by the rest of the girls , notice that Nelly never got involved at any of that , just in the jacuzzi all together if I remember correctly . As I said some days later , Nelly must have felt really bad and responsible for the behavior of the tenants towards Martina and perhaps guilty since she was apparently both her and Bogdan that had originally invited her , therefore Nelly organized an “ I am sorry for our unacceptable behavior during your first visit “ invitation for Martina and it all ended in perhaps the best or second best pure amateur lesbian sex session we have ever witnessed in this site , something which didn’t seem planned but it was just an explosion between two hidden lesbian women and founding their other half to enjoy it .. I then said that this was an extremely amazing one night stand , only to prove wrong when more “ episodes “ followed and both girls started getting closer .. I still believed as I also now do that it was the sex first of all and then just a really good friendship between the two which developed . I don’t believe that Martina felt / feels for Nelly more than she has always been feeling for Alberto , as for Nelly’s reactions and behavior , I can’t honestly tell what’s going on in the mind of this woman . She has a man that would jump mount Olympus to save her from anything and worships her and I believe she doesn’t appreciate it , maybe because she knows that Bogdan is totally submitted to her and has full control over him .
  13. Tremendous influence from Stella over Radi .. a total different Radi since the rejoining of Stella .. Or … for the very few “ detailed observers “ … bating , over exercising and bedroom isolation for Radi had become boring and ultimately not “ profitable ( sorry Radi 😔 ) and new adjustments had to be made so as for the “ cash “ to flow once again . A much more frequent show participation ( first samples between Ariana / Radi ) seems to have brought a refreshing air for Radislava , personally a very welcome change , it is a win / win relationship for both Radi and her fans and on an even more special personal observation , the Radi / Tesla masquerade event / show was one of the most sensational things we have seen ( hugely rewarded from subscribers ) .. let’s see what’s more to follow .
  14. Show times in almost all of the apartments simultaneously except B4 … no further comments …
  15. The day that Bogdan brought Martina back in her apartment while missing for 3 hours , I think it was the time that it was discussed between Bogdan and Martina in the villa . If i am mistaken , I apologize , but in general I believe it was around that time in which things were discussed with nothing happening as it was proved , a total disrespect by anyone in my humble opinion towards anyone . Everyone of these 4 people who have been involved has its own part to be blamed , some more , some less . Life goes on , time for the bond and the strong relationships that have been formatted over the years to prove that the aftermath of this break up relationship has the minimum of impact to the lives of these people .
  16. As soon as we all here started noticing that it was more than sex , we said that this would be an epic mistake with very bad consequences .. the mistake easily was proved , the consequences are still not noticeable . Let’s hope that situation remains like this and that the time will make peace to all 4 people involved so nothing similar happens again which could affect the lives in a similar way like we saw amongst these 4 people .
  17. I have - sometimes - to catch up with some hours of non posting 😂🤣 , therefore the “ more average words per post “ 🙃😁😆
  18. I know 😂🤣 I can’t escape the long posts 😁😂🥸
  19. Whenever i relax at the beach , it is good to read other opinions and then add my own thoughts according to personal observations 😁 Learned from the best here …😏
  20. Kitty and Smith , I agree that it is time they should leave RLC , it is by far the worst stay for the couple and Kitty is facing lots of personal issues that prevent her from being the girl we got to know and create an incredible strong fan base . Obviously RLC can’t find substitutions for this apartment and they keep on having a - the least to say - problematic couple . Linda and Tibor have been a great couple , it has been an amazing journey with them , perhaps they have been the happiest couple we have seen and they shared almost everything with the viewers , they even got married and in general have been fantastic with the subscribers and they have respected all of us . I wouldn’t mind if they stayed as they are still fun to watch whenever they decide but i believe that they have plans of making the family bigger 😁 , so let’s see . Martina loves the camera world and her involvement with the Russian apartments , she’s the star or RLC currently as all the talks , speculations and literally every single move she makes , is analyzed at an incredible depth that sometimes , if she was for example a person that would take completely into account what’s written here , she would have problems to “ breathe “ . I don’t think RLC wants to lose her and only if she decides with Alberto to move on for their privacy reasons away from RLC , we will be seeing both of them going . Martina is a “ must exist “ RLC project in my opinion . Leora was , is and will always be the legend of RLC , the site’s ultimate star , the top of the top and this can’t be changed for a millionth of reasons . Despite her downgrade of performances and presence due to the way she faces RLC and ultimately the subscribers during this stay , serious controversy amongst long time members, new subscribers and viewers that want to see more than what she gives with the staged shows , she still creates top cams content , endless talks in the forum here and i believe RLC will have her always according to her wishes , I believe that Leora decides for RLC how she is to be handled and not RLC . She knows and believes that she remains the top star and takes full advantage of it by knowing completely how this cameras world work and knowing what needs to be done . Therefore , I don’t think she goes anywhere , unless she wishes . It is up to the viewers if they want to keep on being fooled or not , obviously they want 😂 Malia has an incredible potential and she could be fantastic if she had her own place , i think she is “hiding” much of what she could give for RLC , I think she does everything as she’s instructed by Leora and I think she has completely different ideas of how she would like to perform and act in front of cameras but Leora’s influence and shadow and in my opinion , the “ obligation “ that she feels she has towards Leora of giving her the chance to shine and become a “ small RLC star “ ( she obviously loves to know that she’s been watched - when I believed for a long time that she was bored and uninterested -) , I think that under the right circumstances , she would have been great and for sure much more enjoyable than current boring Leora as we don’t know her , we haven’t seen her blossoming all by herself , therefore , I don’t mind with her staying . Last but not least Masha , here the words are less than the actions . I don’t think that has been another tenant that has kept an apartment so much interesting by providing endless content and happenings for years , new guests , people who became tenants , I would say that she’s the definition of how people would like to watch RLC as she provides content for everyone . Real life events ? At Masha’s .Shows ? At Masha’s .Parties , visitors, fun , disappointment , it is all there and personally I know that she could give us endless surprises more . I think she is also a big asset for RLC and like Leora , although she hasn’t got the magnitude of Leora because she has chosen a different approach ( in my eyes , she never betrayed her fans , she always respected us , never anything fake , just a continuous flow of happenings and unpredictability , exactly as we got to know her through the years ) , I think she will also be the one that chooses when to stop and not RLC . There you have it with your suggestions , the best thing and what desperately RLC needs is to have 3-4 new apartments in Rome and Barcelona with locals or even with tenants that we have already seen and were very popular -but local living people - and I am sure that through the various interactions , the business model could get again the boost that is needed and the complains will be for sure less than the current really hitting hard on them .
  21. I have sent this exact idea that you mention back in March of this current year , I got the answer that Nicholas mentions some posts later . It is good to know that there are also others who think how this apartment could be watchable and interesting again apart from the daily shows that the girls provide which , let’s be honest , if it wasn’t for this , there’s no other thing happening at all in this apartment so as to keep subscribers and viewership active .
  22. Thank you @conay22 for great posting and explaining a bit more . @Fagen, I don’t speak Spanish but with good and careful attention/ observation / listening , I can understand only the very basics because I speak some Italian . Bruno’s - Holly relationship was mentioned by Bruno during the argument and also the word “ enamorada “ was heard , it was Bruno explaining Holly’s feelings for him when they were together I believe . I think we will know a bit more of what’s going on as the days pass by ☺️
  23. According to what we have witnessed since rejoining RLC in Barcelona in September 2019 and their initial move in B5 , we haven’t seen any friends for both Nelly and Bogdan on cameras , except the guy that recently visits the villa quite often . Obviously and since it is known that Bogdan has a kind of job for RLC ( except being a tenant ) and also keeping in mind that they had time off cameras from March 2020 till September that rejoined again RLC this time in B4 , I could think that in this two years time for Nelly in Barcelona that she must have made some kind of friendships or getting to know people from the big Russian community and not only . Otherwise, she has only Bogdan which makes it extremely insane had she risked the relationship with him , without any other people knowing in Barcelona . For whatever my opinion worths , the best and easiest for both of them to do is to go back in Russia where they can easily have their life the way they want , off cameras with the good financial withdrawals that they have made and concentrate on their marriage and possible having children and so on , since it was also recently mentioned . I think it has been enough for them with RLC , of course they still make a big amount of monthly income involved with it , but subscribers are tired , I believe they are both cameras tired ( many times for big periods of time they are not present in B4 ) as well , therefore it might be the best for everyone that they call it a wrap . Let’s see what happens .
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